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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. Whoooo :D I wonder what kind of direction this single will go. Though it's hard to tell, it seems as if they're following in Mago's footsteps with each single being different from the one prior. I doubt I'll have the money to afford a CD, but if I do, I'd get Type-B for the lives.

    Kind of nice that you wouldn't miss out on songs by buying only one type this time

  2. Yayyyyy~


    2011-03-30 two type release, both types 2,100 yen. Both types have same CD, different DVD: A type has title track PV, B type has two live clips. Both come with a trading card and a form that can be sent in for MAKING OF SILENT TO MY PAIN DVD. If you buy both from the UNDER CODE PRODUCTION official web shop, you get the single a week early (2011-03-21) and get a signed special DVD called OFF SHOT DVD VOL:1.



    02. Call back

    [A type DVD]


    01. FREEDOM (Live from 2010-10-24)

    02. Metamorphose (Live from 2010-12-29)

    Oh, and it says “first consecutive release,?? so they will probably announce something for April soon~~

  3. They told they hope to be back but they dunno how and when...

    Also they told they felt this lineup is the best for E'm and that they wouldn't like to go on with another members so that's probably why they are on hiatus.

    Sounds more like "we would like to come back but probably we won't".

    Also Yuze and Rita were crying all the time so if it's just a break it's gonna be a veeeery long one.

    So sad :(... I just want to add that KISAKI + two members (so far) said in their blogs something like “any future activity absolutely hasn't been decided,?? as in the they don't have any secret plans like usual. So yeah, doesn't seem like they're coming back :/

    I'd like a live DVD as well. I'll be the only white person to buy it, but I don't really care :<

    You know, I think KISAKI said in his blog something like “we got an abnormally large amount of overseas orders for the best album,?? so maybe you wouldn't be! But yeah, I wish UNDER CODE would release a bootleg of it at least... Freaking cello solo!!

  4. 妃&地下線オールスターズ(KISAKI & UCP All Stars) have played KISAKI PROJECT "記憶(kioku)~after confession~" & "??標(michishirube)" at Osaka AM HALL at 2010/12/31-2011/01/01

    Wow, that's a nice surprise! Little somber for a countdown event, but cool. I wish KISAKI PROJECT would restart!

  5. Oh gosh, MALICE MIZER's 薔薇??彩られ??悪????悲劇??幕開?? is my absolute favorite live video, one of the few that I can watch completely in a single setting. I think I'm a minority in this, but that was my favorite period musically, so I love all the songs. Plus, the drama is like 100% what I wish all VK was. Absolutely brilliant!

    As for pop... I really want to see Lady Gaga live DVD!! I thought one was supposed to be released, but guess not!

  6. If they join any label I hope it's Speed-Disk, I think they probably have the best lineup, or that new one, I forget the name, with Diement. and the newer bands.

    But yeah, what is GALAXY, I thought they were on that one label with Baddies, HERETIC something? lol

    They were! A heretic sound music is what you're thinking of. But ALSDEAD graduated from Ahsm at some point and ended up going to Galaxy. Then Ahsm dissolved, but the thing is, ALSDEAD joined Galaxy, and the president of Ahsm formed a new label, FIREBALL, as a sublabel of Galaxy. Sooo essentially they just shuffled some names around, but everyone was still in the family more or less.

  7. Please not on Undercode. Not my piece of cake. Half of the bands on that label suck and the other half that used to be good went major or disbanded. Only band currently on Undercode that I like is Lin.

    Changing labels isn't going to spontaneously make a band any more terrible or brilliant than they already are. And if you truly like a band for their music, I don't see why it would matter to you what label they go to anyway.

    Anyhow~ It would be awesome if they went to UNDER CODE because that's like guaranteed money (for the label I mean), but in my opinion there's like 10% chance of that happening. UNDER CODE just doesn't have a history of signing internet-god-tier bands! But hey, if it does happen, I'll eat my words and congratulate them.

    I just hope it doesn't affect Galaxy negatively, because it has potential to be a cool little label!

