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Fin Paulux

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About Fin Paulux

  • Rank
    Kiwamu's Bitch
  • Birthday 01/17/1995

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  1. I am soooo back :D What's up people with lovely music taste?
    Fill me in on the music scene, I am so behind 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jigsaw9


      BUCK-TICK will release a new single at the end of February and a new album in mid-March, that's all that's worth knowing. ;<

    3. anadentone


      bandmates are banging fans, drummers are banging, bands break up, some killed someone,ppl be going awol and Yoshiki is doing something Yoshiki-esque

    4. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      The Buck-Tick Tick one I know,I'm off the grid but I still follow them :). Eh? Someone killed someone :0 

  2. So I haven't been around for one year or so, what happened to this place :o
    It's so fancy now ~

    1. CAT5


      Why yes, we now boast the most lavish memes and hold the standard for finest shitposting in the land. :cheers:


    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      Really though? I must say I started watching Rupaul's drag race,  for the past two weeks I've seen all sorts of things, both lavish and shitpost-y  :D

    3. Takadanobabaalien


      you missed the best member at mh - blackdoll. also trombe is retired (kinda, he still bothers users behind secret usernames such as the ever so brilliant Ebmort).

  3. Fin Paulux

    Violence. (I am excluding sports because it's not supposed to be form of aggression.) Insulting others and any form of intentional verbal aggression as well.
  4. Lonely China day are worth the listen I think. Glorious pharmacy 美好药店 are awesome as well, completely different style and vibe, kind of folk-ish. As to pop music...Eason Chan, YiDa Huang, a teeeny bit of Aaron Yan and 东城卫, maybe 苏打绿 as well as my personal favourite Leslie (张国荣).
  5. I don't feel the Christmas spirit this year :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      I think it's some cruel way to know I grew up :D Then again, could be the lack of Christmas atmosphere, no snow, everything is foggy and gray.

    3. YuyoDrift
    4. PsychoΔelica


      I haven't felt it most of my life. And now I know Santa is just a hoax lol

  6. Fellow Monochromes from the Almighty USA *eagles muffled* Did you happen to see a Delorean today? *____*

    1. YuyoDrift


      Not sure, but plenty have been sold today for......research purposes.

    2. doombox


      Only spammed all over my Facebook feed. Lol.

    3. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      I see. Sneaky Doc!

      I kiiinda still can't see my flying car either :D

  7. When you just want to get fit, but people tell you "you shouldn't lose weight." I'm around 100 pounds, do you think I'm planning to lose some? Since when by "fit" people understand ''diet'' ? I'm just a lazy ass that decided to try not being as lazy of an ass :D

  8. Fin Paulux

    Man, is this for real? Because I am a fan when it comes to that era they did stuff (which coincidentally finished before I was born...I think). However, these last few years it's been mostly smokescreen stunts and promises. And quite possibly, money made from exploiting / catering to nostalgic fans. Hopefully they will prove my scepticism wrong and everyone will get an awesome release. (Preferably something new) ^^
  9. Fin Paulux

  10. Fin Paulux

    The last last thing I bought was 陳奕迅 - three vinyl ''best of"s. The sound really is nice, I wish newer things were also available in this format.
  11. Fin Paulux

    Can't even log in, all I'm left with is staring at my profile trying to figure what went wrong and how do I try to save this train wreck of a page I have now. But I can't log in!
  12. Fin Paulux

    I'm sorry , this sounds terrible! I am not exactly the epitome of a functioning adult, but I can try to give you some advice. There should be laws protecting tenants, here it can be a bit tricky since a lot of people do it over the counter and rarely sign a lease. If your documentation's alright you should be able to stay in your place even with a little delay in payment\9 by no means exceeding 3 months). Getting a good flatmate is really hard, the only roommate I had was when I lived abroad, but - it's different in school (mine wasn't too nice). Don't trust random people, especially when it can lead you to a not so pleasant financial state. When it comes to payment I tend to give myself a ''safety belt'' - the best thing is to have both tenants legally responsible, but in case you really can't do that, ask for the rent at least two weeks before it's due. This way you can avoid being put in a bad spot. Food...I kind of disagree with surviving on the cheapest possible, because it can sometimes cause you health problems. However...in case you have a really tight budget, you can go by it for a limited time. Don't waste water and electricity/power. If you really need money asap and you don't want to bother your parents, you can put some items on ebay for example. It's hard to part with a favourite CD, but food is kind of important as well. I hope you resolve your issue, at the moment I can't imagine not spending my parents' money...and that is terrifying. O.O
  13. Fin Paulux

    "You're viewing the beta" Can I please not view the beta version? Is there a way back, guys? It is dreadful and distracting.
  14. Tall girl problem 101: people (most often guys) with Napoleon complex. T.T

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fin Paulux

      Fin Paulux

      That's the thing, I'm not even considered tall, I'm 5'6 :D

    3. Shir0


      short girl problem:

      when you're short aaand have an napoleon complex (maybe that's just me tho)

    4. MaikoMizu


      Most girls here are nearly my height of 5'9

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