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Everything posted by efuru

  1. efuru

    I recognize all of those bands but don't know a single song from the list. ;_; 1. Develop One's Faculties - it is what it is. 2. An Cafe - 3P 3. Administrator - 手招く太陽 4. コドモドラゴン - 御礼参り 5. 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 - 極楽道 6. BORN - DIRTY STACKER 7. 君は鋭く。- I eat sickness[case2] 8. Stigma - Serial Killer 9. Sick² - PARAPHILIAPARANOIA 10. ClearVeil - Gerbera Using my laptop instead of my phone this list is so much more accurate to me. <333 This was a definite stand out on the DEEP MORE DEEP for me. ClearVeil was one of my favorite bands. I wish Saki would come back in another band.
  2. Happy birthday!!

  3. 2 and a half months away. It'll be weeks before we get any previews. ://
  4. efuru

    The free single sounded a lot better than the original preview/demo whatever it was but it still needs a little work. I'll be looking out for their next single for sure.
  5. Sense 8 season 2~

    1. efuru


      I'm on episode 3! It's so good already. I love them all so much.

    2. Gaz


      sadly, it's quite opposite for me - don't really like most of the main characters. but i'm glad that this season they are more concentrated on actual plot rather than lgbtq issues.

    3. platy


      Gotta say, I'm glad too. I'm already surrounded by that stuff on the daily and although it's nice to see a show tackling it, I just want plot tbh. 

    4. Show next comments  21 more
  6. efuru

    Virge - 琥珀 Didn't like the vocalist much in the mini spot but I'm liking the full songs more.
  7. efuru

    Another disappointing vocalist. :/
  8. efuru

    Are you a spider or a goddess?
  9. I'm in popular contributors for the first time ever. Bless. ;_;

    1. lichtlune


      I'll never be popular :(

    2. whitegrey


      ...damn, now I've got Nada Surf stuck in my head *shrugs* D:

    3. efuru


      @lichtlunedon't get down. I've been a member for like 7 years and I just got on the board. There's always hope 

  10. efuru

    Just followed these steps and made a new account. The Japan Codes website is completely sold out but I found some on OffGamers that worked and it was instant for me. Thank you for the help. My address is MilkBoy in Shibuya lmao
  11. efuru

    I hate her so much. Omg lmaooooooo
  12. efuru

    I finally got my new controller in the mail so I ordered final fantasy x/x2 remastered and I'm so excited. I haven't played in so long.
  13. efuru

    @Shaolan974LITERALLY. I thought an old thread had been revived.
  14. efuru

    I think everyone was rooting for her when they saw the pictures and then she opened her mouth. She said it best herself tho, she thought it would be easy and it bit her in the butt.
  15. efuru

    A dog just broke my headphones ten minutes into my 10 hour shift. I had to order a postmate to go buy me more cause it's busy and the dogs are loud and I need my music.
  16. efuru

    SPOILER okay... based on performance this season yes, it was Aja's time but based on that lip sync... They both did great but Aja killed it and Nina should not have won.
  17. Yaaay! And it's pretty soon. I've seen single announcements for September and I'd hate to wait that long.
  18. I thought this was new and got so excited. :///
  19. I loved the DNA single when it came out but I slept on RED INVISIBLE and I'm mad at myself for just now really listening to it. It's so good. 

    1. ricchubunny


      IKR! Their live is the best too!

    2. Elazmus


      I think RI is the better of the two, I played it looots O:

    3. efuru


      I'm obsessed. I listened to it all night at work. 

  20. People think 2016 was the year of the mumble rappers but if you listen to 888〜琥珀糖の少女〜 by 少女-ロリヰタ-23区 you'd see mumble rap has been popular since 2005.  

  21. efuru

    I like the eye make up. But really, Lightcaon.
  22. efuru

    Please do this. I love this idea.
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