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Everything posted by efuru

  1. Why is EVERYONE doing a cover of Mousou Nikki?
  2. efuru

    Saint Louis, MO USA
  3. efuru

    SectMateria - Asamoya no ao
  4. Their mini was pretty good. This sounds okay too. Is it me or does Gene's voice get higher with each band? I miss how he sang in Sect Materia.
  5. Oh I like this concept. Their music has been on and off for me but their last mini was really good so I hope this is too.
  6. efuru

    Me and some friends at a local bar. No, my shirt isn't that short it just lifted when I raised my arms. haha
  7. efuru

    I love every season so far. I think the 3rd is my favorite because of the subject matter, I've loved witchcraft since I was a little kid watching Charmed. haha
  8. Aww I'm glad to see my thread is still going. <3
  9. I can't say much about visual kei fans cause I'm not as into the online community as I used to be a few years back but I am very active in a pop music forum and I have noticed that some people are so involved and obsessed that they feel the need to bring other fan bases down. I don't see why they need to but apparently they're insecure. I just try and take their comments and anger with a grain of salt and not let it influence my opinion of the artist. Let their music and actions decide how I feel about them.
  10. efuru

    When all members but one start a new band you can't help but feel like the other is probably a pain in the ass to work with.
  11. Everything after Mio and Eve left has been shit. This at least sounds like a step in the right direction from anything released after Royal Order.
  12. efuru

    Nero once ate $70 worth of waffles at an iHop in Indiana.
  13. efuru

    Shin lost his virginity on a sailboat in the Mediterranean
  14. efuru

    Sounds really good! Gotta check out their other stuff.
  15. Loooove the preview. I think they're going to release a really really good debut single when the time comes.
  16. efuru

    MEMBERS Vocal: atom [ex-Regxnot] | twitter / 終末によせて Guitar: 翔 (Shou) [ex-LETORO. → タイハイノソラ → VOICE] | twitter / サヨナラを言う前に Bass: リク (Riku) [ex-テディ → $ウォンテッド$ → α. → VOICE] | twitter / 所詮、凡人です。 Drummer: 伽児-kaji- [ex-beaU → Zip.er] | twitter / あさがおとわたし DISCOGRAPHY "腐り姫" (Rot Princess/Kusari Hime) [July 30, 2013] 1st Live-Released single http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjPiborn3Jg'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjPiborn3Jg "ハッピーハッピーグロテスク" (Happy Happy Grotesque) [October 27, 2013] 2nd Live-Released single http://zonbi-web.com'>OHP
  17. efuru

    ワン★スター | absolution
  18. efuru

    Oooh. I thought your name seemed familiar but I guess I was mistaken.
  19. Good for her! Glad to see she's back doing music. The whole escorting stuff was sad but hopefully she's at a better place now.
  20. efuru

    That's a good mix of bands. I hope it's good!
  21. I use to be SUPER into VK around 2003 on. A lot of the bands I really loved are no longer around and I've been listening to them all a lot lately. Who are some of your favorite bands that are no longer together? mine are: Soroban Eimy PureQ&A AICLE Tarrot Maruru ラッド pizzcato. Hime Ichigo Kazoku Alumi Land Canzel Order Made Kamikaze Shounendan GIVUSS In no particular order though.
  22. efuru

    Thank you so much! She is the queen. haha LOVE your Posh set. So... posh! haha I was tomailurus/tomaicle. Can't remember what it was when I stopped using it. Thank you so much! Did you by chance use Batsu? Thank you! I plan on sticking around for a while. haha I don't think so. Nice to meet you now though!
  23. Not sure how I feel about Yuji's voice. The live-released single sounded good though.
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