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Everything posted by tetsu_sama69

  1. tetsu_sama69

    It could be a mix of those reasons. Perhaps just hunting down another vocalist was already trouble enough before. They're really a niche band and finding another singer could be more trouble than it's worth when PLC could possibly just have more activity to make for it.
  2. tetsu_sama69

    Sadly with the full swing return of PLC, I really saw this coming.
  3. tetsu_sama69

    All these surgeries in line for the next couple months and lately feeling completely useless here and at work is just piling pretty fucking quick...
  4. tetsu_sama69

    Had some issues where last.fm wasn't working for me for a while so it really messed up my lists. But here it mostly is in in type super base tetsu fashion.
  5. Went from red hair to black hair because i'm such an edgelord

  6. tetsu_sama69

    I was getting worried but now I'm excited!
  7. I got two teeth pulled today... everything hurts...

    1. Bear


      Did you get any anesthesia? I once pulled a tooth without any anesthesia because my idiot dentist couldn't work shit out. Stupidest cunt I've ever met.


      Started to pull it out but as soon as I made a sound due to the pain she stopped pulling and the tooth kinda went back down in its "socket". Then she pulled again, stopped pulling when I made a sound. She kept doing this for another two times until I told the stupid cunt to just pull it the fuck out no matter what kind of sound I made. Went surprisingly well after that, and I got her to just use brute force to get the fucker out of my mouth.


      Other than that tho, never experience any pain after the tooth was gone. Have pulled three.


      You'll be fine any moment tho. :)

    2. itsukoii


      ^ lol wow


      but yeah i've actually had four of mine pulled, and all went well. i didn't need stitches, that's probably why. my mom on the other hand needed them, and so it's been a bit more uncomfortable for her

    3. tetsu_sama69


      yeah i got stitches.... 

    4. Show next comments  42 more
  8. just gotta be strong until thursday, then I will be getting better finally.

  9. tetsu_sama69

    Wow... just wow... CindyKate was an important band for really getting me into visual music over all. This is very heartbreaking...
  10. tetsu_sama69

    Welcome to Visual Kei, where the names are made up and the visuals don't matter!
  11. That's very true. Still it's pretty dang good. They have a way of making messy music so well but without the synth would have been 100x better.
  12. tetsu_sama69

    Their recent release was so good, thus the life of visual bands continues it's trend.
  13. tetsu_sama69

    That's pretty damn good!
  14. At least now I know why I have been so ill of late... I have a lovely infection.

  15. tetsu_sama69

  16. Just when you thought bands having conditional disbandment's based on live numbers terakoya one-up's everyone else.
  17. This is the perfect type of music for Chisa and Shogo. After DIV went more electronic I felt they weren't going to be going long and this is the exact answer to my prayers!
  18. tetsu_sama69

    Sounds good... so far.
  19. Dear sweet lord that opening guitar part alone got me going!
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