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Status Updates posted by fitear1590

  1. Have your upload speeds ever dropped to like .08 kbps? It took forever to upload just a few megabytes of e-mail attachments yesterday X_x

    1. doombox


      I feel your pain. I recently changed providers and now mine does that all the time. :| 

    2. fitear1590


      I was wondering why I couldn't even upload pics yesterday! Is there any way to fix or 'alleviate' this problem that you're aware of or is it just a waiting game?

    3. doombox


      With my provider it's just a waiting game. I try not to do too much upload/streaming during peak hours. But if yours is more often then that sometimes the can install a "booster" to help you get a stronger signal?

  2. Kaya covering Malice Mizer's "Bel Air (ヴェル・エール)"


    1. lichtlune


      Fuck he actually nails this!

    2. seikun



    3. Jigsaw9


      slayed the hausu downnnn

  3. Do "Am I the only one who..." YouTube comments ever actually reveal anything new or insightful? Sure as shit doesn't seem like it.

    1. Chi


      When I see a comment/post that starts like that, I stop reading right away Lol

    2. platy


      "Am I the only one who breathes oxygen? xd I must be the craziest person on the planet xddd"

    3. fitear1590


      @Chi probably a solid policy, haha
      @platy that is so cringe-worthy, yet totally plausible ;D

  4. Steady Holiday needs more love! Check out this simple, but beautifully shot vod.


    1. CAT5


      Never heard of them, but she's got a nice voice and the melodies are pleasant~

    2. Anne Claire

      Anne Claire

      I remember someone on plug.dj played their song "open water" and i liked it a lot. This one sounds nice too!

    3. fitear1590


      @Anne ClaireYou should check out her Terror EP from 2017! 


  5. Danao is no longer the top user. Things changed while I was away this weekend, haha

    1. stylelover
    2. Catness



  6. One of the vocalists I really enjoy (Jamie Lovatt of "R O M A N C E") just appeared on The Voice UK... Da fuq?!

    1. Senedjem


      was he ridiculed by everyone in the room like anyone who isn't a shiny neutered sparkley bieber thing always is

    2. fitear1590


      LOL, they actually seemed to like him. Keeping an eye on this surreal-ness.

  7. In honor of Yukimi (who will be leaving UNiTE for issues with his back), here's one of my favorite songs composed by him:

    1. Tetora


      Nice. Hope he returns one day, but if he doesnt I am sure he will succeed in his other ventures.

    2. ricchubunny


      This song is flawlessssssss

  8. I feel like I'm going crazy. What is the default font for Google Chrome supposed to be? Facebook/MH look really weird to me now... I think they're in some kind of bold Arial-ish font.

    1. Sakura Seven
    2. stylelover


      you can check the chrome font in the chrome settings

  9. "Trendiest PV Location" is now Tumblrized: http://fitear1590.tumblr.com/post/97613961566/trendiest-pv-location-evar-sincrea-xmas-day Help me find more!

    1. tetsu_sama69


      i think signal used it as well for undertake.

    2. fitear1590


      Haha, thanks! Too bad I've already reached the pic limit for that post...!

  10. DIV fans: do you think they could benefit from a second guitarist or is their sound more "catered" to the one guitarist style?

    1. Tetora


      Always found theyrelied on a simple style from the guitar that gave them their feel. The open uncluttered sound they often have and the power chords used are part of their feel, and their sound as well as distinct feel would suffer, in my opinion.

    2. CaRaN


      I personally would love to hear them with a second guitarist

  11. The RPG-kei saga continues with Souiumono's newest PV (preview) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8M2RdyyX2q4

    1. doombox


      their costumes are looking more expensive these days. XD

    2. Biopanda


      I do kinda miss back when they were a silly smurf-kei band :(

  12. Finals finally done. Time to work on my AOTY lists and start uploading shit again!

    1. beni


      Well done on all the work here and there! Role model fitear-san, how do you do all this!?

    2. doombox


      Congrats! You survived! XD Time for MH to steal the rest of your free time haha.

  13. Taking recommendations for good study/reading music. (That generally means instrumental for me, but I'm open!)

    1. Slsr


      Welp I guess this is just useless and I fail but felt I should write anyway. Not really convinced it would be all that perfect study/reading music anyway but it is just so damn compelling instrumental so felt it should be mentioned still XD...

    2. Takadanobabaalien


      Sigur Ros is good study music.

  14. 4 hit combo: UNiTE.'s live version of "scenes" featuring sax and keyboard is my current obsession!

    1. ricchubunny


      SO MUCH LOVE! They played re:make piano ver on 18th! @_@ hope it become a dvd

    2. Tetora


      Hope to see another one of their loves this year btw. Last one will be hard to beat though since it was with my fav. band.

  15. RarezHut Unboxing NOW: http://www.hitbox.tv/RarezHut

    1. nick


      Panda, gimme that bgm tracklist now.

    2. beni


      Thank you for link.

  16. Thoughts on DOPPEL's new "Röntgen" mini? Need to listen more, but I think I prefer the "Eggknock" mini.

    1. Mihenno


      I agree with you

    2. leafwork


      I still need to listen to it. I really enjoyed Eggknock though

  17. Not sure if trend-setting hipster or the next K-pop fuckboy.

    1. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Is that James Charles

    2. fitear1590


      @Peace Heavy mk II, hdu!!!1! Nah, it's a musician named Gus Dapperton, haha.

  18. Finnish: why you so cray?

  19. I want this to become the hawt new VK PV location: http://fitear1590.tumblr.com/post/114158478421/chicago-castle-house

    1. nekkichi


      this is for local vk acts

  20. I was only into A for Rookie Fiddler, but god damn, Nimo's "au revior" cover is lovely! He can cover all of Merveilles as far as I'm concerned.

    1. Spectralion


      Now, I'm intrigued to listen...

  21. Haven't seen you around in a while. Welcome back!

    1. anieresus


      Thank you! I was M.I.A. due to school/started to not pay attention to the vk scene. But i'm back :D

  22. The new Jupiter b-side "Iolite" officially uses neo VK trash synth. I can't.

  23. On the whole, I like Chanty's newest single even more than m.o.b.!

    1. paradoxal


      oh really? i just got around to listening to m.o.b and i really like it, i haven't even downloaded the newest single yet haha

  24. If you have any tracks you'd like to provide a guest contribution for in the February Recommended Tracks list, be sure to send CAT5 a PM with your blurb as soon as possible!

    1. lichtlune


      Someone do insanity injection!

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