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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. i'unno. Blame Arithmetica for using that tag since I pulled most of them out of her library ;O

    Wasn't implying that anyone should actually use that name, just showing how ridiculous those names can get! Ooh which reminds me, one of my early favorites was ∀ile≒de〔Σu〕!

    Also I hate †яi¢к

    Yes!! Like, it doesn't even look good from an aesthetic point of view. The proportions and kerning are so weird! I also hate it because you might look at it and think “oh, some weird little band of newcomers who don't know any better” but then you realize it's made up of 40 year olds.

  2. I like band names that use math or grammar.

    D≒SIRE , 【zo:diaek】 , ∋elf gravity∈ , ∑-sigma- , [_Van;illa] , etc.

    You mean 【zɔ́ːdi̽æ̀k】? lol. Along those lines, one of the most ridiculous is ex-Kiryu Lυτёη∀ (who I actually liked, but that's beside the point).

    I actually love names with a bit of decoration (eg. D≒SIRE, Mareydi†Creia'), but the ones that go crazy with Euro/Greek/Russian letter forms (the two above) are just too obnoxious! I also hate bands that don't know what their name is, eg. ZI:KILL / Zi+Kill / Zi∻Kill ...

  3. ...

    This has ALWAYS been the case with PSCompany. You guys are just realizing this? They, Avex, and Kisaki's shit have always been uptight asshole's about their artists' "content". And throw bitchfits over anything that's posted on the internet.

    This was a reason (though not THE reason) why Miyavi left them.

    *KISAKI/UNDER CODE have never done anything about lyrics, images, or uploads. The most aggressive UNDER CODE has gotten about copyright is a poorly written copyright message at the beginning of DVDs. So I don't see the point in mentioning him

  4. I wonder if they mean that they don't want their pictures to be used at all or if they don't want pictures explicitly hosted on their domains to be used.

    They mean the former. It's lame as hell, but Japanese companies can be ridiculously, illogically heavy-handed about the use of “their” materials. This is the reason why you might see older Japanese fansites using drawings of artists instead of actual pictures―although some labels have even cried fowl on that. Lyrics are similarly sinful.

    It's only the really big labels that have such huge sticks up their asses, but, unfortunately, PS COMAPNY is on that level.

    But whatever, it won't hurt them.

  5. That's not the important announcement, it's just something that KISAKI revealed before the live. The important announcement will be made in a couple of hours. So, who knows, it could be last CD and DVD or something. Also, it just says "CD and DVD", not that it's an album or anything (although that would be awesome). We'll have to wait for more info

  6. Perhaps, Riku is not going to make the same errors with his musical ego. Looks like a complete rebirth of chariots, not a solo project. So, ideas of the other members will influence the music and they will compose something...

    Perhaps, Lin will continue their hiatus some time...

    If you're right, I think that would be good. I'll gladly eat my words if the new chariots is awesome. But I still want LIN to come back no matter what.

  7. Watch KISAKI join chariots and LIN disband ahahahha

    I respect chariots fans, but I really have a chip on my shoulder when it comes to the actual band. I feel like RIKU's musical ego is just too great to be left unchecked: with someone like KISAKI around to filter his ideas, the music comes out great; but left to his own devices, RIKU produces the most heinous overly-aggressive-metal meets dubious-semi-rap meets filtered-techno-burps schlock.

    In my opinion at least, chariots has never and will never be successful (musically), and yet UNDER CODE has just thrown money at them for years and years for no other reason than it's RIKU--and there's absolutely nothing to show for it (again, just my opinion). With all that failure over the years, I don't see why they keep trying--if anything, RIKU should just continue exploring that chariots sound with LIN, as they've already done a few times. To rebuild chariots every other year is just a complete waste.

    In the end, it doesn't bother me if chariots just hangs around and releases things every now and then, and in that case I'll be happy they're back just for the chariots fans that exist. But if LIN doesn't come back just so chariots can, I think I'll tear my hair out!

  8. By the way, I started two little contests.

    ① One person who comments on this post will win a free ticket.

    ② One person who shows proof that they bought a ticket will win a free poster (NEGA, Megaromania, LIN, REALies, or WE LOVE UCP).

    Please feel free to mention that anywhere (there are no restrictions on country or anything like that).

  9. Hey, is there going to be a chat room like the Twitter event that Phantasmagoria had? Still don't know if I'll even make it but a chat would be super fun!

    I don't recall there being one at the LIN live. However, [if the stream happens] I might try to put the page on weloveucp.com wrapped in an iframe and add a chatbox on the side. But I dunno if that will work. We'll see!

  10. Update: I didn't realize it before, but EnTicket has a minimum sales quota on all lives; this minimum must be met in order for the stream to go forward. In this case, at least 50 tickets must be sold, and there are currently 38 left. The remaining 38 tickets must be purchased by December 24th or the live stream will be cancelled :(!

    So, please consider buying a ticket if you're interested in watching this event!

    ⇒ Purchase a ticket

    I also updated the original post with the lineup and links to more information and purchasing guides in both English and Spanish.

  11. I know UCP used to sell videos of concerts online, but those have been gone for ages(unfortunately I was only able to buy a few before the removed them from the site :( )

    :o! I have a couple as well! Which ones did you manage to get? (And yeah, I really wish those were still up. At the time I couldn't spend money to get many, but I remember them having some badass session lives―which will never see the light of day now, unfortunately!)

    Edit: Thanks for the guide! I just finished purchasing my ticket, which wasn't all that bad considering the live itself is about 5500 yen to actually go. Also, you mentioned on the site that you were partially responsible for the stream... how did that come about?

    As much as I'd love to say I called KISAKI on our direct line, it was just a matter of friends and me making noise. I had the idea of streaming the event, so I emailed and tweeted KISAKI, UNDER CODE, and EnTicket, and other people helped. Eventually EnTicket noticed and, being really really great with overseas customers, said they'd contact UNDER CODE and get the ball running. It was just a shot in the dark, but it worked out!

  12. Update: all tickets sold! The stream will be shown! General ticket sales have now begun. General tickets are limited to 50 total and cost 1,700 yen each.

    ⇒ Purchase a general ticket

    UNDER CODE PRODUCTION and EnTicket are cooperating to stream the UNDER CODE New Year countdown event. To watch the stream, a 1,500 yen “virtual ticket” must be purchased. However, this ticket gives access to about 10 hours of streaming footage with no cuts (including LIN's important announcement). The bands that will be shown are:

    - NEGA

    - Megaromania

    - LIN -the end of corruption world- (with important announcement)

    - SUZAKU

    - Vior gloire

    - Dali

    - CindyKate

    - Cu[be]


    - REALies

    - Zaidan Houjin Kurojuuji 2011

    - IDOL


    - Large session

    ⇒ Purchase a ticket

    ⇒ More information and guide to purchasing (English)

    ⇒ Information and purchase guide (Español)

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