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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. Wow, the international edition has great bonus tracks--I high recommend getting it if you don't own those songs already! (Night-ship “D”, Yami Yori Kurai Doukoku no A CAPELLA to Bara yori Akai Jounetsu no ARIA, Dearest you, and Sleeper) Looks like it is only at that Cool Japan store, 3,150 yen.

  2. to be honnest.

    Hibiki (Calmando Qual)

    doesn't even really get what is visual kei. and what is good visual kei.

    He did ask fans a lot what good visual kei bands are.

    But yeah.. it doesn't mean if they are under starwave that they are 100% visual kei.

    I'm glad someone else shares this sentiment! Starwave is definitely not a completely visual kei label, even though that was its purpose. There's a certain “spirit” that real visual kei bands have, and it doesn't matter how “visual” you dress if you don't have that spirit.

    Admittedly, it's something that's undefinable (an “x factor”), but it's just a feeling that I've developed after being a fan of visual kei for x years. For example, THE SOUND BEE HD, Calmando Qual, and jealkb might be “visual,” but I absolutely do not consider them visual kei; but on the other hand, TRIGGAH is wearing suits and light makeup, and I absolutely do consider them visual kei. I don't bring it up often because it seems so subjective, but maybe I'm not alone here.


    For me, it also comes down to the “spirit” when talking about DEG. I absolutely consider VULGAR visual kei; Withering to death was a transitional period, but I still feel that spirit, so I still consider it visual kei, even if loosely. CLEVER SLEAZOID, too, was still visual kei in my eyes, but Agitated Screams of Maggots, on the other hand, was not. That's the point that the “spirit” felt different for me, and so that's when I consider them to have made the transition.

    So I would say: VULGAR is visual kei; Withering to death is transitional; MARROW OF A BONE is definitely not visual kei. And to bring it around to today, I would say they're becoming “visual” (with the zombie makeup), but obviously not visual kei.

    (And on that note, everything they did for a few years seemed to scream to me “I HATE YOU MOM AND DAD, YOU JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND ME *rebel*”, so I'm glad that they've finally matured enough to realize that visuals don't automatically make them visualkeijapanfagz.)

  3. I wonder what will happen to this band in the future... And about Shigure, if he's been hospitalized for so long, I hope he's fine.

    Yeah. As much as I like them, I've just been waiting for them to announce disbandment. It seems that they might release one other song (maybe another single), but I would expect them to dissolve after that.

  4. btw "N@H-ノア-" (pronounced as "noah") stands for "New organization @ Heiseiishin" & "Nano Human", which was "designed" by Vo.拓(taku) as their new band name after 平成維新(heiseiishin)


    Aww that's really sweet. So I guess the original plan was to reform under a new name immediately after HEISEI ISHIN disbanded? That makes his death even sadder then.

  5. KISAKI has re-posted such release info in his blog...and that album was released for certain European regions in 2010/08

    I see the new post :D Still have never heard of it being released in Europe before (just like KISAKI's solo album, SIVA's best album, etc. were supposedly released “worldwide” but never were). But I'll take your word for it

  6. Oh that's pretty cool! Too few visual bands actually acknowledge their fellow-vk-band inspirations. Nice to see the members having fun and doing cover songs that are actually relevant to the scene.

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