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Everything posted by efuru

  1. Oop. They about to leave babymetal and start their own band.
  2. efuru

    Gotta pay for their music videos somehow. おばあちゃん おばあちゃん
  3. efuru

    Nooooooooo. What the fuck? Why?
  4. efuru

    That nose on the far right is SNATCHED.
  5. efuru

    I was just wondering what happened to BORN and I checked their VKDB and just realized this is Ryoga's new band. I'm so slow cause I've been listening to RAZOR and had no idea.
  6. efuru

    yaaay. I love their vocalist.
  7. I don't know any of those bands. I'm so behind. ;_;
  8. My favorite number is 8 so I'm gonna listen to this. lol
  9. efuru

    Can I still reply in this thread if I don't like girls?
  10. efuru

    Yay! I love the new look.
  11. efuru

    Efuru comes from the singer (in my avi) Jhene Aiko. Her full name is Jhene Aiko Efuru Chilombo. It's African but it sounds Japanese and I've always liked it. So it kinda stuck with me.
  12. efuru

    I'm still working on my Pokemon Moon, I just bought Monster Hunter Generations and I still play Soul Calibur V online. It's pretty old but I love it and there's a surprising amount of people that still play online. My favorite is Leixia.
  13. efuru

    My day itself was okay but I'm at work and I work with dogs that stay overnight for boarding. This dog will not stop whining. She gets separation anxiety so anytime they bring her here she just whines all night and she's a husky and I want to shoot myself.
  14. Pretty solid, mini trailer. The vocalist reminds me of Sui from Megaromania a little bit.
  15. efuru

    I didn't ike Seremedy but I heard DISREIGN and didn't even realize it was him. I like their stuff a lot. I completely understand why people don't like him/his bands tho.
  16. Sounds kinda boring. Like an anime opener for a romcom.
  17. efuru

    I thought I was in the astrology thread and was so confused as to what this had to do with astrology.
  18. efuru

    Cause they're only sweet when they're happy. They bottle their emotions and explode on you. At least o the ones I've dated/talked to. I love Pisces women tho! I feel like Pisces women can handle their emotions but you get that "masculinity so fragile" thing with the men and they don't know what to do with their overly emotional selves.
  19. efuru

    I hope it doesn't change the sound of their music too much.
  20. Yay I'm happy to hear good reviews. I'm excited to listen when I get home from work.
  21. Yes yes yes. It's so good. I'm even more excited for the single now.
  22. So I'm a libra and I feel like I fit my sign pretty well but I was raised by a Pisces mother who taught me to embrace my emotions and I appreciate and embrace that. So I love to talk but I get too emotional about everything and I have a Scorpio Venus so whenever I meet a boy and start to get to know them I'm fucked. I talk to much and my scorpio Venus makes me get attached too quickly and for some reason I only attract Pisces guys. I'm this ball of energy and communication and I meet these guys who have all this pain in their past and they don't know how to process it and bundle their shit deep down and will just stop talking to you for days and it's honestly so exhausting.
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