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Everything posted by filth_y

  1. First one sounds "different" but I counted 2-3 guitar riffs already in 教えて that are already in other songs of them, maybe even more if i listen more closely :\ Its just the same formula again... Still good tho!
  2. filth_y

    Didnt even notice hes not japanese from the ESP video. Even tho they wont be anything for me - if they're serious and continue im 100% sure they will outsell mejibray easily since they probably arent limited to the "small" vk scene and can appeal to other rock fans and also to some japanese that are "omg foreigner so kakkoi!!" (instead of the feeling here "omg brazilian this sucks"). Depends what they aim for/going for.
  3. filth_y

    Following them since 2014 i know maybe 5-10 songs they played live but didnt release. But most of them dont fit their last style of "sexy vk" and go back to more of their "hard band" start so i doubt they'll ever be released. Also maybe one of the old members wrote them and they dont want to release it as their song (but also i think Cion wrote nearly all songs himself?). But still i really would love it to listen CRAMMY recorded, it was very fun live. Also, Ab initio is one of their best songs, hope they'll include it.
  4. For me, somehow they start to get repetitive already, especially their song structures and really obviously the vocals (I mostly like what hes doing, but i feel hes out of ideas already and does the same thing in every song). 終日終わり is your typical filler song and i defintly heard those riffs in 死魔流し before. Still liking them and especially that bass! Wonder how many fans are at their lives, i can imagine they were one of the fastest growing vk indies in the last year(s)?
  5. I feel the transition into the first chorus is good but from the chorus into the bridge, I feel there is a cut at 01:18/01:19 in the guitar cover version/radio song. Maybe there could be another part connecting the chorus and bridge missing? But could just be me, feels so sudden and not smooth for me. Also at 02:26 i feel somethings missing connecting the following part. Also I love the drumming especially from 00:38, dont know why there seems much bashing towards Shinya (but im no drummer so idk skillwise). Otherwise im really hyped.. the video, kyos look, the いきてる (?) part. Really looking forward to it.
  6. I somehow always mix ヴァージュ and ラヴェーゼ.. Other recommendations for similiar currently active bands? La'veil MizeriA? Im really bad at these old school sounding bands and want to get into them ^_^/

    1. filth_y


      Thanks! I think Crucifixion might be worth checking but when i think of BugScream i think of more Pop-orientated? I felt the bands i wrote are like the 90s stuff that Grieva was good at "bringing back"? I have a lack of knowledge for this 90s/early 00's type of sound, so might be totally wrong.. I was also thinking of Insanity Injection.

    2. Peace Heavy mk II

      Peace Heavy mk II

      Ehhh...Insanity Injection never really struck me as a revival of anything since their style is kind of unique. All of the members are old dudes at this point, though! 



      I mentioned BugScream because they kind of reminded me of La'Mule a bit. That being said, I haven't really listened to them a lot.



    3. filth_y


      Didnt know them so googled them and found this, which was totally different (is it even the same band you posted, lol?)


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  7. Why? Just sounds like DiSPiИA to me.. You probably have DiSPiИA's live DVD too? I thought this ジグソウ song could easily be one of those played on the DVD but unreleased yet..
  8. filth_y

    I felt so when seeing them live. I'll be honest, i always didnt pay much attention when they played the 3-5 times i saw them (always went for other bands), just felt so. I have only basic knowledge of drums/can play easy things, but (or maybe because of that) i often feel the drummer in a vk is the most/only skilled person (live). How often did you see them live to support your statement? I dont care for studio recordings in visual kei when talking about skills btw.
  9. filth_y

    I dont follow them that much but i always thought he is the leader/main song writer/most skilled member of the band?
  10. filth_y

    Many of マーブルヘッド's songs/riffs are so blantly copied from the GazettE, but more interestingly, while its only an intro, i think they used the intro from 泣ヶ原 (5th song from DIM) just in their song/intro 《 – 知育 – 》 from their Mini 僕等の曲天烈大百科4. While its only 2 seconds taken i wonder it counts as like sampling or just stolen. Noone might even notice since its just 2 seconds, but i noticed immediatly. (No video for the マーブルヘッド song unfortunatly since its just an intro). Edit: Example: 第2話『-通勤途中の悪夢…難産、、グリングリン星人。-』 (02 from 僕等の曲天烈大百科) is a mixture of at least 3 the Gazette songs (first minute is DOGMA) mixed with some "new"/crazy/funny things. The latter are the ones that justify マーブルヘッド as a band for me other band just being a blant copy band.
  11. filth_y

    Oh wow. I didnt check on him in years. What the fuck has happened. At first i couldnt believe its even on his official youtube..
  12. I noticed the session too and was wondering if he moved to Tokyo. Would be really cool if they are Tokyo-based. I felt COCKROACH. played too rarely in Tokyo and i didnt want to fly to Sapporo everytime to see Kyotaro live, lol.
  13. filth_y

