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  1. Like
    Furik reacted to cvltic in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    they actually sold out shinkiba coast! i'm impressed... this will be one of their biggest shows (if not the biggest)?
  2. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Mamo in 直樹(naoki)(DEATHGAZE) new band will form   
    It's different for them. Nice to see they can do slower songs too. This band is all around good. 
  3. Like
    Furik reacted to Takadanobabaalien in THE EGOIST Vo.Rouis has departed + they have disbanded   
    ^ i cba to read up on their tanuki topics but from the posts i read some ppl think he's staying at a mitsu
  4. Like
    Furik reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in THE EGOIST Vo.Rouis has departed + they have disbanded   
    Yayoi "got him"
  5. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Mihenno in 直樹(naoki)(DEATHGAZE) new band will form   
    It's different for them. Nice to see they can do slower songs too. This band is all around good. 
  6. Like
    Furik reacted to doaseternity6 in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    Oh boy it's been awhile. I still follow the group on fb and saw this post and thought "gahdamn, has it really been 10 years?" That means I've known some of you since I was  16/17 and some of you like champ213 probably even longer than that from tonberry days and the great migration. A wave of serious nostalgia passed over me. This forum and the people on it were such an integral part of my life for so long. 
    Fond af memories:
    downloads and rarez drama, Kiwamu hate, crappy indies vk thread, the mh Chat, chatting on msn messenger, chatting on soulseek lol, Jake's changing favorite bands every week, Dai/toasted waffles/the big change, being a mod and the staff dramaz (our pokemanz and mod colors too), yellow names, Fakkin' A, that dude mitsu (I think) who would randomly curse in the chat and had that terrible vk fanfiction and lyrics site, "generic" ,  Jake's feud with that dude that ended somehow with Cat5 and others infiltrating our ranks and then liking it here, lady revania drama, last.fm mass chart suicides and tagging dramaz, spinning on turntable.fm, when we first got emoticons and the subsequent abuse of said emoticons , demonandroid and all crappy vs. high quality rips dramaz, credit dramaz, IAMWILL, banning dramaz... okay lots of drama but ya'll get the point.
    Some of the best friends I've made I made on this forum and some of you I've gotten a chance to meet irl and hope to still meet others in the future. I honestly thought I would be on here until the bitter end but a year or so after I moved to Tokyo and got buckled down with school and life I slow faded and before I knew it it all seemed so distant. But every now and then I think back to this place and when I see some of you guys on fb or elsewhere the memories do come flooding back and I'm happy and proud to have been a part of this community. 
    Some honorable mentions of some people Who've impacted my life on and off this board: 
    Cat5, Champ213, Maiku, Prism, Zeus, Mima, Shogu, Missa, Ito, Spike760, Biopanda, Furik, Aion, Ash and more.
    So long and thanks for all the fish.
  7. Like
    Furik reacted to The Moon in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    mods pls restore my true name "FAT GIRL PARTY" asap 
  8. Like
    Furik reacted to chemicalpictures in Show Yourself (again)   
    me rocking my SRASH NOTES GARDEN tee at lollapalooza
  9. Like
    Furik reacted to ShanethVarosa in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Like I really thought that X Day was gonna be this big thing where they like unveil all these projects they were working on and shit. Like they were gonna play a majority of new songs people hadn't heard yet or whatever. And then ultimately announce the definite and for real release date of the album. 
    I dont know why i ever delude myself in this manner. Personally I've loved everything they've done since they got back together. But their like... constant back and forth about this album isn't even funny to me at this point just horribly disheartening and truly disrespectful to fans, in my opinion. 
    Even now, almost a month after X Day, they're still dancing around the subject. Rude. 
  10. Like
    Furik reacted to LIDL in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    lol emphasis on "maybe"
  11. Like
    Furik reacted to Mamo in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
  12. Like
    Furik reacted to suji in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    how is this band still around smh
  13. Like
    Furik reacted to Takadanobabaalien in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    what a dickmove
  14. Like
    Furik reacted to mikarudio in X JAPAN new album release date for March 3rd?   
