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  1. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from gekiai in Shit N00b Vkei Fans Say   
    People who claim to have been into vk for 10+ years yet barely know entry level acts is the main fad amongst noobs these days. 
  2. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Karma’s Hat in A "semi-goodbye"   
    Get over yourself and have some dignity, man. Everyone here ends up taking a few L's eventually and gets called out on it, but this is a very forgiving and accommodating community that treats these things with good humour. So If you're interested in this stuff then please: discover new bands, enjoy the dl's and just talk rubbish like everyone else here, and you might make a few friends, have a good time and whatever else; if not, then it's beyond me why anyone would feel inclined to make an eulogy for themselves on a bloody internet messageboard before fading into lurkdom. 
  3. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from platy in A question to everyone   
    To be honest and fair though, while I agree that Yohio is morally despicable in a lot of ways and the fact that I have personal relations with people affected by this (as do most in the fragment of what's left of a Swedish VK scene), I have to say that a major reason for the dislike is that western peoples shit generally get out a lot easier. There are plenty of Japanese bandmen who do equally awful things to fans and other women who happen to get in their way. We just don't really hear about it because we either chalk it up to Tanuki rumours or, most likely, no one cares to read up about it at all. Because looking up every entry level bandman who fucks up (without breaking any major laws) would just not be feasible.
    Ironically though, I think he's representing the current (unfortunate) trends in the Japanese scene pretty well, tapping into both the pop and the more heavy sides of "neo-vk" with his various projects. The problem is that it's highly unoriginal and sounds like derivatives of a bunch of popular bands tossed together in a blender based on what he was able to dig up on his latest youtube escapades, bands that themselves aren't very exciting to begin with (this is personal opinion though, of course). I also always found him and his group of friends to have pretty shallow knowledge of VK during encounters so the fact that he apparently knew several 90s bands back in the day sometime surprises me, because I've always felt during conversations like they're the kind of guys who think Dir en grey's OBSCURE PV is the most cool and obscure shit around. (remember when Yohio was watching it in that documentary from SVT? lol.) 
    So while I agree that there are plenty of good reasons to not like Yohio, my point is that if this was another good for nothing Japanese indie VK guy, chances are we wouldn't be interested, but precisely because he's a foreigner and we have access to a larger amount of information we are able to more easily pass judgement on his behaviour. And perhaps that's for the better, really.
  4. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Biopanda in Premium Membership?   
  5. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to NaotoRuder in Premium Membership?   
    So, I've noticed that you can no longer view the download forum without being a premium member apparently. First, I personally think that's dumb, but it's not my decision. Anyway, my question is simply how does one become a premium member? There's nothing in the account settings to allow for it or anything, so I'm confused on how someone would even do that.
  6. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Karma’s Hat in DIE/MAY new single release   
    I wonder how artistically fulfilling it is to 1:1 rip off the gazette's sound and aesthetics. 
  7. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from odrep in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    Okay, I've gathered my thoughts about the new song.
    It's roughly five minutes long, It features an electronic and piano intro which leads into a heavy rhythmic strumming section which then gives way to another softer section which utilizes strong echo effects on the guitar. Kyo starts singing the verse. It's clean singing throughout the whole song. It builds up pretty fast into a powerful chorus which strikes decisively positive tone (musically) while Kyo sings away in the expected falsetto style. Back to the verse. leads into a piano section with Kyo singing (again) gentle falsetto. Then a short drum fill which leads into the chorus again. Kyo strained at some shows to reach the high notes while it was utterly effortless at some other. The piano reappears during the end of the chorus which leads into a short piano interlude which then launches back into the heavy rhythmic strumming from the intro and ends the song.
    I wouldn't say it's anything akin to Jessica or things like that, and while it has a hopeful tinge to it, it doesn't really have the upbeat feel of a track like that. It's a much more mature effort and I would liken it more to a ballad in the vein of LOTUS for example than anything else.
  8. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from odrep in DIR EN GREY - TOUR16-17 FROM DEPRESSION TO ________   
    Kyo started singing too early and got out of rythm, and since he couldn't find his way back smoothly he turned around to the other guys and started waving his arms at them signalling them to stop playing. Then he sort of laughed it off a bit with the rest of us and we gave him an applause for... being a good sport I guess? It's fun when something unexpected happens and Kyo says something out of the ordinary as well, just makes him a bit more human.
    Either way, best show of the tour so far for me, Osaka always delivers and finally some standing shows so I can be in the middle of all the mayhem and bask in the glory of organized chaos. Setlist was great and the remaining songs will be played tomorrow. I doubt there will be any surprises at this stage of the tour but there really doesn't have to be any as far as I'm concerned. 
  9. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Tokage in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    i cant believe we finally got to the point where we can openly roast deviloof without being arrested by the shill police
  10. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to herpes in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    hope you're prepared for the usual stale arguments of
    i don't understand the language which means its better because western lyrics are usually bad!! glorious nihonjin make ongaku better than white devils something about not being mainstream  
    also cheers
  11. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to emmny in "Hypocricy" in the music taste of some j-rock listeners.   
    cheers to you spilling some tea (your argument is leveraged toward an audience who probably doesn't care to acknowledge their own biases i mean how many intelligent nokubura and deviloof stans are on here tho)
  12. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to CAT5 in Mamo from R-shitei being homophobic   
    Y'all don't know how to act. It would be nice if some of you could actually form some coherent arguments instead of attacking each other. Thread closed.
  13. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Tokage in Mamo from R-shitei being homophobic   
    So do the people who are like "I'LL NEVER SUPPORT HUMAN TRASH LIKE THAT" scroll through all their faves social media accounts on the daily to check whether or not they're doing something problematic or what? Cuz that seems like a lot more effort than it's worth just to allow yourself to listen to some music..
