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Yuuya Miyagi

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Everything posted by Yuuya Miyagi

  1. so scared (>_<) now already night here and i watched it (T_T)
  2. Yuuya Miyagi

    i came to L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour 2012, 2 May 2012 at Lapangan D Senayan, Jakarta too
  3. Yuuya Miyagi

    2010/06/30 Versailles World Tour @ O2 Academy Islington , London 2012/05/02 L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour @ Lapangan D Senayan , Jakarta 2014/01/12 Royz Red Desire LILIA @ Legacy Taipei 2014/06/29 Alice Nine Supernova Symphonia @ Mega Star Arena , Kuala Lumpur 2015/07/13 ユナイト (UNiTE) 【2015 SUMMER ONEMAN TOUR】「俺たちに明日はない」@ 高田馬場AREA (Takadanobaba AREA) 2015/07/17 Blitz 神木壬晴プロデュースDAY『バンギャル集会~Blitzバンギャル化計画~』@二万電圧 (Ni Man Den Atsu) 2015/07/18 ベル (Belle)× リライゾ(Liraizo)Presents「夏祭り~ウルグアイ憲法記念日~」 出演 : ベル(Belle)/リライゾ(Liraizo)/ゴシップ(Gossip)/サウイフモノ(Souiumono)/レイヴ(Rave) @池袋EDGE (Ikebukuro EDGE) memories : Versailles World Tour @ O2 Academy Islington , London First time i saw a band's live concert also first time went to London for vacation , i was 15 years old (is it underage?) i did not understand about the rules . so i took a photo of Versailles's member and also recorded the video . well i was in London not in Japan www . sorry m(_ _)m . but i saw many people took a photo and recorded the video too . first time in first row too in front of TERU i am happy that i could meet KAMIJO and he was talking in english so cute ! L'Arc~en~Ciel World Tour @ Lapangan D Senayan , Jakarta finally good japanese band came to my country , i was waiting for them for a long time . Hyde played sundanese flute from Indonesia . Ken and Tetsu were speaking Indonesian and they were so funny ! Royz Red Desire LILIA @ Legacy Taipei Kazuki was trying to speak Chinese but wrong so i was laughing but i did not understand too . but i knew he was wrong . First time i took 6shot with bandoman and they were Royz and first time talking with bandoman (Subaru and Tomoya) . but i was so shy . Alice Nine Supernova Symphonia @ Mega Star Arena , Kuala Lumpur fanservice shou kiss saga's chick . also i took 6shot and was talking with shou about indonesia too much (shou's fans please don't kill me) . ユナイト (UNiTE) 【2015 SUMMER ONEMAN TOUR】「俺たちに明日はない」@ 高田馬場AREA (Takadanobaba AREA) my first band's live concert in japan yeah ! cause i miss their live in Jakarta (T_T) . i am so happy finally i could go to their live concert too . but for Danger Crue it's hard to get good ticket number . i got C ticket . so far far away from UNiTE aaaaaaaa (>_<) Blitz 神木壬晴プロデュースDAY『バンギャル集会~Blitzバンギャル化計画~』@二万電圧 (Ni Man Den Atsu) too many funny things . i am happy that i could meet them especially ryoryo before they disband ベル(Belle)/リライゾ(Liraizo)/ゴシップ(Gossip)/サウイフモノ(Souiumono)/レイヴ(Rave) @池袋EDGE (Ikebukuro EDGE) first time i saw an event , yeah i came for Liraizo . really really best memories for me Souiumono ok cause i did not following them . sacci and nono are too much different for me . Gossip looks like the Gazette in 2003 maybe . Rave so cute ! you is cute i become you's fans Belle , i heard yumehito was singing his jingle . belle's shikiri dominated Ikebukuro EDGE . Liraizo , my favorite bandoman yuutoman ex Liraizo was caressing my face and also shaked my hands many times ( i am not counting but more than one time).
  4. Yuuya Miyagi

    iya disini sepi orang indonesianya dikit ato kebanyakan cuman bacaiin aja jarang ada yang aktif di forum aku aja ikut ngerameiin kalo lagi bosen aja .
  5. looking MH Market (maybe if i can find bandoman's cheki that i want) , but my favorite bandoman's cheki are rare . it's good that i can save money but i also want to have my favorite bandoman's cheki more

    1. Lestat


      Depends on who you're looking for.

    2. Tetora


      Closet Child always has some.

    3. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      @Lestat yup that's right . is rare i already searching for many times .

      @Tetora : waw . can you give me the link ? but do i need japanese shoping service to help me ?

  6. cold here ~ it's raining . bored aaa .

  7. Yuuya Miyagi

    nice songs ! i miss Royz so much !
  8. oh i see change it again XD but the preview looks like drama nice
  9. anyone , can teach me how to rip the original dvd ?

    1. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      ok i will try . thank you for your information ('-^*)/

  10. does anyone have HERO Life album ?

  11. why i can't download from MEGA ? anyone know how to ?

    1. Licio123


      Sometimes, it's a problem with that file.

    2. Lestat


      It might be a problem with your settings. Find out where you browser saves completed downloads at, it might be doing so automatically.

    3. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      maybe , other link from MEGA that i download can do save automatically but that one link that i want to download can not but it's already 100% (>_<)

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  12. Blitz release their LAST ONEMAN DVD i want to buy it . also their Best album and their movie but i don't have much money cause i spent a lot of money in japan (T_T) . save money

  13. Good bye Blitz !

    1. lollipopmonstar
    2. hiroki


      will miss them ;(

    3. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      @lollipopmonstar (T_T)

      @hiroki me too !

  14. Yuuya Miyagi

    just one day ? (O_o)
  15. HeaRt is back ! i miss you jun !

  16. now i like pentagon/rave/anfiel/clowd/xyloride/i.rias/smileberry/lezard . just want to write here but don't know what i want to write just write my favorite bands now

    1. Kawaii_Minpha


      taku is too masculine for me :P Do you like feminine Jrocker?

      I really love this pic from Minpha: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CMk4tWJUYAAfNZ_.jpg


    2. paradoxal


      Anfiel, clowd and i.Rias are amazing! <3

    3. Yuuya Miyagi

      Yuuya Miyagi

      @ishiki : yes he is masculine lol . yes i like feminine jrocker too but maybe just few . so kawaii like a cat !

      @paradoxal yes they are ! love their song so much !

    4. Show next comments  15 more
  17. i don't understand him , he always do this (>_<) .
  18. Yuuya Miyagi

    bye bye mello !
  19. Yuutoman will leave Liraizo OK ! i know he always no longer as a band member . yeah fortunately i already met him and saw Liraizo's live BUT i never take 2SHOT with him not going to their instore yet (T_T) .

  20. just played AnCafe??秘密??キス until scenario 5 and i don't have it again . i am not really understand but i saw miku's funny face there .

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