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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    After listening to that song and my heart just...
  2. tetsu_sama69

    Reforms as Yusai because previous vocalist left now their current one leaves. Makes me question if there's a bad seed in the group.
  3. tetsu_sama69

    These guys were one of my personal favorites. I hope they reform under a much better label.
  4. I worked 20 hours on black friday and then a 14 hour on Saturday. I kinda wanna curl up in a ball and scream.

    1. itsukoii


      you worked TWENTY HOURS on black friday?? how are you not DEAD

    2. tetsu_sama69


      I am dead inside.

    3. qotka


      is that even legal??

  5. tetsu_sama69

    I'm already hyped!
  6. If anyone plays the PC version of Overwatch, please let me know. Lost a number of friends because I wasn't on as much anymore. 

    1. tetsu_sama69


      Yeah a few of them moved over there. We got split up over me blocking a toxic individual and the rest are too scared for some reason to do the same so I play alone most of the time.

    2. Biopanda


      I do! HMU if you wanna do duo comp or something sometime Biopanda#1170

    3. tetsu_sama69


      Sure will. In case mine doesn't go through I'm honeyfunnyb#1823

    4. Show next comments  36 more
  7. tetsu_sama69

  8. tetsu_sama69

    Man I hope he's okay. He's a tough dude and an amazing performer.
  9. tetsu_sama69

    I don't mind it being a ballad at all but Ryouga has recorded ballads in the past without the effects. What happened here?
  10. how to look uninterested in the music you are making in MV 101
  11. That awkward moment when you almost yell at a customer when you're generally not an angry person. I really need to think over if I want to stay at my job after the holidays.

  12. Sometimes I feel like I'm at the end of my rope and then I listen to just the right song or album and everything is just okay. 

  13. the lines between work and personal life are seriously becoming quite blurred

  14. tetsu_sama69

    I almost got a cut from how edgy this look is... I approve.
  15. tetsu_sama69

    Man those b-sides are really fucking nice. The title track though, I mean it's Royz and they do the djent bloop blips thing but here I really feel like that's what killed the song. Could have been an amazing powerhouse song but NOPE FKN BLOOPS!!
  16. tetsu_sama69

    Aw shit. Well, at least we'll most likely see Jin again soon. He's not one to simply fade out.
  17. tetsu_sama69

    Wow what a shock! Rest in peace! I hope the band and his family will take the time they need to remorse.
  18. tetsu_sama69

    So I didn't get moved over to the department I wanted because of recent sick issues that are no longer a problem because of getting my health sorted aka pulled out 6 bad teeth and getting the rest treated. But instead of letting it get to me I've decided to embrace it and be the stronger person in this situation. I've just got to remain motivated and focused!
  19. tetsu_sama69

    Hopefully they'll put this on us itunes again! It was helpful being able to throw money at them! I can't wait!
  20. Ever been surrounded by people and still feel alone? That's how this whole year feels.

    1. madygrain


      I gess it sometimes does suck to be an extrovert hugh?  Stay strong!

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