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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. 1 hour ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    also i think the part form 1:45-1:52 where keisuke screams as fast as there's no tomorrow could be used as some sort of his "signature scream" cuz there are a few songs where he screams super fast in a row that it almost sounds like totally out of rhythm but super cool if you get what i mean.

    It sounded a lot like the part in Reverence by NOCTURNAL BLOODLUST where Hiro spits "crush into the burden for me. kill each other at the end of story" a couple times.

  2. 26 minutes ago, AimiGen7 said:

    Didn't they just come out with a new look like yesterday? 

    Also, I joked before about how the vocalist looked like he lowkey had the hairstyle Saki from Cuartet (who also owns BLOOM), and they go out and change it.  The only reasonable explanation is that Saki reads MH and got angry (as if the dude isn't angry like 24/7) and made mama. change their look. 


    Seriously tho, can this dude decide on a look, and commit to it? He's like the Visual Kei equivalent of those people who wear colored contacts, and then claim their eyes change color with their mood. 


    They used to change their look constantly when they were Morphine. So this is just following suit, I guess. I just hope they can stick to one tone musically.


    Also, their drummer is definitely wearing a shirt for pants.

  3. 2 hours ago, Seimeisen said:

    The new song is pretty good. Longer than necessary, but better than anything TBS tried to do after OUSIA.


    Is it just me, though, or does Jin's voice sound worse every year?

    He needs to keep his voice in the lower registers. Right where his range begins to peak into falsetto, it gets really grating. His screams in this song are dope though.

  4. On 1/8/2019 at 4:50 PM, Seelentau said:

    Didn't that girl from BABYMETAL leave because of hearing issues? Or throat issues, I'm not sure.


    Anyway, everyone probably knows of Kyo's partial deafness ever since 2000. "R TO THE CORE" from VULGAR is about this, I think.

    I'm pretty sure Yui left BABYMETAL because of the rigorous touring schedule taking a toll on her health, but didn't state whether it was hearing or her throat. Given that she states she's pursuing a solo career, I don't think it would be the latter, but we never know for sure with these kinds of things.

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