    Will launching  half life 3 before  that his new disc of x japan  XD 
  15. Like
    Furik got a reaction from Ro plz in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    As much as I love lynch. I honestly feel they need a break. I'm all excited for new music from them but they put out countless release after release that sound too similar. Exodus was a fantastic revamp for them and the following album was great in its own but everything after sounds so mediocre. Hopefully with Ryo on board (?) they took some lesssons and will experiment with their sound. 
  16. Like
    Furik got a reaction from platanity in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    girugamesh left us too soon. 
  17. Like
    Furik got a reaction from nick in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    girugamesh left us too soon. 
  18. Like
    Furik reacted to Peace Heavy mk II in Old User Names and Avatars   
    My older usernames are:
  19. Like
    Furik reacted to rekzer in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    Inb4 lynch. Goes all electro rock now
    I hope Ryo doesnt just tell them to go with the heavy electro thing girugamesh was on.
    Ryo: this is the future *plays evolution*
    Hazuki: ....
    Ryo: wub wub wub chuga chug chug
    Hazuki: what the hell? We are behind schedule
  20. Like
    Furik reacted to emmny in lynch. new mini album "SINNERS-EP" release   
    i hope hazuki got angry/upset/sad enough from last year's drama to actually write some interesting, fresh music.
    not that i'll complain considering it'll be more of the same but still....i have hope
  21. Like
    Furik reacted to filth_y in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    How time flies! Im also one of those coming over from batsu roughly 10 years ago and visting nearly every single day since. Like some, i was actively writing here in the early days but went silent after/leeching and now just post once in a while. Im amazed some people are active here for the same time and im reading their posts since all these years like Ito or Saku. I didnt like that some guys changed their username so i forgot who they were but for me Ramrod, Trombe and Champ213 were legends here that unfortunatly seemed to go away, taking a huge part of this forum for me with them (miss you Trombe!). Shoutout to some guys i remember i havent seen active here anymore like Kagerou, Kuregu, Spike760, DeathlikeS, stylelover, Ichibayo, ed47a, etc.
    Some of the core members here left, but those who stayed aged mindly and have put the discussions to a more respectivly atmosphere imo. I think for many the glitter of vk crumbled when they realized how shitty and untalented 90% of all these hyped bands are, be it for live videos on youtube, a lot more people here going to actual lives in japan or just general increase in life experience. Its funny and a little annoying sometimes to read "newer" people hype those bands because of their photoshop pictures or ghost recorded CDs while you've seen how horrible musicians they are irl/at their live, but well. I've been there myself in the early days so let them be and have their fun
    - I remember the time when you could finally join the old VIP section and just saw an huge amount of (mostly shitty) rare stuff you could finally torture your ears with. What time to be alive.
    - I remember drama: Reviews of not yet shared CDs, stuff shared outside old VIP, stuff shared that someone bought at auctions, the person who thought she was robin hood sharing VIP stuff at LJ, etc. etc.
    - I remember the hardcore trolls but some seemed to get bored and left. A few stayed but they finally managed to become partly funny for me (or i just got used to it)
    - I remember shitty bands like Leviathan, unRuSt or brodiaea hyped to no end. The Death Gate CDs from brodiaea seemed like the holy grail. I feel while the amount of really bad bands and people hyping them decreased you really cant compare bad but well produced bands of these days (e.g. AvelCain) with how bad some were back in the days.
    Thanks to everyone who keeps this forum alive! Wishing for many more good times and good new bands.
  22. Like
    Furik reacted to nick in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I joined TW somewhen in 2008 just for the rarez and stuff back then, and it has become a huge part of my daily life that I keep visiting since.
    Moreover, MH has so many veteran VK fans from various countries throughout the world, and that alone makes me think if you claim to be a VK fan but haven't heard of MH, you're probably just a n00b one. lol
    Well, besides MH being an international J-Rock/VK community, it's also a place where I've been learning English from interacting with both native and non-native speakers. The fact that my English has been so much improved is because of the edit button and Google Translate people here. <33
    It was also an honor that the staff approached me in October 2013 inviting me to join the team as a blue mod; otherwise, I wouldn't dare to sign up myself. lol. And that was the right decision, so I can contribute something I'm capable of doing to the community.
    Finally, I would like to thank MH for existing all these years and all the people here for your valuable contributions.
    Thank you so much for a great 10 years, and let's move forward to the future together.
