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Everything posted by efuru

  1. efuru

    See?! Lol
  2. efuru

    If one more Pisces guy tries to talk to me and ruin my life I will fight them. I don't know why I attract nothing but Pisces guys but I'm OVER IT.
  3. efuru

    I've had both my eyebrows pierced at different times, I had an industrial in my right ear, both ears are pierced in the lobe and I had my left side of my nose pierced. Everything besides my lobes are no longer pierced for one reason or another but I want to get my nose redone. I loved it.
  4. I've always thought Atsuki of Pentagon was so cute. I also always loved Nozomi's looks in ClearveiL
  5. efuru

    Even tho the game is pretty old my friend and I play Soul Calibur V together all the time and online with strangers and I learned most of Leixia's phrases cause she's my favorite character and we keep our games in Japanese. So I'll use those a lot for no real reason. lol My favorites are 天、我が才を生ずる 必ずようあり! なんてね どっちが強いかはっきりさせよ <- This is my favorite. She says it against one specific character and it means, Let's find out who's stronger so I say it to my friend I play with all the time.
  6. Holy hell. That's one of my biggest fears. I hate flying but it does seem to happen when a sports team is on board pretty frequently. Terrifying. Honestly, if a sports team was on my flight I'd probably get off Final Destination style and hope for the best.
  7. lmaooo why tho? What is the purpose?
  8. It's so sad to see stuff like this. Literally last night I was at multiple gay bars and there was a drag queen hosting bingo. The differences in the world are scary. I do agree with the general note of why would he do that knowing the consequences though.
  9. efuru

    love love love the look, the sample is okay. BIG MOUTH SHOUT. lmaoooo
  10. Exactly!! My thoughts exactly. Looking forward to new music. Although the teaser video only had old music in it so idk. Maybe they're gonna do covers as the alter-ego band? Who knows.
  11. I hope so cause I really like them. Theirreleases have been good so far but they are a little pop focused. It would be nice to hear them do some heavier music
  12. I don't think they've released anything as their alter ego so it's kinda weird they're already doing a tour.
  13. The whole release is messy but the music sounds great and Ookuma is kinda hot af. I'm expecting some great things from them. They just need to release better.
  14. efuru

    Damn that's so far away.
  15. efuru

    I forgot about her but I used to love her so I'm happy she's making new music.
  16. efuru

    @chemicalpicturesis so fine.
  17. efuru

    Love the new look and the album title. Just hoping it doesn't sound like Party Monster.
  18. efuru

    I loved the lead singer of MANNEQUIN. I forgot his name.
  19. Okay, I like the previews. I hope the songs are a little heavier during the verses tho.
  20. efuru

    Meh. Potential but the single trailer was a little eh for me.
  21. efuru

    Gone too soon.
  22. efuru

    None of these videos are available in the US.
  23. efuru

    I have the same birthday as Jun. I remember that from his DOPES days. <3
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