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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. Very rough estimate of 1 CD's shipping to spain is ~$3 USD. All 4 CDs would be about ~$8 USD. (And the price can go down if I ship without jewel cases.)


    MIYAVI CD is the original 2nd press (NOT the one sold at his live)―it's the one with the image of clown MIYAVI as the cover (but NOT the KING RECORD reissue in 2005). I've read that it was supposed to contain a trading card, but there was none when I received it.


    First person to message me with definite interest will get them.

  2. To be fair they've been “working on an English album” “to be released this year” for like the past 6 years, right? X JAPAN sucks.*


    *at being a real band―I guess it's not as bad if you just think of them as another group of old guys getting together for “one last tour”, but I really believed their lies about new album(s), and I imagine it's terribly disappointing for fans

  3. 1. SUZAKU and Vior gloire are the least popular. Economics and VK culture.


    2. F・B's members are special to the label, and KO-JI, in particular, became an unofficial “face” of UCP. So KISAKI gave them special treatment because he is close to them, but also because any fan of the label would expect it. It's hard for us to see 'cause no one likes them online, but that doesn't represent reality. If it gives perspective, KO-JI's MC is the first one that made a lot of people cry.


    3. BFN was there because of Rame. Beyond the VIDOLL connection, he was actually in a co-producer type position when UCP first opened, so he's really important. Furthermore, unlike Jui or JUN, he has actually continued to care about the label after joining a successful new band. So not only is Rame important to KISAKI, but I'm sure he wanted to participate (where Jui or JUN, etc., might not have cared).


    4. Dali “did” disband at their last live, but on the next day they announced that they were postponing their official disbandment until May 3rd―they didn't feel that it would be right to miss UNDER CODE's last live after being a part of the label for so long.

  4. Not saying that the price is trivial, but it wouldn't be unheard of for them to charge ~$100 each for a book and DVD release separately, so I'm not too upset at $120 for the set. Plus that's going to include a completely original (if shitty) song by Ray × CO-, as well as some other unannounced privilege... Not upset at all.


    Tempted to save up for this for the complete discography of all ucp bands in one, accurate,  reference. That, and I'll rub it all over my body in the hopes that I'll turn into a Heishin bandman.


    “complete・accurate” For that, just wait a year and come back to weloveucp.com. I can't wait to see what kind of omissions and mistakes they make in the book♪

  5. Much more positive announcement than I expected, ahaha! Anyway, glad that it's a good announcement, but D has had continuous trouble with major labels... I hope this experience will turn out different...!

  6. release of their new album "MYTH 第二章 遥かなる旅路(MYTH dainishou haruka naru tabiji)" will be postponed to 2013/05


    Aaaand it starts. Like I said, I'll believe it when I'm listening to it, lol

  7. (looking at D's anniversary single track titles gives me a disband incoming feel, though... so they might form a baby-band together maybe)


    D is also making an important announcement at that live, so it def. smells like disbandment incoming, haha. Unusual amount of losses of established bands in this first half of the year!

  8. I don't get why they even tried to hold on to the name. It's been so long since the major-popularity days that no one is going to check them out just because of a name. Just start a brand new band, you'll get a few fans for the “ex-Wizard” connection, and otherwise be able to get the attention of this generation of girls.

  9. Well that's a ridiculous reply. God forbid UNDER CODE release a last omnibus! (You know, like Sequence Records, CROW MUSIC, Matina, CLIMAX ENTERPRISE, Eternal, Soleil, marder suitcase, and literally every other label done and will do.)


    Really want to talk about Tadashi “DESTROY OF ALL THINGS” Matsuura ripping off fangirls? Let's!


    And by that I mean let's talk about Phantasmagoria. AKA “when everything was perfect” or, for people who were actually paying attention, a time when KISAKI reached unequaled levels of cheap ploys to get a buck.


    Your “perfect time” saw no less than 10 re-releases, 3 of which were before the band was even having trouble, and I'm only talking about CDs. Then you have the Phantasmagoria “buy the entire $500 set and receive a signature” memorial watches, the perfumes (a ploy so transparent that Versailles had to jump on it too), the fucking purses.


    I'm not saying you're stupid (saying), I'm just wondering why this omnibus sets off feelings of rage when 6 years of Phantasmagoria playing your ass like a chump didn't.

  10. FUTURISM・BOYZ will surely disband. I think REALies will actually stay for a while (they keep saying so at least, and seem to be popular).


    Right now I figure they're just padding out the disbandment announcements over months so that each one has some impact. So probably SUZAKU's announcement will be disbandment, hahaha.


    Oh, and I expect Vior gloire to disband, just because they are amazing and don't deserve to.

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