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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. Guess we'll never know what 'Freezing rain,' 'Days of Regret,' '深蒼,' 'シオン,' and their other two songs unreleased songs sound like :( Which is sad, since they've been playing these since they first started.


    Oh damn, forgot that they had those songs too. Didn't know of SHION at all, I think. Weird/sad how they debuted a couple of songs and never played them again really. (BTW, one of those untitled songs you referred to became My place and is on a CD. But you're right about not hearing the rest ;(.)

  2. Some other notes:


    - From their OHP, I thought they might be associated with GOEMON RECORDS (since it recently uses this “MAG” content management system). But, I was wrong! It appears they're on a label called 秘密基地 (Himitsu Kichi)―so yeah, guess they left AKA-ON.


    - Leaving AKA-ON is probably why they changed their name (although I like their new, focused concept as well).


    - Seems that their distributor/marketer is BEVAULT, which is the label of DEATHGAZE. I thought it was interesting!


    - Their logo uses RESIDENT EVIL (movie) font, hahaha. The logo's quite cool anyway.

  3. I knew of this release from when it popped up at online shops, and from the name and cover art, I assumed this was a virtual/doujin band... glad that I am wrong! This is much cooler.


    They have great instrumentation (as did PIECE original ver.), so I can respect/enjoy this music even though I don't usually like “positive” bands so much. And on top of that, their costumes look really good and somewhat original/unique to the scene right now; and their props (drummer's chair, balloon as part of costume, etc.) are really thought out; and the PV looks good!―


    ―so in all, I'm impressed with this “positive” band, and I'm actually interested in the full CD. Good job!

  4. Another poem book with cool illustrations would be great, but neither a book of promotional shots nor a book of amateur photography sound very interesting. IMO at least


    From the previews, the self-taken photography looks especially bad. Seems like looking at an amateur just learning and trying to figure stuff out, which IMO doesn't make for a very good book. Again, just my opinion on the release and no hate toward Kyo

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