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Posts posted by inartistic

  1. ligro has left the label last 1 or 2 month ago, I think the two other bans has disband.

    Nice to A.S.K to find a label, but I think they not make a good deal to sign on DeathTrap.


    and for Veled it's note "(VLD Records)" what is it ?


    Seems like it's just a sublabel of Death trap-Records made for Veled. It's nothing unusual; Speed-disk makes sublabels like crazy, hahaha

  2. inartistic always seems to be incredibly lucky of what he receives in his LuckyBags, haha. 


    Only sometimes haha―I've had some awesome ones, but most are only OK and some are absolutely terrible (I've had bags where I already have literally every CD, lol). It's only 'cause I buy so many and only post about the good ones that it seems I have some good luck... In reality, I've had 6 copies of Phantasmagoria - Dejavu, probably 20 copies of 12012 mini-album reissues, 20 copies of Phantasmagoria revival CDs, etc., lol


    Mostly I just buy them for the 1 distributed CD or DVD that comes in each bag. Those are what I really love... I wish UNDER CODE would have done a bag full of those!!

  3. I doubt it's sales, considering that at least 4 white people bought the album, which is at least a 400% increase compared to their singles' sales.


    But seriously, I would guess that they are so shit tiny that sales don't make a difference either way. The hiatus has to be because Minamo is leaving, since he wrote like 80% of their songs. 

  4. You just jelly of my sick collection brah!?!?!?!

    I do have some tapes I do like and want to keep and a bunch I'm like, ugggh stupid auctions with 500 demo tapes of crap.

    Yet even though these song aren't that rare, nice to have it in a format I can use.


    Yeeeah dude, like a million auctions with the same fucking tapes and 1 different one ;_;

  5. I'd be interested to see what the quality of these are. I assume Kisaki had the raw studio recs lying around, so these should be better than what was put to tape?


    TBH, I would guess that they're the same quality as whatever's been floating around for years... Back when they put some (all?) of this stuff up at UNDER GROUND MUSIC, that's pretty much what it sounded like. And even though the web shop says these have been “remastered”, that tends to be a complete bold-faced lie with UNDER CODE.


    The fact that there's nothing truly rare (eg. Vierge, vie eternele, those two L~CYFER demotapes that have NEVER appeared anywhere) says it all, IMO. I don't think he has masters or even original copies of half of these things, lol.


    Edit: lol, I see now that the description says it's from original masters. Read it at a glance and thought it said “remastered”. Anyway, still pressed that there's nothing really rare like MIRAGE's first stuff, L~CYFER, etc.

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