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Sakura Seven

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Everything posted by Sakura Seven

  1. Sakura Seven

    I can't take Royz seriously after learning about their Tanuki drama. Kiryu wins it.
    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Orange is the new Black s3 looks fuckin weird

  2. Your library is like a who's-who of "smelly unwashed manchildren living at home" and "VK bands so pathetic they couldn't even fill up Urawa Narciss". I have no idea who ムシケラトプス are, but I felt a deep sense of shame the moment I visited their page. ~~~ http://www.last.fm/user/luvmoonGAZE
  3. uh yo yo yo what up its BRooke CANDY mother fucking freaky prince$$ brooke rap style queen of italy amount of candy the price is right DOUBLE D THESE ARE REAL TITTIES lady THC betty blow THE HOODRAT DREW BARRYMORE im reppin #fagmob all mothafuckin day mothafuckin faggots takin over the industy mothafuckin faggots takin over DA WORLD UUUUUHHHH

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Hey, I can be the answer.

    2. Senedjem
    3. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      speaking of aromatelevision.tumblr.com check it check it yeah yeah danny on the beat wHAT

  4. still the greatest vk pv of all time OF ALL TIME http://youtu.be/P-j4z_OesS4

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      favorite music video <3

    2. Miasma
    3. nekkichi


      I wish queen Kaya's label recognized her true potential and filmed the bestest bijuaru kei videos we have never been worthy of

  5. Sakura Seven

    How big was the crowd? I've been wondering how popular they are.
  6. Sakura Seven

    You have a lovely voice. I don't know if you're a fan or not, but I'd like to see you cover Kaya. I think it'd fit really well.
  7. Sakura Seven

    I like your voice, but it seems like you're trying not to sing too loud? Let it out! Your Japanese is pretty good too - I could really hear your accent in the "subeteeeee~" but otherwise I dig it. Especially the end.
  8. anyone kinda over kiryu? not trying to be mean, but they have what 4 albums of essentially the same concept/theme? maybe im not listening hard enough but i dont see any growth.

    1. fitear1590


      Definitely not "over" them since I still enjoy them, but I do think it's time for a major overhaul in their sound. While they have improved in production values since the first album, it's been veeeery gradual. They need to think more outside of the box for their next album.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Kind of what Fitear said: they've changed, but it's only noticeable if you listen to their last album with their pre-record label stuff. I tend to take 5 month breaks when getting into their stuff, which helps a little.

    3. madygrain


      Their music aint worth shit but sure they get many panties wet.

  9. Sakura Seven

    ahh, yes, gossip, where yuuki spent the entire pv trying not to topple over in his heels and clinging onto the railing.
  10. Sakura Seven

    BREAKING NEWS: When a guy actually knows what he's doing, bottoming is great. Even if he breaks up with you through a FUCKING TEXT MESSAGE. Changing vote to Top/Vers. Thank you. I am delighted.
  11. Sakura Seven

    PSYCHO is FANTASTIC. Haven't been able to give the rest of the album a fair listen, haha. I'm obsessed.
  12. Their second album is actually really good - made me a fan, at least, and I found their first pretty much unlistenable. I'm stoked for more material.
  13. Sakura Seven

    What was that one VK band who used a terrorist beheading video for a back-drop and caused a shitton of outrage? So punk.
  14. bless them for still sticking with that 2004-10 oshare kei sound
  15. anyone have a reliable link to born's discography? i can hardly find anything

    1. Tetora


      Which ones are you missing?

    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      i like to get into a band through their singles so im mainly looking for working links 2 proudia, psycho diva, satisfaction, devilish of the punk, etc. i have blasted animals, mother, and demons..any help would be super cool

  16. Sakura Seven

    my good sis tetora laying down the truth once again y'all
  17. Sakura Seven

    people...looking BIZARRE in visual kei???!!!!!! why cant they look like the bishounen from my animes??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
  18. Sakura Seven

    omg gay egyptians!!!! i miss our crazies
  19. Sakura Seven

    not in it, shit thread.
  20. Sakura Seven

    obviously deadroses's since hers isn't covered in a shitty filter hth
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