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  1. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from returnal in マイドラゴン(My Dragon) will disband   
    Asking the real questions here
  2. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from emmny in マイドラゴン(My Dragon) will disband   
    Asking the real questions here
  3. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from helcchi in マイドラゴン(My Dragon) will disband   
    Asking the real questions here
  4. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from -NOVA- in マイドラゴン(My Dragon) will disband   
    Asking the real questions here
  5. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from IGM_Oficial in マイドラゴン(My Dragon) will disband   
    Asking the real questions here
  6. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from zaa_zaa in マイドラゴン(My Dragon) will disband   
    Asking the real questions here
  7. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Tokage in 黒百合と影 (kuroyuritokage) will disband   
    A pity, although I'm pretty sure even most of the fans on here saw it coming... They were pretty fucking good while they lasted, but it really felt as if they basically had zero budget left for anything whatsoever after they dropped from Ains and went down to just a three man group.. 
    Hope some of the members will stay active and form new bands with a similar style, though. I don't want that 'early '00s VK revival'-wave to die, altho it kinda feels like it's dying out already. 
  8. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to platy in マイドラゴン(My Dragon) will disband   
    What if kiryu had disbanded and My Dragon had stayed
  9. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from Aferni in Ba.基(Motoi) will leave DAYDALA   
    I assume he's leaving to fuse with Tomo and achieve his ultimate form.
  10. LOLOL
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from helcchi in Ba.基(Motoi) will leave DAYDALA   
    I assume he's leaving to fuse with Tomo and achieve his ultimate form.
  11. Thanks
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to suji in ヴァージュ(Virge) new single "凱歌" release + Dr.或(Aru) (ex.MALISEND) has joined   
    As funny as that was, I removed the video to prevent any potential confusion or more drama about the vocals.
    If anyone else posts here - or in any future Virge threads - just to complain about the vocals ((for the umpteenth time)), then it will be hidden for being offtopic. Posting your opinion is fine, but sometimes it has no place in the news threads as they often get clogged with more criticism/drama/shitposting than actual new details about the topic in question, and can mislead new readers. An easy solution would be to post your frustrations in the bad vk vocalists thread, or just mourn Malisend in their artist thread ((by making one!!)).
    There, problem solved.
  12. Thanks
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from suji in ヴァージュ(Virge) new single "凱歌" release + Dr.或(Aru) (ex.MALISEND) has joined   
    Fanbase gets upset because they whined about having the wrong vocalist. 
    Attempts in the way they can to please fanbase.
    Fanbase gets upset because whiny babies who don't understand simple topic of YOU DON'T HAVE TO LISTEN IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT
    I mean really. Most of what I read for updates on this band is how no one likes the vocals half the time. It's simple. Don't like it, don't listen and bum yourself out.
  13. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Shaolan974 in DAMY new maxi-single "トモダチごっこ" (Tomodachigokko) release   
    DAMY new maxi-single "トモダチごっこ" (Tomodachigokko) will be released at 2018/04/04 (2 types)
    TYPE A (1944yen) will include CD (2 songs) and DVD including "トモダチごっこ" (Tomodachigokko) PV
    TYPE B (1620yen) will include CD (3 songs) only
    01.トモダチごっこ  (Tomodachigokko)
    02.奈落 (Naraku)
    03.きみのわるぐち (Kimi no Waruguchi) [TYPE B only]
  14. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to suji in 乙女国家 (otomekokka) new single, "ユケ、ススメ、兵隊サン" (yuke, susume, heitai-san) release   
    乙女国家 (otomekokka) new single, "ユケ、ススメ、兵隊サン" (yuke, susume, heitai-san) (1200 yen) will be released on February 28. They will also hold their oneman live on February 11 at Takadanobaba Club Phase.
    1.ユケ、ススメ、兵隊サン (yuke, susume, heitai-san)
    2.触りたい (sawaritai)
    3.キンランドンス (kinrandonsu)
  15. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from NICKT in lix RETURN!?   
    I'm gonna tear myself apart with emotions if SUICIDE ALI jump on this boat
  16. 悲しい
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Chi in SHINee’s Jonghyun Has Passed Away   
    A will he gave a close friend (nine from dear cloud), which was given permission from jonghyun and his family to be shared online.
    Alternative translations can be found here
    Jonghyun giving advice on how to comfort someone with depression (check thread)
  17. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to platy in UPDATE: lll-Ligro- album cancelled + will disband   
    That song was like eyedrops but for my ears.
  18. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from platy in UPDATE: lll-Ligro- album cancelled + will disband   
    After listening to that song and my heart just...