  8. All websites where the text says "ÌÞ¯¸?°¸‚?‚±‚¿‚ç‚É‚¨Šè‚¢’v‚µ‚Ü‚·?B"

    You can usually fix this by switching encodings, if you didn't realize! But that's the number one reason why bands shouldn't rely on Flash for their websites; there's no way to fix it when Japanese comes out garbled like that! One of my major pet peeves.

  9. See .syncl, know it's shit. Just like a certain cookie cutter flash template that was all the rage a few years ago.

    DragonWAPPPPPPER has always had terrible OHPs from a web design standpoint. But at the same time, they clearly tried pretty hard even though they didn't know what they were doing, so I can't give them too much shit. This basically applies to their cover art too.

    Can't really say much else; it's hard to say “this is terrible?? when most bands don't try that hard to begin with. Like, Golden Bomber's is certainly shitty, but I feel like that's just an extension of their joke personality.

  10. finally some VK band having drum solo as instrumental track [...] btw track 2 and 8 is not there.

    Dali's to the core is a nice drum-focused SE! In fact, it's one of the few that I listen to as a standalone song. Also, track 2 and 8 aren't there because they're the singles that have already been released!

    Anyway, some of the previews sound cool and some of them sound average. I'm probably the only one, but I've been disappointed with D's albums since the first, so the middling previews/terrible covers don't excite or dissuade me either way.

    On the other hand, The name of the ROSE is one of the ultimate top-tier VK-VK albums in my opinion, in terms of being a 100% strong-all-around piece of work. So maybe I've just expected too much since then. But at least D's mediocre is still pretty good!

  11. I hope not!! It would be a real shame to lose that piece of history :(

    But yeah, it wouldn't really be a surprise either, since Sequence has more or less been inactive since 2008. Byakura is a joke, GallowS is dead, TOMOZO isn't doing shit, and it's pretty obvious that Art Cube is the only thing that's made them any sort of money in years. The only newish bands I've seen Sequence handle are ZELGYER and ZABEL (who appear at every Sequence event for some reason), but they aren't even technically signed to the label as far as I know.

    Anyway, I haven't seen this news either, but it'd be an oddly specific thing for someone to come up with. They must have heard it at a live? (It would help if Ameba didn't go down for maintenance every other day!)

    Boo >;(

    (Sherow, on the other hand, isn't even worth worrying about. It's barely a real label, and KAMIJO's going to keep it technically alive for years and years, never doing anything with it--just like his last label. It's like a McDonalds that's been around for 30 years is closing down, but you're worrying about the two year old “Mr. Donalds?? down the street. Ain't no thing~~~~)

  12. Yes, is the old members (grassthread says all five, but only four are shown, so who knows).

    This is part of their 20th anniversary (!!!!!) revival period, pretty sure it's just temporary. They announced some 20th anniversary live events (featuring revivals by some other cool bands such as MIRAGE!) that will also take place in 2011. But they're calling this period “the last revival,?? and the Brand X description says “after this period, the name ??覇??羅】 will be sealed.?? So it seems like this is really it; enjoy it while you can.

    (Unless the members decide to come back as a new band, which would be awesome, but probably unlikely since they're so old ;x)

  13. Last lives: session live on 2011-03-13, sponsored events on 2011-03-29 and 2011-03-30, and last oneman live on 2011-03-31. Free DVD distributed at last live, last maxi-single, TRUTH, to be released on 2011-03-02. Details here.

    Whether or not you liked their music (and I think most people only dislike the vocals, if anything), I don't think it has anything to do with “them not taking it seriously.?? Maybe for some of the members, but I know Rayka and Lin take their music very seriously (they are some of the few people to actually acknowledge their previous bands, rather than just glossing it over for the sake of image).

    Some of us were actually big fans of them, not because of image, not because of cult of personality, not because of record label, but because they produced some really good music. So yes, something of value was lost. It's sad.

  14. I didnot like them too but why... he was so young. T________________T

    And Japanese never tell the real reason of death.

    Honestly, I personally think he committed suicide :( (But please don't repeat this as fact, it's just something I think)

    He didn't have any conditions (that I know of), and he wasn't sick lately or anything like that. Maybe he was just overwhelmed with the disbanding and everything... So so so sad :(

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