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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. Ok, I fucking HATE it when sites try to prevent you from copying basic information like that. Japanese especially are so draconian about lyrics, as if reading them in one location is somehow different from copy+pasting them onto a fansite and reading them there.

    So as such, I always do my best to copy stuff that they don't want me to. Most sites tend to use JavaScript solutions, which are easy as balls to turn off/figure out the source files/etc. ...Unfortunately, being a huge site, goo is smarter than that :(

    You were mostly right; they use a JavaScript solution that renders the lyrics primarily in an HTML canvas/Silverlight/Flash if your browser doesn't support canvas. And all of those things, by their nature, are impossible to make selectable.

    Of course, the JavaScript still needs to be fed the actual source file from somewhere; it's not as the lyrics can just appear out of thin air. Unfortunately, they beat us there too :( They use a separate JavaScript chunk which communicates the song ID to a PHP page, which I assume then pulls the lyric file from wherever it's stored. In most cases, you'd just be able to call up the PHP page itself (supplying it with the same ID of course) and get the results, but they even have that one covered! When not accessed from their script, the PHP page is blank.

    So basically, they are smart little assholes, and there's really no way around it, as much as I wish that weren't the reality of it ;(


    There is one shitty solution that I can give you, but it might not even be worth it to you:

    Take a screenshot of the page, and crop so only the lyrics are displayed. Upload the file here. This is an online OCR that will try to read the image and pull out the text. It's decent, considering the task it has to pull off, but you wouldn't want to rely on it for something important. I'd say it's maybe 80% accurate, aside from the occasional line that is completely wrong.

    (Alternative note: If you can find one string that looks perfectly accurate, you can try Googling that and see if the full lyrics have been posted somewhere. I already tried that for this particular song and didn't seem to find anything, but maybe you'll have better luck.)

    Once you have the text output, depending your skills, you can compare it to the original image and fix the disparate kanji by hand (I tend to use WWWJDIC's multi-radical kanji page to help with that). It's pretty intimidating, but you'd be surprised how well you can do if you just work hard at it. And then you just have to romanize the guy, but I'm assuming you can do that, and if not, there are tons of people who'll gladly romanize.


    Sorry for the super long winded reply, but man that pisses me off. I had a friend that did that once (although she used the Playskool ver. JavaScript only method that I mentioned earlier) at her fansite, as if her information was somehow exclusive and not fit for public consumption (thus defeating the purpose of a fansite, I would assume?!). Still haven't gotten over that shit.

    Anyway, so yeah, fuck goo and all the sites that do that, and I hope you persevere. And then post the lyrics all over the internet just to spite them. God speed.

  2. indefinitely on hiatus>disband, SOAD(i dont like them) came back 4 years after their indefinite hiatus, so hopefully panic can do the same, like when Tara and Tsubasa left and they went hiatus too, but came back two months later :D so im going to stay optimistic about this and hope for the best or atleast make them bring back key.

    Oh that's semi-good news! I would love for them to just reappear, spending a butt-ton of money on promotion and forcing everyone to love them.

    By the way, there's no way for you to go to the last show? When had you been planning to go see them originally?

  3. Very very sad :( Not that they'd been as popular as long ago, but it's so sad to see them go after being around for so long. I guess the members might feel too old now/too disconnected, but I would love to see some of them return ;(

    Thanks for the news; I'm posting on S-T thanks to your tip. Were you at the live or did you just hear through 2ch/someone?

  4. Maybe my iTunes just sucks then, because 80% of the time the albums get all messed up and I have to organize them track by track.

    Or maybe it's my obsessive compulsive disorder that makes me organize them irregardless of wether or not they come up right.

    The problem (if I understand) is in the tagging system itself. There are three or four main tagging systems, and most files have information from all of them due to people tagging and retagging over and over with various shitty programs. iTunes recognizes bits and pieces of the information + some of their own proprietary tags (you wouldn't believe the stupid tags iTunes adds when you rip something through it!). So it turns out to be one big cluster fuck.

    The only way to really fix it is to download a good tagging program (I use Mp3tag) and delete allllll of the shit tags that are on the file, and then retag it yourself. Ensures that it will show up in iTunes correctly, and will preserve correct information for all future generations ;~;

    Postscript: the only program worse than iTunes for tags is Windows Media Player. Shit s-u-x-sucks

  5. For Rin then, does that pretty much mean it'll be new? Kisaki made a big deal about their first three releases "not being released anywhere else," ...unless that just meant "Foolish." : /

    That only applied to their self-titled, web shop only premium CD thing. Anything else is I guess candidate for eventual best albums.

    At any rate, they've already said that they're contributing a new song, GASP FOR BREATH, to the omnibus :D

  6. Not necessarily - Kei was Phantasmagoria's roadie ((still works as Lin's or spiv states' roadie)) and Ritsuka was a roadie for Megaromania.

