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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

    2TB internal sata for my laptop =D I've finally gone with an internal since my usb 2.0 external is insanely slow, and I've wanted quicker access to certain files + extra room. Currently moving 38,055 items over and I have about 4 hrs left at nearly 50% XD.
  2. Seriously, scare tactics...? Look how I pan up and down these blog pages whilst playing some pseudo-dramatic royalty free track that isn't 009 Sound System Dreamscape. It's one thing that they decide to point out these sites, but the other two videos that go through Youtube users' channels... *UPDATE* I highly doubt that JASRAC is even affiliated with this Youtube account, having visited the page linked in the channel the videos are amateurish. Furthermore, why is it that only Vistlip and other VK videos have been targeted? I bet more than anything it is a sole individual.
    1. hiroki


      yea they're recording their first release now... SO EXCITED ;3

  3. Yay, another live limited UNiTE. item that will drain my wallet via shipping costs *sniff* (totally worth it though) レヴ does sound pretty promising though, I've missed their "harder" music =D. Will pick up on iTunes 10/10
  4. colorful人生

    1. xTRiPx (mainly pre-revival both trad. and F.S.A era) 2. Janne Da Arc/A.B.C (I used to listen to them religiously from '09-'12/ not VK but worth putting here) 3. NEXX 4. Royz 5. ユナイト 6. DIV 7. ネオン/the LEM (Rikuto bands) 8. Blu-billion 9. v[NEU] (vo. Mitsu) 10. ViViD (pre-Real) Honorable mentions: Vistlip ケミカルピクチャーズ SINCREA the Raid. Called≠Plan MoNoLith LUCHe., Airish, Anfinit, アルルカン, and RoNo☆Cro are either close or would be up there if it weren't for the fact that they're relatively new to me. Everything but ネオン, NEXX, xTRiPx, and Janne Da Arc I've followed since the beginning/early stages so history plays a decent role.
  5. colorful人生

    Here are some of my favorite ongoing series (and yes I mainly like "comfy" slice-of-life series, I've gotten disinterested in "battle shounen") (I get an adrenaline rush from Brynhildr though, awesome manga) Shoujo: Nukoduke Horimiya Taiyou no Ie Hibi Chouchou Sienen/Shounen: Himouto! Umaru-chan Seitokai Yakuindomo Kiwaguro no Brynhildr (I'm addicted to this series) Denkigai no Honya-san Tsuki! Tsuki! To-Love-Ru Darkness (2lewd)
  6. colorful人生

    $25 Google Play card . Needed to get the last few chapters of Cytus since rhythm games (and visual novels) are the only "current" games that I play nowadays (I also have a ton of untouched PS3 rpgs & fighters that collect dust :/)
  7. Erm... Of all the names that could go in front of "Stripper" lol (that sukebe boy lineup though )
  8. colorful人生

    *perfection* Love the melody... There are some repeated aspects to their songs, but imo Sena's voice is eargasmic anyway.
  9. changing romaji titles is a nightmare when you have 20k tracks...

    1. Tetora


      Eheheh suckers... My only issue is LastFM scrobbling my songs as things people screw up or use romanji etc in... My title is perfect yet it scrobbles as some other caca.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      The worst is when you're not sure which kanji to use because they use super obscure ones or different ones for word play. Don't even get me started on sometimes having to use UTF-8 special characters ( ~ , [], etc) for songs too

    3. Seimeisen


      Romaji is definitely annoying, but you know what's also annoying? English tiles in F U L L W I D T H T E X T !

    4. Show next comments  204 more
  10. colorful人生

    SuG = Does America-senpai notice me yet ? I have to say the PV was pretty interesting... The song was also not bad. (I do wonder about the whole barbed-wire getup (and flag) since I don't understand the lyrics, but I might understand it's connotations)
  11. colorful人生

    I have to say that is a very "fitting" look for them (even if it isn't their official look). If they come out with tracks like their 1st single as Ray C (very melodic/pretty (for lack of a better word)) or develop a similar style, these guys will probably end up being one of my favorite bands.
  12. Ended up buying Hartfield - L.I.B.R.A at a used bookstore near me. They have waayy too much Gackt stuff than necessary =P.

