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Posts posted by God

  1. 34 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    Is it bad that I actually got emotional at the end of YLIA. When i first watched it honestly, I wasn’t expecting anything. 


    I didn’t think people hated it THAT much lol

    it’s ok if you liked it!  there were just a couple things about it that really put me off, is all.  and it’s a p unpopular opinion to hate it.  most people praise it to the ends of the earth.  

  2. tbh your lie in april had a lot of things in it that were in extremely poor taste.  i don’t mind predictability.  that’s a non-issue for me.  but god that show was sort of gross in some aspects.  tbf, i usually end up not liking the “feels” anime.  most of them seem like extreme pandering.  but your lie in april is trash.  

  3. 1 hour ago, psychonnect_rozen said:



    Also, I disagree with your point about Marvel films being too lighthearted. I find that to be a good thing, as I love a little humor. Sure some of it can be a little “Fellow Kids”, but I don’t mind it. No offence, but not everything has to be serious. It’s good to have a little humor. 




    strong agree.  dc flicks are usually way too serious, tbh.  i end up feeling kinda bored.

  4. 1. tbh?  i don’t think there are any. once i hear that a musician i like has done something really awful, when i listen to their music i just feel angry.  a good example of that is brand new.  their vocalist is a disgusting child predator, and he sings about being sad all the time bc he used to have a bright future but now he’s depressed.  tbh that feels like a slap in the face.  


    2. not really.  sexual predators and dudes that beat up their girlfriends, wives, whatever else are trash.  i can’t imagine listening to their music and not thinking “you piece of shit, you did this thing.”


    3. no.  but if the band members, or even one of the band members were aware of it and didn’t say anything or just kinda let it be?  then yeah, equally trash.

  5. 2 hours ago, Shmilly said:

    A lot of disrespect on this thread. Regardless of what he may or may not have been guilty of, this is a man who has just died, and someone widely respected who helped shape not only the careers of some of Japan's most popular artists but the whole industry(ies) they work in at that.

    okay, i know these are two different situations in two completely different countries, but like...this kinda thing is why brock turner only got 6 months.


      anyone who would do smth like that to a child doesn’t deserve any respect, regardless of what good things they’ve done.  and you can say that it was never actually confirmed and all, but you gotta consider...if multiple people come forward and they’re all saying the same kinda thing, it’s p doubtful it’s not true.  and yeah, sure, in a situation like that, maybe someone did fabricate some shit.  but everyone?  that seems unlikely.

  6. 22 minutes ago, Arkady said:


    If I don't misremember at the time it came out that he molested many of the boys that were in his groups or wanted in. It was a casting couch scandal but with pedos.


    (I always thought that the "contract" part of Golden Bomber video "Amore" obliquely referenced if not THAT scandal, at least the kind of "underwold" gravitating the Idols industry)

    gross, tbh.  i was a lil bummed til i read the article but now idrc 🤷🏻‍♂️

  7. I saw kisaki at a grade school in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how bad it was to meet him in person, and that he should probably leave or i’m gonna call the cops. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “yes, hello, police?  i would like to report a strange pedo at a grade school,” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my 911 call, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When the cops came to arrest him for being a child diddler, I saw him trying to walk away with like fifteen 2nd graders following behind him.

    The cop that came out was very professional, and was like “Sir, you’re going to prison.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the school.

    When the cop was handcuffing him, he radioed for backup to come take the kids back to class.  kisaki stopped him and told her to take them each individually “to prevent any pedo infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After he was cuffed, the cop started to read him his rights, but he kept interrupting him by yawning really loudly.

  8. 3 hours ago, fantajikyoui said:

    omggggggg lets try to say i dont even remember the name of the main girl protagonist IM FAITING RIGHT it could be natsumi or nozomi om kill me

    also i think was no gackt there, it was buck tick atsushi sakurai stuff related and thats all


    hahaha x x x

    ohhh okay, i think you mean megumi.  😂  i liked her too, tbh.  her feelings about living in a small area and longing for more are p relatable to how i felt as a teenager too.  also no, gackt totally was a seiyuu in it.  😱

  9. 5 hours ago, fantajikyoui said:

    thankkkk you yay nozoMIIII the kind of girl that would kill before her boyfriend rather than killing the living girls that try to get him! love her x x x

    ah man i haven’t seen it in like 4 years tbh?  i’ve only watched it once, lmao.  but anyway i had to look up who nozomi is and tbf i still have no idea bc there isn’t a char in it named that.  buuuuut there is a voice actress named nozomi?  also jfc bc i looked that up i learned that gackt is a voice actor in it too.  dear lord.  someone help.  anyway i guess i’m gonna rewatch now bc i had no idea gackt had anything to do with it at all.  

  10. i have an iphone se.  i used to have an android, but it was just one of the free ones you get when you sign up for a plan.  then it stopped charging after a lil under a year.  my wife had just gotten a new iphone 6s, so she gave me this one which was hers.  i was gonna replace it eventually, but tbh i cba.  this one runs games and stuff a lot better than my android did, and tbh i can’t afford to get a new android rn that would run stuff well.  both phone types have strengths and weaknesses, but i do really miss having an sd slot.  i think this one only has 32gb and i’m p sure there’s like 6gb free on it rn, oof.  but eh.  i like the phone alright, tbh.  it’s a bit on the smaller side but the colors are really vivid and nice on the display.  they’re nicer than the colors on my wife’s 6s, but i’m not sure why. 

  11. so tbh i love the dumb dramas and movies that vk guys make.  the ones i’ve seen are bonds kyu (the an cafe one), oresama (miyavi...also v hard to watch bc it’s so cringy??) no 6 (a9), and one that was labeled as being by vidoll on limewire a million years ago where one of the guys worked at subway and at some point tatsuro yamashita’s christmas eve was playing in a weird place.  idk if that last one is even a vk movie tbh bc i can’t find anything about it anywhere.


    anyway what are some of your favs?

  12. 6 minutes ago, psychonnect_rozen said:

    In every old concert footage, that dude is eccentric as hell 

    idk if it’s true but i read somewhere that when he was a teenager, his parents kicked him out of his house so he stood outside in the rain naked for hours until they let him back in.  😂  he’s a strange one.  i’d believe it.

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