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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. I've never heard about selling a PV DVD only as limited live distirbuted DVD, moreover announce it 1 day before the live.. it's just ridiculous...

    PV means PROMOTION, its fuckin' not promotion...

    But few months later they will put it on the shop this only one PV DVD for 2-3.000 yen.


    Really i thought they will release the Insane flashback show as maxi single with self-titled PV, but instead of it, they re-release the first album, and blow to it the 3 new song. Make PV for a weak, one year old song, and sell it on separated DVD, but first as live distirbuted, and announce it 1 days before the live.


    Another, they announced yesterday,only that persons can get ticket for free 凛 one-man live (10.14), who order something from webshop over 3,000 yen. And it's from August 1st. Even if I pre-ordered this album and new live dvd in july already, i can't get the ticket. Fuck Off i cancelled and ordered again today.

    Seriously, whats wrong with these guys?? Really pissed me off the UNDER CODE lately.

    That's why I never buy items from UNDER CODE's popular bands. There are too many sales gimmicks.

    And always, KISAKI's band is the worst. If you want to fully support “KISAKI's band”―it's a death wish. For example, Phantasmagoria released a special signed photo with purchase of 5 memorial watches―total cost 50,000 yen.

    If LIN gets more popular, it will be even worse!

  2. Eh, all of the music sounds clumsy and I'm not digging that they're already playing the “suits and a lil' makeup!” card. Buuut their logo is very cool and the vocalist has a “is this NIGHTMARE or the GazettE?” major-typical voice, so they could go places if they really wanted to.

  3. I think it's quite important to know whether he only posted *fake*-pictures from his hospital-stay or whether he did it before that as well. (I ask because there seems to be lots of them. And even trivial ones like a bottle of water or some random food that he could have taken by himself if he wanted to.)

    Because if this was a usual habit for whatever twisted reason I can't figure out...

    it's still very, very rude but no reason to assume he's pretending to be sick.

    I mean he has had health-problems in the past (unless of course it was all lies, but I doubt that.) and it was not ~surprising~ for anyone to hear he was hospitalized, right?

    He posted 10~20 stolen images, most of which were mundane things like food.

    Boiling it all down, and if I recall correctly, there are two images which look really bad for him: 1) the image of “his” food while in the hospital; 2) the image of “his” car window after it was broken into at night. All of the other stolen images (paper cranes, pancakes, alcohol, etc.) are bad too, of course, but don't deal with anything important.

    Right after all of this came out, KISAKI posted a picture of his tattooed arm with a bandage over where his IV would have gone in―to “prove” he was at the hospital. There is no way the image itself is fake, but of course it's also easy enough to tape a cotton ball to yourself.

    KISAKI has always gone to the hospital fairly regularly, and visitors etc. have confirmed this, so it's not as if he's always been lying about that. That's not to say, however, that this particular time wasn't a lie. In KISAKI's favor, staff member TAKAFUMI posted a photo from visiting KISAKI in the hospital, but, again, this photo could be staged with enough effort.

    Those are the facts of the situation. It's impossible to say with certainty what he was lying about and what he wasn't, but each person will have to come to their own conclusion.

    Personally, I'm a firm believer in “the truth lies in the middle.” I don't think he was lying about everything, but I also think he probably exaggerated or told half truths. It's equally naïve to think he's an angel as it is to think he's the devil.

  4. wait, perhaps it's good. im looking forward to realies album only to see if change!'s on it. and i hope it is cos i cant find that live distro anyfawkingwhere.

    You're just looking to buy a copy, correct? I mean you already have the MP3 already?

    Anyway, I think it will be included: UNDER CODE bands usually include their recent singles' title tracks on their full albums ⇒ label said the REALies album will have 4 old songs ⇒ REALies has four singles (NuAGE, CHANGE!, NEXT⇒, and Plugn). So, I could be wrong, but I definitely think CHANGE! will be included (if not, it would have to be a b-side or from their recent mini-album, which would be weird for UCP.)


    More album theories, if anyone's interested...

    I would expect SUZAKU's album to include Magaru (...), Ouka Ranbu, and maybe Taeranoid. However, the info for their album says only “10 tracks total”―nothing about “mostly new tracks” or “1 new track” etc. That's actually weird for UCP. So that could mean nothing or it could mean something, not really sure at this point.

    Obviously it's all speculation, but most UNDER CODE albums include around 2~4 old songs, so that's what I would expect here. (Hopefully the tracklists will be revealed in advance so we can make informed purchasing decisions!)

  5. what's the name of this song? the tittle of the video?

    i mean or it's not just their one-man tittle

    in other words where/when can i find this whole song

    The title of the song is unknown as of now and you can't find a full version anywhere 'cause they haven't released anything yet. If I recall correctly, they're releasing some sort of distributed CD(s) during their tour, and then an album in December.

  6. Okay, so the album is essentially a rerelease of Independent Maze but with three new songs and like a live DVD or something right? I just want to make sure I know what's going on here.

    I'm excited for the new songs for sure, but I don't order DVDs anymore since my region free DVD player broke and I have a ton of Versailles and Moi dix Mois DVDs that won't play anymore -_-

    Exactly. Independent "MAZE" with all original bonus tracks, plus 3 new tracks on a separate disc. They are also selling a live DVD (which is separate from the album).

  7. Sounds good !

    5150 sounds like APOCALYPSE (Megaromania) and I see that Gt.梓-azusa- was a roadie of Megaromania !

    I dont know the Megaromania song but is the second sample the start from 5150? The guitar and vocal-melody is an nearly exact copy of

    (and if you're right, i guess Megaromania 'covered' it too).

    Hmm, 5150 doesn't really sound like APOCALYPSE in my opinion but I can definitely hear NEMESIS (in 5150). Interesting!

  8. I don't understand how ORICON works. Their website is horrible and I feel like the information never makes sense!

    Anyway, to be honest I really thought NEGA was the most popular band at UNDER CODE. I'm surprised to see sales that low! Really puts into perspective how tiny the bands we like are.

  9. I “get” his vocal―namely that he's copying KIYOHARU (basically as the whole band's concept is SADS' PORNO STAR era)―but the mastering makes it sound so bad! Maybe if the vocals weren't twice as loud as everything else―anyone else think it sounds like he put the mic inside his mouth a few times?―it would be listenable.

    That being said, the music is pretty lame/basic too ;(

  10. It just bothers me to see a comment like that in this thread. Kentz is a real man who is going to die soon, as far as he knows; it's pretty dark to accuse anyone of having such little consideration as to use that looming death as a revenue opportunity. I'm sure it was just a fleeting, lighthearted thought that made you chuckle, but it really sticks out in such a sad thread. Personally, I find it hard to be lighthearted about the situation at all.

  11. I just have to say, I loooove reading Yuuga's blog (what I can understand anyway). One of the things I hate about vk (/Japanese entertainment culture in general?) is how fake/secretive everyone is, and Yuuga just blows that out of the water.


    Also, maybe this is obvious to everyone already, but those two solo albums which Yuuga is giving away for free were released a couple of years ago. So it's not as if he's insane and recording albums solely for the purpose.

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