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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. for info only, beside LOCUS, there are 2 more bands joining ELE-MUSIC at 2013/01/01 as below:

    Black Klaxon:


    『正義』崇拝教團JUSTICE KING(『seigi』suuhaikyoudan JUSTICE KING):


    It also seems that “南条ひなfor LUNE” (idol musician?) will release a CD through ELE-MUSIC, although probably not formally signed. Furthermore, Black Klaxon and LOCUS seem to be released through ELE-MUSIC umbrella branch “Elective System.” So I wonder if this means they aren't formally signed either.

  2. Thanks for the info.

    I also think that they generally sound a lot like Dir en grey... but they are a VK band after all, so we can just ignore that. Interesting though how many bands have covered Cage in some way and how popular it still is, yet Dir en grey despise this song so much (but that's another topic).

    I like grieva, even though they seem to be copycats of the bands that emerged in the first half of the new millenium.

    They're unabashedly 100% about re-doing that entire era. Many bands have drawn from DEG over the years, but that song is literally Cage in a higher key, lol. And every single aspect of their artistry so far (from titles, to makeup, to clothing, to performance, and even scenes of those PVs) are ripped directly from that era.

    That being said, I don't mind in the least―I welcome it!!

    I've always loved the themes of that era of visual kei, and I'm so so so down for it to be continued. They're going to introduce it to a whole new generation of teenage girls who―while not actually catching all the references―will vote it in vogue again via their parents' wallets.

    Grieva is already showing a great deal of success with this “revival kei,” so much so that Shimizuya is already throwing together their own band to capture the spark. And I'm completely happy about it!

  3. I hate Kisaki, it's his fault. If he didn't close UCP, they wouldn't disband so soon. I hate this, why can't they continue under a different label?


    They were perfectly capable of moving to a new label. They've been the most popular UCP band for years, so I'm sure any other indie label would be happy to have them. There's nothing to suggest that disbanding wasn't their decision.

    I feel like UCP breaking up isn't the main reason why they're disbanding, although it might have given them a convenient exit to do so. I think they just might be spent as a band and want to go on top and not fizzle out (...)

    Good thought.

  4. I'm surprised so many people hated VANITAS. I thought it was top-notch.

    Sad to see them go.

    Right? I thought VANITAS was super great and have loved almost all of their stuff in recent years (including PERESTROIKA).

  5. And what is that ?

    Iris解説本「TO WEEP FOR LOVE」

    価格\2,500 (in tax)


    1st Full album [iris]のメンバーによる曲解説本

    機材や歌詞や曲 そのこだわり抜いた全ての全貌がここに。


    It's a book that explains their full album and such

  6. It always goes something like this:


    aka they're just fishing for attention and shit like this sells tickets

    On the other hand, what great excuse to disband! If only KISAKI had done something like this with UNDER CODE, he could say “well, it was your fault for not buying those Arc CDs~”

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