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Everything posted by colorful人生

  1. colorful人生

  2. Now that's the raunchy レイヴ I'm familiar with .
  3. colorful人生

  4. colorful人生

    I've gotten back into twitter... Not really interesting (shameless self-promotion ) Obv. in English outside of lyrics and some kata... I can't into moonrunes yet. https://twitter.com/DanS025
  5. colorful人生

  6. colorful人生

    I need to pre-order this asap o_o...

    1. Raburr7


      awesome *_*

    2. karin-adele


      looking forward to it!

  8. colorful人生

    I don't know what to call this place (reminiscent of some hotel lobby, but I'm pretty sure it's a mansion (?)). REALies 「セツナキャンドル」 ユナイト(UNiTE.) 「AIVIE」 Megaromania Heaven's Novel ANSIA 「恋花-koibana-」 RoNo☆Cro 「冬のわんこ」 There is probably more, but this is what I've found so far.
  9. colorful人生

    Welp, I just got into these guys too D: I hope they move to a new label...
  10. Ended up finally making a twitter during MH downtime... Hopefully, I can stick with it >_>

  11. colorful人生

    My inner pyromaniac is bouncing off the walls right now... I just wish the preview was a bit longer T_T. (oh my god the replying has gotten so much faster)
  12. colorful人生

    I haven't taken a picture of myself in a while >_>... Filters ahoy!
  13. colorful人生

    I haven't commented on this thread either, but I'm trying to improve my post to viewing time ratio. AM I POPLAR YET? Straight, although I don't believe in a gender binary (hence everyone falls under a continuum rather than being strictly straight or strictly homosexual). I can't really determine where I sit (pertaining to the extent of my "masculinity"), it's not like I really care though. I am who I am. There are occasions where some VK artists really test me though...CHISA YOU HANDSOME BASTARD
  14. colorful人生

    I'm cursed with enjoying bands that I'll probably never hear full tracks for... Found a band called "Mr.davinci", and I've developed an addiction to the previews when the 1st vocalist was still there (re wind, etc.), come to find out only 50 copies were made for made for each single they released when he was still around... 3! Then a youtuber that I'm subscribed to liked a video with a band called "phase faith", I really liked the band yet the one favorite track I like by them is nonexistent on the internet other than a long preview the cuts off before the last minute or so before the song ends... Sometimes I wish I could never find these bands to where any attempt would go out Men in Black style and erase my memory whenever I bump into obscure bands I really like. The sad thing is, If I was fluent in Japanese and living in relative distance to the live at the time It would have only taken me a small trip to go out to the live (along with purchasing of a ticket) and buying the single for around 500 yen... FIVE WHOLE DOLLARS. THAT'S LESS THAN THE MEAL I HAD TODAY *queue heavy breathing*
  15. Hiro is sounding more and more like Taka, I don't mind though :D. http://youtu.be/8R5sVf4sodo

    1. Mihenno


      damn that sounds awesome

  16. colorful人生

    *screams internally followed by intensified sobs* I somewhat saw this coming, but I really liked their album T_T...
  17. People can do whatever they want to their body, but talk about going full circle... http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20140528001500

    1. nekkichi


      he ended up looking like a permanently hangover russian, so was that really worth it

    2. Licio123


      That Korean movie, Time...

    3. Peace Heavy mk II
  18. 妖幻??-WEST- The Conquest of NANIWA... ALL ABOARD THE HYPE TRAIN!

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Beyond the Veil sounds like it is going to be a Megaromania B-side

    2. hitsuji-hime


      Why? Because Sui is singing?

    3. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      It just sounded like it would be in the same vein as Brilliance Butterfly or Ideal Future, possibly mixed with something like Oath. Hard to tell by only 45 seconds or so

    4. Show next comments  207 more
  19. I can't even money right now... So xTRiPx Crybaby and re:lily are on ClosetChild right now, spend yer monies if you want to.

  20. colorful人生

    This. I'm being teased too much... Waiting for an actual update of some kind... T_T Anyway, here they are at Stylish Wave '14:
  21. Well, someone just decided to put up a bunch of Royz rarez for auction with some really exorbitant prices o_o. (woo surprise there). However, I'm now questioning the validity of my own Hoshi ni Negai wo copy -_-...

  22. Finally acquiring the complete Serial story collection, I'm tempted to start a translation project since I can't read any of the novels :/...

    1. ricchubunny


      u mean UNiTE's?

    2. colorful人生


      yep, I just got ????れも?? so I'm kinda interested in what they entail of. (just figured out I only need the 美空???? booklet and 忘れ??)

    3. ricchubunny


      yeah, i have wasuremonotoo :P i could try to translate but my english sucks

    4. Show next comments  207 more
  23. colorful人生

    While I like the last three tracks esp. the ballad and "Wrap around music" (which is finally included), I found Heartless to be a bit underwhelming compared to what I heard in NEXTcolor'S. I'm not going to make my judgments until I hear the full track though.
  24. colorful人生

    Another North Carolinian I see ... I'm actually back in the Triangle area now even though I go to uni in Charlotte (UNCC).
  25. colorful人生

    ^ Just reminded me that I have yet to post on this thread . This band has not only great vocals, but is masterful in the incorporation of electronic elements whilst retaining distinct instrumentals. I'm the type that tends to prefer ballad tracks due both lyrically and in terms of melodics. LUCHe. not only excels in ballads, but puts out very catchy B-side tracks which holistically make the maxi-/singles that much greater. Speaking of some of their more limited tracks, I managed to find the Resist x LUCHe. limited CD on Mbok (which I've been starting to transition to b/c selection). I'm most likely not going to be able to purchase it since my Paypal balance is running low >_>... If anyone is willing to bid on it (tbh purchase), feel free to do so. http://www.mbok.jp/item/item_442113832.html?_SRC=li_i0
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