    I kept an eye on them since some of their first lives and was suprised they lasted this long after many member changes. But now I didnt expect disband this at this point, thought they will go on for 1-2 more years. Especially not after seing this nice video from Chaotic Harmony: They didnt have huge crowds at the lives i went, but not too bad either. I've often seen them when walking around Shinjuku or Ikebukuro before their lives, especially their drummer was so nice/sweet. But i strongly believe we will see some members in new bands.
  14. Not that bad i think. Instrumentally-wise good and most of the members look really good/cool in reality (well, everyone except the vocalist). However, while i could get used to their (objectively quite bad) vocalist on CD since it somehow fits to the atmosphere, it doesnt translate very well live for me. Just sounds like every note he sings is wrong/crooked.. But his low screams arent bad, suprisingly! (his high ones horrible on the other hand^^). He was hugging a big pillow nearly the entire time while singing (since its a while ago, im not sure but i think while the last song he threw it in the audience and asked them to return it, which they did). If you like them on CD you should give them a shot, i just dont need to see them a 2nd time. I can still enjoy them a lot on CD/PV.
  15. Kinda gave up on the band after seing them live, but this sample got me excited again. They're amazing on CD/PV. Btw: Idk why i've never expected it, but this band had the highest amount of depressive/suicidal looking teenagers/menhera girls with arms full of cuts in a crowd i've ever seen live.
  16. Gotta love how 食べたい was always 100-500 yen on auctions until they released お邪魔します. I always enjoy watching prices of live solds of new bands on auctions without even buying them. Horrible new band but not shared yet? 3000-5000 yen. Shared? 500 yen. Haha.
  17. filth_y

    "アクメ - MONSTER" has many riffs copied from "Linkin Park - One Step Closer" ... (no links sorry)
  18. filth_y

    The guitar riffs are some of the most uninspired i've heard in while. Feels like they wrote this song in 5-10 minutes.
  19. filth_y

    yOshi also sings in some other bands, but in a style that totally wouldnt fit envy imo. I thought he would step down a little from music after his marriage last year. Hiroki is the best drummer from all bands i've seen in japan over the years imo. Such a beast on the drums and nice guy on top. I thought envy was kind of idol for killie but especially for hiha, so i guess the guys must have been really happy to support them
  20. filth_y

    No, they released more. You can find 3 CDs on their homepage, but they released more. But you understood me wrong i think. They have around 10 to 15 songs they play at their lives (usually 4 to 6 songs at one live). Some of those are released, some of them arent. But this is the case for like most bands i think. However, the background guitars, intros, effects etc. playing as "playback" seemed so finished, that i thought they recorded those songs already (thats why i thought they would release a single or mini album this year). But seems these songs will never see the light of day (except if you have live recordings that you can listen to). Thats why some people love live recordings ("terekos") from small bands that have only 1 live distr. but dozens of songs they only played live and didnt have the money to record. Maybe this underlines some thoughts: Take the band LIM for example. When i saw them live i only knew their 1 live distr. and thought they are no big deal but the event live was packed with fans for them and they played 4-5 songs (of which 3 will be released on their upcoming CD). On the same live MEIDARA played, that have some CDs released and seemed to have fans here, but had 0 fans at the event i saw them (most people even left only for their set). Just because a band isnt famous on here doesnt mean they arent "famous" in the vk scene and vice versa I felt BUK BUK was an example of a band not so known here but that couldve had an impact on the vk scene as the new DAMY or DEZERT as some here called them (even tho most/all of their songs are without screams and more melodic). But when i saw their vocalist without makeup and realized how young he was i feared such disbanding would happen when they finish school or so.
  21. filth_y

    Just because you dont know their songs/cant find them on the internet doesnt mean they dont have them recorded or even released.
  22. filth_y

    That is really sad! They were on of the best newcomers in years, their fanbase was "bigger" than most bands i've seen, there were members from famous bands/managers at their sponsored events checking them out, they got somewhat 10-15 amazing songs... Most of the songs even had recorded background music/professional sounding effects. Really thought they will announce some new single or something... I guess they were too young, all around 16-17, and start a something new? I felt their singer was more into softer songs judging from his behavior and session bands and their guitarist into heavy stuff, so maybe musical differences? Really confused!
  23. I love Hiro and all he does musically. Would've hoped he goes back to what he did in early Visage, but i guess those times are long over. I think the chorus is boring, maybe it will grow on me. But i have to say i get a lot of late NEGA vibes from the look/atmosphere, the PV and partly the sound. Dont know yet if thats good or bad. Really like the "clean" guitar parts. Also bassist has cool presence in the video.
  24. filth_y

    Yeah, i loved THE MAD SIMPSON, also loved Outrage. Never thought at that point years later i would just often see Saki in Shinjuku or talk to him at Vrzel or Dispina lives But the stuff he did with XIII Jap or how it was called was just beyond horrible. Lol at the flyers with photoshopped audiences or "major label band" lies. @Takadanobabaalien Never knew about that video, thanks for posting. Since BatAAr seems to be shit tier, i didnt know Saki was Swed
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