  23. Like
    Furik reacted to Karma’s Hat in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    A legendary epoch for me personally, even as far as my life really, was the heyday of the chat. I think I started appearing there around late 2011 and up until late 2013.  Anyone who was there at the time knows exactly what I'm talking about and how special that thing was.  
    At one point you could rest assured that someone would be there all the time, like Yasu or slsr or somebody else who seemed to be on the computer day and night. I pretty much spend as much time there as I could myself, and I when I left the house I had chat on mobile and when I got home I logged in with the computer! People who are new to this forum cannot even begin to imagine how many classic happenings took place there from those long running gags to all the fights like the big one that eventually sounded its death knell. 
    I try to relate a couple of favorite stories that I remember off the top of my head. I try to be as brief as possible so that people will actually read all this lol
    One fairly recent character was my boi Kahzooey Tunasama from Scandal Heaven, who upon introducing himself proclaimed that he was going to leave the forum in September of something. Then he kept post-poning his exit until he made the ill-fated thread 
    He showed up to the chat a couple of times too, but wasn't all that enthralling a person. We did go trolling on scandal heaven one day, and I think at least Cat and sai took the literal piss. I haven't laughed that much too many times in my life. 
    When raburr joined and dove-eyed and fuzzy tailed I hazed the fuck out of him in the chat. For the life of me I don't remember what he said, but I kept copypasting some nonsense supposedly under his name where he had said something to or about sai, and sai played along and pretended that what I wrote was legit. I'm surprised he even stayed after all that lolol great guy though. The ones I love I treat the worst.
    Back in 2012 I had to go and practice dancing for my lovely lady at the upcoming prom, and being the age of the chat as it were I was pretty much in there every chance I got. Chat when I rode the tram; chat when I waited to hit the ballroom; chat when I was at mcdonalds afterwards and before ( true og's remember I was at Mcdonald's every day, a habit I continue to this day god bless ). On one fateful day Maiku had bought a book from Barnes & Noble or some shit and had manage to get the dumb glitter ornament from the cover into his eye, and now he was going about it in the chat as I was leaving home. When I was riding the tram he was there; when I was about to start and when I stopped ceased dancing, he was there; when I went to Mcdonald's for like an hour he was still there going on about the hazards of gold dust and any possible lawsuits he might be able to undertake against barnes and noble. This might have went on for hours and hours without a pause. We don't have that shop in Finland, but if they have went bankrupt unexpectedly in recent years, now you know why.
    I'll write more as they come to me, and I hope some of the other OG chat members could contribute. This forum has been an instrumental part of my life ever since I joined, so like eight years. Over the years I've met like over ten yous irl as friends, enemies and even romantic liaison. I want to give a shoutout to all the original yellow name crew members. 
    Also thank you especially to all the characters that sojourned in the chat back in the day. I'd like to thank everyone individually, and I even tried, but honestly there's just so many and it'd be a great injustice to honor one and omit the other.  Even those who were only there for a couple of times but contributed to the laughs either with their wit, stupidity or both. You know who you are 
  24. Like
    Furik reacted to Tokage in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    I remember Monochrome Heaven as a community for pringles enthausiasts
    I remember Monochrome Heaven touching my forehead in a dark alley and finding a mediafire link inscribed into my skin
    I remember Monochrome Heaven reluctantly feeding me and raising me as its own child 
    I remember Monochrome Heaven taking The People's Download Section away, essentially literally becoming more fascist than Hitler
    I remember Monochrome Heaven teaching me how writing thinkpieces about Dir en grey sometimes is okay
    I remember Monochrome Heaven for its secret hentai board 
    I remember Monochrome Heaven as simultaneously being the most kawaii & unkawaii board of 2016
    I remember Monochrome Heaven teaching me it's perfectlly okay to say that this time you're definitely leaving forever, and then still coming back the next day
    But, most importantly, I remember Monochrome Heaven becau[YOU NEED A MONOCHROME HEAVEN PREMIUM ACCOUNT TO ACCESS THIS CONTENT]
  25. Like
    Furik reacted to Biopanda in Ten Years of Monochrome Heaven!   
    Giant shoutout to all of my Monochrome-Children! Here's to another 10 years of shitposts :v
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