  19. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Alkaloid in Screaming inside can kill. (f.k.a. Sick.) new members and new mini-album release   
    After going on hiatus at 2017/11/22, Sick. has changed their name to Screaming inside can kill. (still pronounced "Sick").
    3 new members have joined the band, whose identities will be revealed later.
    Vo.詩季 (Shiki) and Gu.風輝 (Fuki) have changed their stage names to their real names, Nakanashi Tatsuki and Konishi Fuki, respectively.
    Their new mini-album will be released (6 tracks), although further details are unavailable.

  20. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to suji in General Rules for the News Forum [updated 2019.06.30]   
    Hey guys!  
    As you may have noticed, the news section is more active than ever before since a certain character has departed, and more and more users are able to contribute their findings without any disruption or intimidation. With more contributors than ever, we each have our own writing style; some of us simply copy and paste band announcements and then translate them - whether by machine or on our own - to the best of our ability, and some of us take a more journalistic approach by adding more details rather than the standard news format of the past.
    To keep our status as one of the leading J-rock news sites/forums, we've decided to add in some rules and regulations to keep the forum in order and to help future contributors post without any issue:
    - intelligible English - As English is the default language of this forum, all topics and posts should be in English, excluding the International Lounge. Also, by posting and translating into English, it is possible for Monochrome Heaven to gain more exposure and recognition worldwide as an overseas news source to sites like JROCK NEWS and Shattered Tranquility as English is one of the most common languages in the world. With this in mind, think about how you'll make your post: make sure to proofread spelling, grammar, etc., so that it can be more coherent and understandable to the reader.
    - Translations to romaji are required mainly for band and release names, since most of our users are not proficient in Japanese (Google Translate is fine, but you are free to request/suggest alternate translations for the sake of accuracy, especially since song titles are a bit more challenging) As elaborated further down below, vkdb or Google can help decipher any names if you need to double-check.
    *If there's any issues with making translations using Google Translate, I suggest using RomajiDesu! Not only will it romanize the kanji you want to translate, but also show an English translation for each character used (if you're interested ^^).
    - Please be sure to update the title of the post after a significant update has been announced. For example, if you start off with the topic, "MERRY new single" and the name is announced later on, please change the title to that of the release itself, ex. "MERRY new single, "Kasa to Ame" release". This gives the threads more variety and it's better than skimming thru topics that all have "MERRY new single" in the title.
    **Highly recommended for topics whose releases are announced after the creation of a thread. Ex. "Plastic Tree to perform OP" turns into "Plastic Tree new single, "Inside Out". This prevents any confusion, skimming through extra info, and especially unnecessary duplicate threads.
    - Please Please PLEASE use the report button if there's a double-post or issues in the thread. (the first thing I do when I get up in the morning is to check up the news and try to find some things that are out of order. Some days, I won't be around, nor will the rest of the staff, to do that as we do focus on our own lives too. Reporting a post is a much easier way of getting our attention rather than simply posting in the thread about the error, or even worse, unnecessary drama...) 
    - Speaking of cooperation, this is NOT a competition. If someone else posts what you originally left out/posted seconds ago, or the reverse (some info is left out because they didn't see/understand it), don't make a big fuss (unless it's a double-post of course) ; after all, providing news is a team effort, so it's better to work together and to help each other out! ♥ 
    - Please refrain from making any offtopic posts. This could clog up the thread with more unnecessary posts and less valuable information, especially when that escalates to drama. Any posts that have nothing to do with the aforementioned artist or release, etc., will be removed from the thread. Repeat offenses may warrant a warning for spam or misbehavior. 
    - Make a new topic if necessary, especially if the band's previous thread hasn't been updated in a long period of time. In other words, don't necro long-dead topics, especially if you're only doing so to request an old release. That's what the Requests section is for btw.
    - Band/release names in kanji and romaji are recommended (makes it easier for hardcore/casual/non-Japanese speaking fans to search up their faves; may have to extend this to the download forum as well) If there's any problems trying to figure out a band/member's name, especially in romaji, google them or check out their webpage/social media/vkdb page, which can all be very helpful.
    - BEFORE posting, use the search function to check if anything has been posted yet. This can prevent double-posts of topics (such as accidentally making 2 threads about a band's new single), and confusion/competition between users. 
    - When making a new topic, please don't copypaste the original Japanese text onto your post, as it looks out of place and completely lazy. At least make an effort to translate it into English so that everyone can understand it. (2019.3.19)
    - If you want to make any posts about an artist in general, please do so in their appropriate thread in the Artists section (or make one if necessary). This will prevent any clogging of release threads and saving some of us the trouble to going through page after page to find more relevant information about the actual release.
    - Put some effort in how you actually research and post news. If a band is disbanding at the beginning of 2018, and the actual date of their last live has been posted, please post that date instead of "so&so will disband in January/February 2018". Most news topics don't need a lot of digging, but for posts like these, it'll totally save up a lot of time and stress.
    **Also, not everyone can keep up with a certain band/release (and understandably so), so threads often tend to go dead even though new stuff is being announced via the official source. It's highly recommended that you follow a band's twitter or check their webpage ever so often for new updates so they well, won't be forgotten or fall off the face of the earth. xD
    - When embedding a video/tweet/social media post, make sure you also add some context even when the information is displayed in the embed itself, as bands tend to delete everything once they disband/disable social media sites, etc. If you link to a tweet for example, and it gets deleted, your post will be completely blank and worse off, valuable information/history could be easily lost over time (which makes some of us archivists have a hard time with band histories), or your post will be left completely blank. This is extremely important if you choose to start off a new topic with just an embedded post!! New threads that start off like this are considered low effort, which makes the rest of us have to do the hard work, so please put some effort into your post!
    - Don't go overboard on making your news look pretty or overexaggerated. We've had some issues with certain users putting in too much formatting on their text, posting too many Youtube/Twitter/etc. embeds all on one post, and it's tiresome to actually go through everything, especially when dealing with a slow internet connection or other factors. Extra formatting such as big text, abusing the bold italic formats, or puking rainbows is completely unnecessary and distracting when all we want to read is the news. If you want to proceed with posting lots of tweets/picspams/videos that are relevant to the topic, fine, but put all that shit under a spoiler. 

