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Posts posted by patientZERO

  1. 18 minutes ago, Kathy said:

    It seems like they took down the links but their twitter says they’ll post the new links up on a later date. 

    Oh, stupid me. I didn't bother checking their twitter. I got the LINE message while I was at work, then got home all excited and then saw they were dead and sank deflated into my bed. Haha

  2. I'm not saying this to be negative as I really like Fixer, but they honestly can do better, so this is probably for the best. I don't know what involvement he has with the writing process, but the guy could not keep up during live performances.

  3. 13 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    Yeah, but put yourself in the place of the office downstairs. Why do regular salarymen who are trying to work, or whatever goed on down there, should have to put up with teenage girls stomping to crappy young adults who deviate from society in unnaceptable ways.


    Sure, it doesn't sound fun or fair for us, but I can understand why the downstairs neighbors would complain. 


    Where is that festival again? I would love to go to a metal festival without being trampled.

    I would hope they weren't working late, but then again, people work ridiculous hours in Japan, so that hope is probably lost.


    The festival was a Christian music fest in New Hampshire called Inside Out. I went in 2011 or 2012 to see a bunch of bands like A Plea for Purging, For Today, and Hundredth, but it really was a drag. Add to that the fact that I'm not religious, so I should have expected this. Haha

  4. 7 hours ago, Komorebi said:

    That's what happens when you have a livehouse on the third floor. WTF.

    I went to an outside festival thing once that didn't allow moshing, crowdsurfing, or jumping or pretty much any other bodily sign of enjoyment. Mind you this was a metal and rock festival ... it was not a fun time. It was held on a ski resort mountain during the summer and they didn't want to mess up the grounds or something.

  5. 17 minutes ago, Mamo said:

    Same but I hated him in COCKROACH although I didn't hear much. They sucked hopefully this venture pans out but I wouldn't get my hopes up. I don't expect much from a band featuring Kyotaro other than quick disbandment or %100 underground actives with near impossible to get music. At least this was the case with his last 2 bands. He's my favorite vocalist of all time btw but yeah I doubt this will be anything worth while.


    On the plus side at least this is a vk band again the last 2 weren't and tbh maybe that's why they did so bad, because I think Kyotaro is a purely vk vocalist. Also his name was KYO for awhile in both COCKROACH and LAST OF FATE.


    And it's KYO now not Kyotaro anymore. https://twitter.com/LAW_KYO

    Regardless, gimme that raspy ass growl! I'm staying optimistic.

  6. 6 hours ago, Valicious said:

    Want to see what unboxing 250lbs of VK looks like? Want to be able to buy it the moment we take it out of the box? Join us for a fantastic time Thursday, March 29th at 11am MST/1pm EST on our Youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7f3zcTdBlbc9WlSq0P9l1A
    Countdown Timer:

    Damn, I have work during the day on Thursday. Why couldn't it be Friday ... ?

  7. 7 hours ago, Valicious said:

    Happy to help!

    We're doing an unboxing either Monday or Tuesday of 250lbs of vk, so we may end up helping you even more!  It won't be an auction, more of 

    *Item gets pulled out of box*

    Customer: "I want that!  How's $X?
    RarezHut: "Sounds good.  Sold"

    I'm not sure 100% when the unboxing will be.  Fedex has been dropping the ball and being generally incompetent with custums.  I'll be posting about it in the RarezHut thread, as well as our FB page.


    Do you post your events here? I don't do facebook, but I'm on MH pretty much daily.

  8. 16 minutes ago, VkBrutaliaN said:

    will be quite interesting to know if it will be limited to that ONEMAN only or if it will be sold at later lives as well... cuz maybe if 2nd is the case it might get sold via their webshop later on... 

    curious for further details though.

    Yeah, I'm curious to know more details as well. If this single is like their DVDs, then I'm okay with that, but if it's limited to just one live ... well, I may have to riot.

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