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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    Soan x Tenten = OTP lol oh male friendship
  2. ficsci

    ^ my sympathy Wow... it's that huge of a problem huh?
  3. ficsci

    ^ uh-oh, that's really something D: I just google-image-ed my name again, and there are SO MANY visual kei-related pictures, many are bands I don't even recognize. I think it's because of someone's blogspot who reposted something I wrote. And then many others are just Toasted Waffle's fault.
  4. ficsci

    ^ pfft show off information is for spreading not for owning, little one
  5. ficsci

    ^ I hope he wasn't. Poor band, that would be. Well I requested this because some anons were going around saying "I want a video," so I thought if there's really one... why not? XD Although I'd probably be mentally scared after seeing it Huh? He has a son? Why does he have to be someone like this... I find this so depressing
  6. ficsci

    Aww, congrats XD
  7. ficsci

    DszQJiQRrTQ Izam must have gotten tired of singing the same word so many times
  8. ficsci

    is down .____________.
  9. ficsci

    About 595 results (0.26 seconds)
  10. ficsci

    About 33,900 results (0.29 seconds) About 595 results (0.26 seconds) My YouTube channel is the first result Some results are stuff I wrote about Zill Shit, I'm too e-famous D: *hides under the table*
  11. ficsci

    I like it once I'm already there, but I don't like telling myself to make an appointment Do you hide many things from your parents?
  12. yes, you read that right like who isn't curious?
  13. ficsci

    Anything can be a huge cover up for prostitution as long as someone sees it as prostitution
  14. ficsci

    ^ aww good for him, never give up things you value in life, yes?
  15. ficsci

    What the fuck? Not a Vidoll fan, but I never imagined that they would disband any time soon D: Ok, something weird is going on, it's just one after another
  16. ficsci

    Gold, I lol-ed hard
  17. ficsci

    Of course it just has to come to this XD [attachment=0]tarou-akira.jpg[/attachment]
  18. ficsci

    By the way, I've been looking around to find out more about that. Can you please tell me where you heard about it? Edit: sorry I misread the implication as "recreational drugs". I know he took sleeping pills for insomnia and drank for a social lubricant because he was shy. I meant, is there anything else besides those?
  19. ficsci

    By the way, I've been looking around to find out more about that. Can you please tell me where you heard about it?
  20. ficsci

  21. ficsci

    awww that's one of the rare occasions where he kinda looks cute... aside from this occasion:
  22. ficsci

    no because if it is your favorite musician of course it's normal to be sad.i'll never get over it as long as i listen to his music. but to write in a jrock forum thread aaaww the sadness let's grieve for all of them together for the musicians who died. it sounds fake. i can't explain it really I don't like this because it's like dismissing them as a group of people living a similar lifestyle. "oh well they're young, reckless, and take drugs so obviously some die". I think that's not fair. They're not just numbers or "dead people". If it's someone you really like, you can't help but think of them as an individual and be sad.
  23. ficsci

    I don't know if this cheered me up or just made me more depressed D: It aint a new Maria Cross release if it aint gay pr0n
  24. ficsci

    I think the reason why so many bands break up is exactly because so many bands were formed. I mean, these days just about anyone with a computer and basic equipment can begin to form a band. They may not necessarily be good, and if that's the case, the band naturally will disband in time. And because of this, I think people have to do more trial & error trying to find members who can really play and/or who want to make the same kind of music. Thus more band breakups. But yeah, it's different reasons for older bands. For bands like Kagrra, , getting tired after 10 years I think is a pretty justified reason, even though it sucks. And then I think there are (less known) bands who break up because some members are probably getting too old to keep living an alternative lifestyle and need to retire. Or maybe because he's ugleeeeeh XD
  25. ficsci

    ^aww so cute ?れ??
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