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Everything posted by Ito

  1. Ito

    Looking sweet! Let's see some more!
  2. Ito

    I honestly found 12 to be marginal at best. Better than 11 which I thought was huge turd, but there were so few songs that I really enjoyed. I marked half of the tracks as negative from my initial couple of listens and haven't really revisited the album till now...and even among the ones I didn't mind,t here isn't a single track that I -really- enjoyed. I find Cali=Gari to be an incredibly hard band to write about....as I really didn't like their specific brand of weird that they brought with this album. But that's not to say that I don't enjoy a lot of their weird. Take Hakkyou Channel for example. I have a hard time explaining how I enjoy that track but something like Van Bang Bang off of 12 just annoys me. XD
  3. GF and I have been watching Ore Monogatari...been enjoy it so far.
  4. Ito

    Also, there is a fairly easy was to trim $139.89 off of that list XD
  5. I still call him Zess anyways lol
  6. Ito

    Please cite your sources XD There will be changes but I have read nothing about changing it from turned based.
  7. I feel like more and more people are making it back lately XD Welcome back!
  8. Ito

    This is from March, so I probably should have posted this a while ago, but w/e Skylake need to hurry up and get here XD
  9. Ito

    Welcome back to the insanity
  10. Ito

    Running the same exact card and loving it.
  11. Ito

    Was really hoping we would get a release window for FFXV. Guess not lol
  12. Ito

    Welcome to the forum! Also, lol Batsu XD
  13. Ito

    Honestly, for me, FF7 is the ONLY one that truly needs a remake. As someone who was late to the FF scene, I picked up VII-X at the same time when I finally had the money to get a PS2 late-ish in to it's life cycle. At the time when FF7 came out, the graphics were probably awesome, but honestly, those character models are truly off-putting. I was a huge reason as to why I couldn't really get in to the game. VIII and IX are soooo much better in that regards. So to ME, this feels like they are finally making an FF7 that I really want to play.
  14. Ito

    My apartment when: Quote from my friend: "We'll see The Last Guardian when we see a Final Fantasy VII Remake."
  15. Ito

    MH Bros are best bros
  16. Ito

    I'll believe it when I see it. Microsoft is having a hell of a presser this e3. Backwards compatibility and now mod support.
  17. Ito

    Thanks! That one of the Monohime cosplayer (the 2nd one) is one of my favorites I took at Acen...and also a good example of what you can do with cheap lighting solutions. 1st shot: one flash off camera in a small soft box - about $300 in lighting gear 3rd shot: 3 flashes in one large soft box - about $450 in lighting gear 2nd shot: a 5 in 1 reflector (using the diffusion panel) - about $15 lol
  18. Ito

    Thanks guys!
  19. Ito

    Really overall. I think you should play around with them a bit more and have a bit more layering as well.
  20. Ito

    I like it! I wish there was a bit more variance in terms of the opacity of triangle, but it still looks sweet.
  21. Crube wins avatar of the year lmao

    1. Crube


      Two minutes in MS Paint pays off! Also, wouldn't Ito's read "Hill la Hill" or "Grill la Grill"? Maybe "Hill la Grill"?

    2. ghost



    3. Ito


      Probably, Crube, if I wanted to put in real effort lol

    4. Show next comments  57 more
  22. Ito

    Been shooting a lot lately, so here are some new images that I took at Acen.
  23. I need some help with identifying how some cosplayers. Anyone know who they are cosplaying? I am just not as up on my VK member anymore (nor am I confident enough in my guesses) XD
  24. Ito

    Too much awesome for one photo [/thread]
  25. COgeNdshE needs to put out something new

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