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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    Always interested to hear bands that V STAR helps promote, they always end up being very interesting!
  2. tetsu_sama69

    Is V STAR holding Jaldan prisoner or are they simply providing the keys to their release?
  3. Tomorrow is the last day of a 50 hour work week....

  4. tetsu_sama69

    Glad to see them gaining a lot more momentum with their new drummer!
  5. 4 hours of sleep club GGGGOOOOOOO


  6. tetsu_sama69

    Damn they were a pretty fucking solid band. Top notch releases. Hopefully they'll move onto another project together.
  7. tetsu_sama69

    Sad news...
  8. tetsu_sama69

    sounds pretty nice from that preview and dat engrish yo
  9. tetsu_sama69

    Man, finally some love for the support members and letting their talents shine! I'M HYPED!
  10. tetsu_sama69

    Bruh. Yuuto is such a great vocalist. It's sad he can't get the ball rolling with another band.
  11. Shout to the ORZ crew! tenor.gif

    1. emmny


      Shoutouts to all them bad bitches who...pick up my slack from only doing an actual review like...2x a year D: <3

    2. Zeus


      we got a lot of stuff coming this week :)

  12. tetsu_sama69

    Welcome to the community! If you are looking to explore more visual music feel free to check out the Artist section of the forum and the Reviews as well. You may be able to stumble upon more great bands!
  13. A9's Ideal is seriously amazing. 10/10 MUST LISTEN

    1. Flame-X


      Is this their most recent album? I haven't listened to A9 in years, so I wouldn't mind going back to them.

  14. tetsu_sama69

  15. This band gives me so much life
  16. tetsu_sama69

    Underage tanuki banygas STRIKE AGAIn
  17. tetsu_sama69

    They've always managed to continue despite member issues. Will have to see how things go.
  18. Any suggestions for 3DS games that are not Pokemon?

    1. Himeaimichu


      Dead or Alive Dimensions is pretty good. I know the DOA series in general gets a bad rap for being fanservice-y, but it's still quite fun

    2. nekkichi
    3. platy


      Cooking Mama and rhythm paradise for some lighthearted fun.

    4. Show next comments  51 more
  19. tetsu_sama69

    Definitely keeping my eye on this. Granted it's sad that he's not singing this time around but I give them credit for actually doing something well.
  20. tetsu_sama69

  21. Finally got myself a 3DS XL today :D

  22. It's hard to say where the scene will go. It's mostly a big mess of metalcore, DJ ent, EDM, and some random spots of more revival kei. It's only hard to predict because visual kei is not defined by a particular genre of music so it could be anything. It's just dominated by certain genres depending upon where the scene currently stands on what's popular and gets sales. That's really what it comes down to. Hell, it could be two dudes banging pots together and screaming with shitty make-up/outfits and it could be defined as visual kei just based on that.
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