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Everything posted by efuru

  1. Now I know this is a rock forum mainly specific to Japanese artists but "pop"ular music is popular pretty much everywhere so I was wondering of the big female names in pop music who is your favorite? Options include but not limited to: Rihanna (my favorite), Beyoncé, Britney Spears, Madonna. Girls like that.
  2. I love pop which I know is very broad but I do love a good pop album but a lot of these new artists make such shitty albums. Maybe a good song or two but the rest is shite. Zara Larsson's So Good album was great. Ariana Grande's Dangerous Woman was as well.
  3. efuru

    Not gonna lie, the typing of the band names is a lot. Reminds me of tumblr blogs that always use ✝️soft grunge blog ✝️
  4. efuru

    I'm familiar with all the listed bands but the only song I KNOW is アネモネ. Love me some Pentagon. I'm using my Apple Music and it's only what's on American ITunes so my VK options are limited but I got a couple. 1. Perfume - Sweet Refrain 2. Clean Bandit - Symphony (feat. Zara Larsson) 3. Wednesday Campanella - Aladdin 4. Luzmelt - Dazzle Closet 5. Rihanna - Don't Stop The Music 6. SECRET - My Boy 7. Miguel - ...goingtohell 8. Justin Timberlake - Blue Ocean Floor 9. UnsraW - S.I.G. 10. Ayabie - hinata ------------------------------------ 5. A timeless BOP. 10. One of my favorite Ayabie songs.
  5. efuru

    Has anyone heard Wednesday Campanella's new album SUPERMAN? It's really freaking good. And it's on the US iTunes so I've been listening thru Apple Music. Every song is great if you like her. Her best album yet.
  6. efuru

    THE STORY OF BRILLIANT GROWLY. yes. I fell in love with velvet when I first heard it.
  7. efuru

    Omg beast of blood was one of my first songs too. I showed some friends during computer class in lie 7th grade and I thought I was so cool.
  8. That's a great idea for a tour. Mao is pulling some connections I guess. Lol
  9. That's what I was thinking. Lmao
  10. efuru

    Well I hope they figure it out soon so you can finally fix it.
  11. efuru

    Do they know what's causing the knots?
  12. efuru

    You need to go to a chiropractor
  13. efuru

    I had pictures I printed out from their Tekesuta Kousen photo shoot and I did construction paper to make a background that fit each member's video color. Lol it was actually pretty cute.
  14. Still never forgive Icchi for leaving Canzel cause he was "retiring" and then came back and let his new band flop after like 3 singles. 

  15. efuru

    I'm yellow/gold now.
  16. efuru

    Definitely An Cafe. I did a school report in my music class on them in either 7th or 8th grade. Everyone was horrified from the pictures and that they were all guys and I played one of their songs and everyone was so confused. I got an A though. lol
  17. efuru

    Mejibray is awful. It's the vocalist. I can't do it.
  18. efuru

    "Never Lost" by Amtrac
  19. I work 4, 10-hour shifts so after my 3 days off I'm very excited to be back at work and see my doggies. It was also my best friend's birthday on Monday so we had a fun weekend of partying and celebrating.
  20. efuru

    Too many drinks on sunday funday.
  21. efuru

    Working overnights is going to kill me. I've been doing it for 8 months and my body has stopped sleeping during the day. I've tried all sorts of things and almost nothing works. I like my job but if I keep having terrible sleep I'm going to have to consider leaving.
  22. efuru

    Yas give me more, I love it.
  23. I like the collaged photo of everyone. The secret band thing is tired but that's cute and different.
  24. efuru

    R.I.P. So young. :/
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