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Posts posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. I'm hyped to see him back and the rest of the band is awesome as well. I don't even if care if it's not despa, perhaps he is just doing something where if his voice goes out again it won't be a waste of the rest of his previous band mates time. Ya'll should think about that.


    Other than that I'm here for this.

  2. I've been into about as long I've been into visual kei and strangely enough one lead to the other. For me certain songs, groups, and even individual idols have impacted me as person and it's the same with particular visual groups/artists as well. Sometimes I like more than the other, it all depends on how I feel or what I'm into at the moment.


    I get why people aren't into it, it's just certain types of noise interest certain people and not everyone is gonna dig it. Most of the fanbases are garbage so I stick with certain people who like the same things and sometimes I find other groups that way. Works the same with visual bands as well for me.


    I like groups varying from the early 2000's to current day and different groups appeal to me for different reasons be it visuals, song style, or certain members but it's always had a positive impact on my life. But it's not for everyone and I can get why. The scene itself is a mess though particularly right now with some very terrible scandals going on and really stupid drama but I feel like you get that with any scene in general. I don't always condone what certain labels do with their groups either but unfortunately like Kisaki and his erratic behaviors/issues there's not much to be done about it but that's another subject for another time.






    I really dug this song but now that I've listened to the whole release, I gotta say I now need to be rescued because I'm drowning in the confidence and maturity from Map of Soul: Persona and I'm pretty sure any further releases in this style will actually kill me completely.

  4. They're overall pretty interesting. The instrumentals sound pretty good but my only complaint was that sometimes I couldn't tell if they vocalist was growling or if it was just the guitar occasionally. Other than that I dug this pretty hard.

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