    It doesn't immediately mean they'll join UCP, but they will definitely appear on the label's events and stuff. KISAKI likes Kei, I'm sure, he's blogged about him a few times ((about Kei without make-up looking like CINDYKATE's Yuui for example XD)).

    But I'd like them to join the label.

    Yeah, and didn't KISAKI even say “no comment?? about the band's music? Hahahhaha

  7. 3. La'miss fairy

    This to the nth degree. They were so awesome, and one release is just not enough! But I guess they disbanded 'cause that one guy died, and I assume he was the main guitarist, which is what made their music so awesome in the first place, so...

    If there's only one option


    Absolutely! I'm tempted to add Lamina to this as well, but at least they got out a decent discography from those initial releases. ZODIA disbanding was a real shame. They really could have been a big hit for UNDER CODE (at least in terms of critical opinion).

    Aside from those, シュガーフォークフル all the way ;_;. In three years they released jack shit, and it sucks 'cause every single one of their songs was great. (But then again, the main songwriter left, so it wouldn't have been the same if they stuck around.) Dali recently covered an SF song; makes me wish they'd have some sort of SF memorial release or something ;(

    And hmmm, I liked D'AIR, but I think they kind of ran their course. They had a decently sized discography at the least. I think hearing more stuff from SyvaR... would be much more interesting!

    Also, マーディレイラ! They released more than many other bands in this thread, but they were gd awesome.

  8. @gyakutai

    Yeah, same here. I'm thinking this might be a little “fake backstory,?? if you will. I mean, it is the ex band of PERESTROIKA bassist, not Nega bassist. I guess they made it up to make PERESTROIKA seem more real!

  9. Kinda pisses me off that a band this great has to disband due to low

    record sales while other crappy bands are selling like mad. :evil:

    I doubt that has anything to do with it. If that were the case, they'd just come back as an indie band called “Kagrra.?? or something.

    I personally think it's just a case of being around for a long time and getting bored. They've seemed less enthusiastic to me for the last year or two.

    Regardless, it's sad to see the people who created San disband ;(

  10. I don't.

    I'm surprised yours isn't more organized Champ! But it looks like you'd need a bigger dedicated space for that amount of CDs~

    I don't know wtf I'm gonna do with the demo tapes :-\

    Yeah you are screwed :D The only cassette storage you can find nowadays is those hideous wood panel slide out drawers!

    And since everyone else has pixxx:


  11. I'm probably alone and crazy on this one, but does anyone else have specific ways they organize their CD/whatever collection? My stuff is pretty ridiculously organized just because I have limited space.

    • - For regular CD's, I like to keep them in the jewel case, so I try to use snap boxes like
    this. They're a little hard to find here though; as soon as I bought a couple, my local stores stopped carrying them.
    - For distributed/comment CD's/DVD's, I keep them in these bad boys, which are fucking awesome. Basically just a mini-file cabinet that pulls out to reveal hanging sleeves, so it's super accessible. Unfortunately, as soon as I bought two, they stopped being made, and I can't even find them online! So I'm fucked as soon as the second one fills up >( (each holds 80, so hopefully it will be a while).
    - For goods, a few things: flyers I keep in clear sleeves in a 3″ binder; photosets I keep in little nondescript photo books (can never find ones the exact dimensions of photosets though >| ); cheki and stickers and everything else that defies organization, I keep in a big plastic bag that's shoved somewhere in my bookcase.
    - For books, I keep the main ~precious~ ones in bookends on a shelf. For my old Cure magazines, I just keep them in a pile on the floor since they are too heavy to be on the case ;x. And for crazy ass huge books (Matina 1999 IMAGE)... I just stick them somewhere.
    - VHS's and DT's are assholes and can't be organized in any sane way, so I've just jerry-rigged homes for them out of those free flat-rate postal boxes.
    - Oh, and DVD's I just keep in a stack under the bed because wtf, I have no space for that shit!

    So, hmm, have I lost any friends due to creepiness? Or do some of you do the same thing :D?

  12. Wow! So most, if not all, of these songs are new? Surprising considering it's an omnibus, where we usually see just one new song.

    Mail-order is not cool though :roll:

    Don't get your hopes up too much! The main thing to notice here is “rare songs;?? that basically means any song from a release that sold out, which basically means “not at all rare.?? I would be really surprised if more than half of the songs are new (although that would be awesome!).

  13. Ltd. to how many copies? That sucks I hope it gets leaked really quick.

    Their distributed releases generally aren't limited to a certain number of copies; I guess they just make enough for the tickets sold. And just to be a dick, no, it won't be leaked quickly, and it most likely won't be leaked at all. There are like umpteen live-distributed releases by them that will never see the light of day (makes me miss the days when UNDER CODE would sell live-limited releases a few months later).

    And also, looks like they're not releasing any legit CDs any time soon; their new flyer was just posted at UNDER CODE and it only advertises their upcoming lives, lol.

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