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Everything posted by efuru

  1. efuru

  2. I hope that doens't mean the album isn't selling well.
  3. efuru

    sounds very good and i love the covers!
  4. I mean.... vk hasn't had an original thought in years so I don't know why you're surprised.
  5. They really wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was.
  6. One of the first line ups of a new band I recognize all the members. Lol excited!
  7. efuru

    Can't tell if funny or an ass.
  8. Oshare kei since Canzel broke up.
  9. efuru

    They look young and cute and full of potential.
  10. efuru

  11. Bring back Chemical Pictures!
  12. RENTRER EN SOI MUCC Dir en grey Onmyo-za DELUHI 12012 Polter Geist Codomo Dragon Vivalet NONOTAK
  13. But what's with his name change?
  14. They look nice. I hope they sound nice as well.
  15. efuru

    OMG I thought they disbanded. I loved them a long time ago but forgot about them.
  16. Canzel are still my favorite band so I miss them a lot. I'm reminescing with Aicle's best CD today. I miss them too.
  17. efuru

    Don't like the preview but I love their youtube is named gorillapapa. Lmaooo
  18. efuru

    Yaaay. The Kanata sounds so good on the rerecorded tracks from the first mini I hope they release some new stuff soon.
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