  13. For some reason (b/c need to lurk moar) I had no idea what "tanuki" (not the big-balled racoon) was until now. I read some for 10~20 min. on fav bands. WTFLOL shit's dark yo.

    1. paradoxal


      tanuki is my life, best shit ever

    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      sleep with fans = he has hiv, is into scat. don't sleep with fans = prolly gay, has mental problems. i love japanese fans lol

  14. Thank goodness I'm in a hotel in the mountains right now, hurricane is br00tal. In other news, Loud[&]Round is the best thing since sliced bread.

  15. colorful人生

    Klipsch S4i rugged edition is going for ~$50 http://www.amazon.com/Klipsch-Image-S4i-Rugged-Headphones/dp/B008PEWM6S The sound quality on these are the best for their price, and the rugged edition should keep the buds alive for a while. Only downside is I've gone through both the normal (not rugged) S4 and S4i (ipod ver.) having the right earbud go out each time :/. Have you thought of bluetooth IEMs? (They are battery drainers, but I don't have to worry about them rattling in my pockets and whatnot). (There are also brands like Brainwavz and Shure that have items w/ decent reviews pertaining to durability in that price range, but I'm not familiar with their "sound signature" nor could I give a personal account)
  16. colorful人生

    Ah, I knew I forgot about something. Yes, I liked the HD428 headphones at least pertaining to clarity, but I felt like they were kind of lacking in bass (with an EQ it still felt "off") and the feel was a bit cheap/plasticy. I guess I'm looking for something more form-fitting (tighter + more comfy) and kinda bassy except I don't want to be drowning in bass and I want to be able to differentiate the instrumentals. I really like to have clarity in the music I listen to which includes genres like neo-visual kei, trance, post-hardcore, and instrumental. (OSTs, piano, acoustic guitar, etc.)
  17. colorful人生

    Well, my Sennheiser HD428s are derping up and I'm looking at purchasing a new pair of over-ear headphones in the coming months (I'm sufficing with my LG Tone + which I really like). I've known about the hype surrounding the ATH-M50s (and its newer iteration the ATH-M50x) pertaining to how well regarded it is. I'm leaning towards these, but I'm also interested in the Beyerdynamic DT770 PRO 32 ohms (so I can use them on my Ipod Classic 160 w/o amp) having lurked the Head-Fi forums for a few months. Sennheiser Momentum and AKG K550s are also some headphones that are on my "list". I've been interested by the specs and design of each of these headphones, and while I understand differences between bassy v. flat and more v. less soundstage I'm no headphone expert. Is there anyone that's had experience with any of these pairs, and if so can you help me narrow my choices down? (Also, if there are other pairs in the 100~300 USD price range that might interest me feel free to suggest them.)
  18. TIL you can rip any DVD that properly plays on VLC with guess what?... VLC!

    1. Tetora


      Never watches his DVDs or clips that come with singles- Crew checking in.

  19. colorful人生

    ^ added My url is in my sig, but I might as well put it here anyway http://www.last.fm/user/DanSar48 I don't really comment as much as I try and "spruce up" my Last.FM on occasion and fix album covers/add artist pages. I will reply to PMs though, I just prefer it through M-H. (My updated CD collection is on there too)
  20. colorful人生

    Welp, didn't see the 3,800 yen price tag O_O"
  21. colorful人生

    http://www.closetchild-cd.jp/product/24987 I really liked the vocals, so I searched around. Didn't think I'd find it so quickly.
  22. colorful人生

  23. I've spent way more than necessary these past few days... *wallowing in guilt*

  24. Too excited for the releases next week (and week after)!

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