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Everything posted by Minami

  1. Minami

    Love new look)
  2. Merry Orthodox Christmas!

    1. Naaaaani


      Happy b-day, Jesus <3

  3. How i love these guys! They do really good music!
  5. Waiting this Friday for travelling to Saint-Petersburg for weekends))

  6. yes... found By:ARLANT single on shitscandal.... its the first time when im loving band but hating look.. WOW SOUND! screaming + electronic sounds= awesome group)

    1. Elazmus


      Saww it too !

    2. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      shitscandal ? but you found something who are isn't here, critizism this blog, but still using ? can't understand this way of thinking.

    3. eiheartx


      I don't understand why this blog even exist. M-H could be THE biggest vk community etc but no, people keep reposting our shit (not event the thread link) on their shitty useless blog. what for ?

  7. Minami

    sad, they were crazy..
  8. The best birthday. A lot of fun, rum with cola and nice people

  9. TweiT is not worse than FIXER

  10. Wow.. The first v-kei group answered me via mail.. But the answer was so-so.. I asked if i can 500 yen single in digital way via paypal? The aswer was blalalala- go to like an edison and there adree.. Yes, of course.. From Moscow to Tokyo for 1 single)

    1. xriko


      Moscow Tokyo is just 10hours flight, you could do that for them :troll:

      Japanese Bitchies Band

    2. Minami


      10 hours is ok... but the tickets price is MAD!

    3. Dark Kinma

      Dark Kinma

      Seriously, I will repeat again & again... japanese band (visual kei) don't care about oversea public...

    4. Show next comments  12 more
  11. Minami

    N~S (there are two more rows at the back which are obscured..) S~Z: my precious vistlip collection gets its own space : and the odd-sized stuff like CD-Rs, distros, long cases, etc.: and a couple more boxes in my storeroom which haven't been (and in all likelihood never will be) sorted out. awesome collection , i even can see Revil- Overture album .. rare! nice))))
  12. Minami

    impressive... nice MV and song) i want more ///
  13. Hope sold-out will happen asap... love vocalist`s voice)
  14. really different from their previous releases... i prefer their first releases.. but this song can be good opening for some anime...
  15. Minami

    Oneness - Usotsuki no Saho

    Visual kei band Oneness releases a single to commemorate the 2nd anniversary of the band's career and is made with a theme of "Japanese Style." Includes three tracks total and comes with a trading card randomly selected from five kinds ?.
  16. What does "processed" order status mean on cdjapan? ... How long i should wait another status and tracking number?

    1. sai


      If your order is processed it means it'll be prepared for shipping and shipped out soon.

    2. Owl


      Это значит ты его оплатил и оплату прин?ли, но ?ам ди?к еще не прихал ?о ?клада/магаза к ним. In stock когда он приехал из магазина к ним (?колько он едет из магазина зави?ит от ди?ка и от магазина - обычно пишут, например 1-4 дн? по?ле даты релиза), когда в?е ди?ки будут in stock (в запа?е), заказ упакуют и отправ?т. ?у и наконец shipped, когда его вышлют. Тебе придет пи?ьмо, мол мы вы?лали ваш заказ и трек номер в ?том же пи?ьме. Вопро?ы?

    3. Minami


      Thank you, sai!

      Спа?ибо, Сова, вопро?ов нет :)

  17. Minami

    OH NO!!!!!!!!! THEY WERE AMAZING ((((
  18. Grandma entered the room and said what are the girls on your wall (it was a poster of PLUNKLOCK) .. I: no, grannt these are boys... Grandma: REally? But they are wearing women jackets... I: facepalm/.

    1. hiroki


      LOL. omg i want a plunklock poster |DD

    2. Mihenno
    3. beni


      Oh my gosh, this is my nana too. xD

  19. Minami

    it will be DIRTY YOUNG MEN
  20. Minami

    they were funny dudes .. sad
  21. Minami

    9 years! You were very powerful dancer) Oh yea.. dance classes are so high expensive thats why we have a group of street dancers of my style, and we lease the dancing hall for 2 hours.. and training together... its really fun.. we do some jams and some choreo .. improve together)) oh... im so fan of dancing thats why i devote my whole free time to dancing))))) 3 days a week for 2 hours) yeah .. very nice choreo!!!!! they made a lot of.. i li ke it.. whats about electro-dance here is a my video from pre-selection in competition and one random powerful example)) http://youtu.be/xtQgLf7Uklk
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