    It still feels kind of hypocritical to me tha tpeople were willing to look past Mamo' s other forms of shitty behavior before (ie the pedo allegations that were already floating around before, the fact that the band is selling this unhealthy self-harm stuff in their music and image that was known before), but now he's suddenly the Richard Spencer of VK?
    It's a shitty and short-sighted opinion of his to have, obviously, and his whole "IM SORRY GUYS (but not really lol)" response to the outrage is frankly just childish (how old is this guy again??)  but at the same time I'm pretty sure his status as an 'influencer'... isn't... that big. He's still just the vocalist of a VK band, and I'm like 90% sure his gya (if he still has any left at this point jej) already have their own opinions regarding LGBT culture -most likely some idealized fujoshi yaoi manga fantasy stuff-, so most likely he's not gonna 'recruit' any new people for the anti-gay cause.
    Just either accept that the guy's a cunt and boycott him and his band, or accept that not all of your fav. artists may necessarily share your own political views. There's pretty much no other options anyway.
    Alternatively have him square up against Ao Sakurai celebrity boxing-style
  14. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from len in Gay guy Faces Death Penalty For Doing Drag On Instagram   
    Using a "he shouldn't behave like that" excuse makes me think of the courts where they ask rape victims what they wore at the time.
    Let's not be so accepting of cultural differences that we try to relativize this kind of brutal and medieval laws. These countries who enforce sharia law should be condemned internationally but for some reason they always slip through the cracks. It's as if we don't expect them to be able to live up to the same standards of human rights as "white" countries. Sad and unacceptable. 
  15. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Mephistopheles in Good day.   
    Hello, what forums were you active on in the past? 
  16. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from jon_jonz in Misaruka will disband   
    They need to find a new niche to rip off. I bet after they disband they'll come back wearing over-sized knit shirts and play mediocre shoegaze. I don't think there's any moderately popular Plastic Tree rip-offs yet.
    Or they'll just do like that other new band and simply steal the name of an old band (Lamiel -> ラミエル, was it?) and play lackluster neo-vk. God knows we don't have enough bands who play generic-core with badly implemented synthesizers. 
  17. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from emmny in Misaruka will disband   
    They need to find a new niche to rip off. I bet after they disband they'll come back wearing over-sized knit shirts and play mediocre shoegaze. I don't think there's any moderately popular Plastic Tree rip-offs yet.
    Or they'll just do like that other new band and simply steal the name of an old band (Lamiel -> ラミエル, was it?) and play lackluster neo-vk. God knows we don't have enough bands who play generic-core with badly implemented synthesizers. 
  18. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from suji in Misaruka will disband   
    They need to find a new niche to rip off. I bet after they disband they'll come back wearing over-sized knit shirts and play mediocre shoegaze. I don't think there's any moderately popular Plastic Tree rip-offs yet.
    Or they'll just do like that other new band and simply steal the name of an old band (Lamiel -> ラミエル, was it?) and play lackluster neo-vk. God knows we don't have enough bands who play generic-core with badly implemented synthesizers. 
  19. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to CELESTIAL CIEL in Show Yourself (again)   
    long time no see and late merry christmas from stupid fawn

  20. Like
    WhirlingBlack reacted to Zeus in YOUR FAVORITE MH MEMBERS   
    Ask Dai.
  21. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from emmny in 5 Sounds I'd Like To Hear in 2017 Visual Kei   
    From the list I choose D'espairsRay although if there were a MUCC (1997-2004) option i would've had a hard time choosing. 
    My dream is a vk band that can fuse the raw despair and occasional quirks of the old MUCC sound with the refined somewhat frail darkness of emmuree combined with the atmosphere of old burzum or other mid-tempo Black Metal. Throw in some shoegazing reverb for good measure. Please give me that for 2017.
  22. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Biopanda in 5 Sounds I'd Like To Hear in 2017 Visual Kei   
    From the list I choose D'espairsRay although if there were a MUCC (1997-2004) option i would've had a hard time choosing. 
    My dream is a vk band that can fuse the raw despair and occasional quirks of the old MUCC sound with the refined somewhat frail darkness of emmuree combined with the atmosphere of old burzum or other mid-tempo Black Metal. Throw in some shoegazing reverb for good measure. Please give me that for 2017.
  23. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Tokage in Gay guy Faces Death Penalty For Doing Drag On Instagram   
    Using a "he shouldn't behave like that" excuse makes me think of the courts where they ask rape victims what they wore at the time.
    Let's not be so accepting of cultural differences that we try to relativize this kind of brutal and medieval laws. These countries who enforce sharia law should be condemned internationally but for some reason they always slip through the cracks. It's as if we don't expect them to be able to live up to the same standards of human rights as "white" countries. Sad and unacceptable. 
  24. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Hakari in 5 Sounds I'd Like To Hear in 2017 Visual Kei   
    From the list I choose D'espairsRay although if there were a MUCC (1997-2004) option i would've had a hard time choosing. 
    My dream is a vk band that can fuse the raw despair and occasional quirks of the old MUCC sound with the refined somewhat frail darkness of emmuree combined with the atmosphere of old burzum or other mid-tempo Black Metal. Throw in some shoegazing reverb for good measure. Please give me that for 2017.
  25. Like
    WhirlingBlack got a reaction from Jigsaw9 in 5 Sounds I'd Like To Hear in 2017 Visual Kei   
    From the list I choose D'espairsRay although if there were a MUCC (1997-2004) option i would've had a hard time choosing. 
    My dream is a vk band that can fuse the raw despair and occasional quirks of the old MUCC sound with the refined somewhat frail darkness of emmuree combined with the atmosphere of old burzum or other mid-tempo Black Metal. Throw in some shoegazing reverb for good measure. Please give me that for 2017.
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