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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito


    Welcome to the forum! If you have any questions feel free to ask anyone with a red or a blue name.
  2. aaaand wifi card is dead. Guess it's time for overheating laptop until the new one comes in the mail.

  3. Ito

    Welcome! And thanks for having such a great introduction post XD
  4. Just finished FMA: bros in the hood. Really great show but I thought the ending was a bit too clean and kind of lacked any real weight. Still probably one of the best shonen (if not -the- best) ever made.
  5. God dammit both of you! >.< ::gives Linh and Aoi huge hugs:: I can't even begin to image how much that sucks I feel for you.
  6. Ito

    God dammit ender-ender
  7. Ito

    Do what you need to do
  8. Ito

    I'm not talking about impact, I am talking about detail, two very different things I knew that I was going to be most likely losing bass going in to this, but I tend to like a bit of a brighter sound anyways.
  9. Ito

    Finally got my AKG K7XX's. Man, open cans are such a different experience and for the most part I am really enjoying it. They leak less sound than I thought they would and I can use them at work just fine. Honestly, they don't sound as expansive as I thought they would, but that is perhaps because I am coming off of AKG K550's, which have surprisingly robust soundstage for a closed can. The only problem I have at the moment is the bass doesn't feel all the detailed, but I think it might because they might need some better amplification than what I am driving them with. More info to come as I spend more time with them.
  10. Ito

    Apparently I have a twin
  11. Ito

    Manga goes here, guys http://monochrome-heaven.com/index.php?/topic/11063-what-manga-are-you-reading/
  12. Ito

    Only thing I will comment on about Code Geass:
  13. Ito

    I'll believe it when I hear it. Yoshiki has turned me in to a grumpy old man. Now get off my lawn.
  14. Ito

    Please don't have fun, Saku...It would ruin the mood I'm joking dude, feel free to discuss here if you want. Apparently I am not that funny XD Still doesn't make Code Geass not a terrible piece of shit ^__^
  15. Ito

    This isn't the thread for proper discussion! THIS IS TRASH TALK! YOUR OPINION IS SHIIIIIIIIIIIIT!
  16. Ito

    Well, this IS the Trash Talk thread lol. At least I am not going to go in to the reasons that I think it is garbage
  17. Ito

    Thanks! I'd like to think that I keep on getting better over the years lol.
  18. If anyone wants to check out and vote in my "Best of 2014" photo contest, that would be most appreciated! Basically, I went though and picked out my top 20 shot I took and edited in 2014 and I thought it would be fun to have a vote to see what people think is my best work. Pretty much every like, share, and favorite counts as a vote. - https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.834431983289752.1073741888.364489880283967&type=1 And if you want to see the album in higher quality on Flickr - https://www.flickr.com/photos/60154274@N00/sets/72157650894940376/
  19. I think Engrish is kind of luck the uncanny valley for me. It's fine if it is so bad I can barely recognize it as English, and it's fine if it is clear and understandable, but that middle ground where it sounds like they are trying so hard and failing miserably is the part that drives me nuts.
  20. Ito

    Since I just finished watching it with my GF, a reminder that the Samurai Champloo ending is fucking amazing
  21. Ito

    Just thought I would put a reminder out there at Code Geass is fucking terrible.
  22. I'm just watching this with my gf for the first time and really loving it. The first series never clicked with me, this one is so much better.
  23. I am beyond exhausted. This weekend was crazy and fun and now I am ready for bed.

    1. blackdoll


      similar weekend here

  24. Guess this requires me listening to it all the way through, huh? I ended up bailing on by the forth track the only time I have tried listening to it so far.
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