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Posts posted by God

  1. yeah dude that's nothing new, PS2 emulation has been possible for years now (since before 2010 i believe?). Now only if we could get PS3 emulation to take off... fat chance of that happening any time soon XD I would say were probably still 5 or so years before we'll be able to do proper stable PS3 emulation on PC, maybe even longer.

    As far as I'm aware, there's no emulator for the PS Vita that works, either.  As far as PS3, I believe I read something about an emulator that plays demos or something?  Can't quite remember, it was a while ago.

  2. I've been playing Final Fantasy VIII via epsxe for a few weeks now and it occurred to me that the game looked a lot better than I remember it looking on my PSX when I was a kid.  This lead me to think of the question, because of the tweaks you can get out of the machine for the .iso to look smoother, etc, I wonder if there are people who believe in the emulator master race as a specific sub-sect of the PC master race.


    Personally, I feel as if I enjoy playing it on an old, tube TV more, but it's a pretty easy alternative when you don't have those things.  

  3. Pura is that band I really dig, but often times forget to listen to.  So I hear them, and I'm like, why don't I listen to you guys more?  Then, time goes on, and I forget again.  Their music reminds me of like, hot summer evenings and glass bottles of soda.

  4. One of my favorites is in a Namie Amuro song called Beautiful.  Can't find an actual clip of it on youtube, but the song is a ballad--the typical ~you can do it~ type.  You know, like, soft piano stuff.  Anyway, at one point in the song, Namie sings "It's no supplies," clear as day.  Like, if you didn't know the accent, you'd assume she had actually said "supplies" instead of "surprise" and the whole stanza is Engrish.  Kinda ruins the momentum of a song, but I usually get a laugh.

  5. Usually I pick usernames like Alec Baldwinning or Kyokemon.  Diaurahea.  Things that are other things, but with a few extra letters become another thing.  Or by adding two things.  My username on here was actually the first time I've used God.  When I was a pre-teen, I was on a Pokemon forum and there was a guy on there with the UN of God.  I decided long ago that one day, I too would join a message board and snag the UN God.  When I signed up on MH, it just felt like time to become God.

  6. It really depends on what band I'm seeing.  If it's a band I'm interested in for instrumentation aspects, then I'll probably watch what's going on from the side.  But, if it's like, a band where the music is really heavy and gets you kinda pumped, I'll probably mosh.  At first, I wasn't a big fan of it, when I was like,, maybe 15-16.  I didn't actually come to enjoy it for a while after that.  But, when I finally decided I'd give it a try and not be worried I'll get hit in the eye or something, I realized that it was one of the only times I've ever felt that kind of freedom.


    You can feel the energy of everyone around you.  It's sort of an unbeatable feeling.  Daresay I found peace in moshing?

  7. Thanks for the suggestions!  I really like everything Perez suggested, haha.  Lecca and Ryohei Yamamoto also stuck out to me.  Especially Lecca, I've never heard jpop that sounded like that before.  It's really cool.

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