  21. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Shaolan974 in jealkb new maxi-single "R-P-S" release   
    jealkb new maxi-single "R-P-S" will be released at 2017/11/22 (1000yen)
    01. R-P-S
    02. silver
    03. 6(Bonus Track)

  22. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to Shaolan974 in SiM new maxi-single "A / The Sound Of Breath" release   
    SiM new maxi-single "A / The Sound Of Breath" will be released at 2017/12/06 (2 types
    Limited edition (CD+DVD) 1550yen
    Regular edition (CD) 1100yen
    [CD tracklist]
    1. A
    2. The Sound Of Breath
    [DVD tracklist]
    ①SiM LIVE at “DEAD POPFESTiVAL 2017”
    Blah Blah blah
    paint sky blue
    KiLLiNG ME
    Dance In The Dark
    ②- EXTRA - 『SiMが如く』 MAH vs GODRi 炎の3番勝負!
  23. Like
    tetsu_sama69 reacted to TrentReznor in Zigzo - New single + dvd + mv   
    After more than 3 years later than their latest release (Forever Young) they plan to release some new music again (though it seems live limited).

    I thought they left behind the mispelling English stuff in Add9 Suicide
  24. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from nightwish666999666 in Deviloof   
    This dank band is so amazing.
  25. Like
    tetsu_sama69 got a reaction from Aferni in SAVAGE vo.龍華 (Ryuka) has been injured   
    Man I hope he's okay. He's a tough dude and an amazing performer. 
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