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Sakura Seven

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Everything posted by Sakura Seven

  1. nostalgia said a nice about moran. gets a vote.
    1. Tetora


      Get in the chat please.

    2. Sakura Seven

      Sakura Seven

      im there & by myself? are u standing me up x

    3. kyoselflove


      Love that picture so much *__*

  2. Sakura Seven

    Kyo looks fine AF in that photo. #YasDaddy #GodLevelFingering
  3. Sakura Seven

    Your tweets straight-up ignore basic Japanese 101 syntax. Don't be cute. You still haven't addressed your drama W/R/T THE HOPELESS. I'd be happy to talk to your "friend" - if he really exists, that is.
  4. Sakura Seven

    Then who is this "friend?" If this friend really exists, why are you posting their translation without any credit to their work? Why does their "translation" sound nearly identical to Google? Why do the Japanese tweets on your twitter account all have numerous grammatical errors - and frankly, don't make sense? Good job avoiding my questions, BTW. You've already been exposed in THE HOPELESS thread. Have some dignity and stop posting.
  5. Sakura Seven

    The fact that you're posting gussied-up Google Translate lyrics as a legitimate translations is pretty fucking sad. At least give Google proper credit (like you failed to do when you stole inartistic's rip of THE HOPELESS and passed it off as your own).
  6. god bless russia & her people http://youtu.be/yyF5tbN8iXw

    1. Tetora


      That's not how you do a wallride...

    2. Owl


      In Soviet Russia trick does you.

    3. nekkichi
  7. Sakura Seven

    That's exactly what it is, LOL.
  8. Sakura Seven

    This band a mess.
  9. get in the c hat. people are posting nudes.

    1. Senedjem


      e verytones so naked, so bare, today only, see all the hotbodies

  10. let us all join in prayer for lucifer luscious violenoue to make music again. amen.

    1. Ada Suilen

      Ada Suilen

      I am doing a prayer for that for three years... *fingers crossed*

  11. Sakura Seven

    YES! I'm a beginner though. Nothing better than homemade quesadillas...
  12. Sakura Seven

    I'll be working, but we're allowed to dress up. I'm gonna be a clown. (A cute clown).
  13. Sakura Seven

  14. Sakura Seven

    I don't trust anyone who would willingly work with Kiwamu.
  15. Sakura Seven

    I'm digging that look - especially the Chucky lookalike.
  16. I hope this goes somewhere. I liked L'eprica.
  17. Sakura Seven

    I still love you, Tetora-kun.
  18. What makes me angry is his lack of foresight - why join a band as an official member, a serious band - if you know you can't commit due to your other projects? Why not just take a support role? Kaya and the rest are committed to Femme Fatale. Tana makes it work even as he performs with Gekijou Tenor. Kaya has his solo shows and Schwarz Stein activities. Iori wanted to quit as a performer after cocklobin but decided to give it another shot. All of what I've seen on the western fandom might make one think that this is just a side-project, but it's not. Iori, Kaya, Tana, and Toshi are all treating this as something real. He shouldn't have been part of the band to begin with. Fuck him. I liked his drumming, but this reflects so poorly on his character. I'm pissed that this had to happen to Femme Fatale so early in their career. Right before their first album. What an asshole. It's so apparent that he had to bow out once the band became something that he'd have to actually commit to, and I am like two beers away from telling him off on Twitter.
  19. Sakura Seven

    Really? What's wrong with being enthusiastic about a band? Nothing here reads as creepy to me. Quit being so cynical. All hail BANG ME.
  20. Sakura Seven

    I saw people talking about this band but never gave them a second thought - this is actually REALLY GOOD?! What single should I start with?!
  21. Sakura Seven

    I think it might be a good idea - I'm kinda concerned about people reposting translator's work without permission, though. I think that'd have to be paramount - someone would have to keep a close eye on it, maybe make each new thread mod approved?
  22. How dare you - OMEGA DRIPP have tens of fans. (On a good day.)
  23. I'm a handheld guy - I own a few consoles (PS2, Dreamcast) but all my current systems are handhelds. I've thought about buying a next-gen console, but I'd also need to update my TV to something from this decade, and that just feels like too much money for something like video games. Especially with Moran's new single! Order it here: http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/product/SDR-273B
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