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Everything posted by efuru

  1. efuru

    Alexis is a filler queen. She's talented and great but not a star. I think next is gonna be Farrah and then Aja's sloppiness is gonna land her in the bottom with someone who can dance too and it's gonna send her home. After that I think Peppermint, then Alexis and then probably Nina's insecurities. That'll leave Sasha, Valentina, Shea, and Trinity for the top four. That's what I'm hoping at least.
  2. efuru

    Welcome to the forum!
  3. efuru


    Welcome! Great list of favorite bands for a beginner. <3
  4. efuru

    Yay! I'm a Xaa-Xaa fan as well. Welcome.
  5. efuru

    Welcome! I don't listen to any of those bands but I know people do so you'll be welcome!
  6. efuru

  7. OMG This was my first account. RIP

    1. efuru


      Oh wait. No it wasn't. 😂😂😂

  8. I wanna be iconic. 

    1. efuru



    2. lichtlune


      I wanna be bionic. 

    3. efuru


      Supersonic, bionic energy

    4. Show next comments  24 more
  9. efuru

  10. I'm never going to get off of overnights. I'm going to die during an overnight shift and wait for hours until someone finds me in the morning. 

  11. I like the tracks but I don't like the vocalist. :/
  12. efuru

    Trinity looked so nice and so did Nina but compared to Trinity Nina looked so cheap. I feel bad for her.
  13. efuru

    I'm late as hell but I bought FInal Fantasy Explorers the other night and I love it! It reminds me of Monster Hunters. I love that it's not turn based. I hate that.
  14. efuru

    The vocalist reminds me of Ryuuji in Soroban a little bit. I liked the preview, wanna hear more though.
  15. LMAOOO I hate everyone in this thread. On topic, not feeling the preview. No real punch to it.
  16. efuru

    Yaas ready for some more MORRIGAN. I like PITTY without the pigtails even tho it's his signature. Still looks pretty. The hair reminds me of Keita's hair from when AICLE was promoting shinzou.
  17. efuru

    This was the first song that came to mind.
  18. efuru

    @YukimotoI read it too quickly and didn't realize 2. offshoot was from the DVD and thought a song was actually called Off Shoot. ;__;
  19. efuru

    Orange Is The New Black season five just leaked out so I'm already half way thru the season.
  20. efuru

    It's like fuzylog. and お遊戯ゎが魔々団×【PaRADEiS had a child.
  21. efuru

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