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About tetsu_sama69

  • Rank
    「Vk Treasure Trove」
  • Birthday 10/04/1986

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    music, video games, and generally being excellent

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  1. Been having a weird time adjusting to IBS since I found out I have it about a month ago. Today's really bad in particular. Anyone know any good foods or ways to manage it better?

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    2. tetsu_sama69


      i really appreciate all the responses @Zeus @platy @Seelentau @Doesn'tEvenGoHere


      i've basically cut out anything spicy and have barely touched soda, energy drinks, or anything severely caffeinated cause it's either bad right after or the next day I hurt alot. The weirder issue I'm trying to figure out is that when I get emotionally distressed it hurts as well and once pain starts well... y'all know how that ends up going. I've been trying to avoid cheese and such sometimes the meds I take solve the problem and sometimes it doesn't. It's just been weird. Even considering changing to a day shift job to avoid distress.

    3. Zeus


      @tetsu_sama69 do you have ulcers? stress can activate ulcers and those can be very painful.

    4. platy


      @tetsu_sama69 anxiety affects my stomach very badly and there's nothing I can do to stop it except for not getting anxious. :( I haven't found a way to alleviate this apart from meditating which can only help so far lol but what Zeus said is something to consider. 


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