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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ^ ah okay, I do think you're perfectly justified there
  2. ficsci

    ^ bwahahaha XD XD yes, very.... cute hope your school director doesn't know who did it
  3. ficsci

    oh man, I have to admit I want to check them out just because of REAL vagina D: (as much as I love visual gay)
  4. ficsci

    Audio Technica *___* I'm just in love with them. Their good earphones are not overpriced and don't break easily (I'm pretty violent with my in-ear headphones).
  5. ficsci

    My livejournal that I used for tranlsations: http://fic-sci.livejournal.com I also have an ameba account. I initially used it to follow band blogs. Now I also write really emo entries in it, so why would I tell you? lol
  6. I was just a lurker in the old TW, so I don't really know what really happened before, but I like the way it is now. And I think Dai should be welcomed to work on the new TW if he wishes, but to have an "ownership" over it is kinda... I mean, I really thank you, Dai, for starting this community, but personally, I've always felt like neither the old or new TW ever belonged to any particular individual in the first place.
  7. ficsci

    wow, that's cool
  8. ficsci

    That's so sad, as intelligence in rationalization rises, social intelligence crashes >__>
  9. ficsci

    h Naoto O__O (A top, that is, not the guy. I wish I can buy the guy XD XD XD) I just can't resist the 50% discount
  10. ficsci

    I'm sick I woke up at 3:30 to do homework, but I woke up with a stomachache (on top of my cold), and now I just want to skip all my classes
  11. ficsci

    maki.filth, what's wrong with real eyebrows? I think you have nice real eyebrows my Halloween costume, dressed as Chicago winter, the source of all misery
  12. ficsci

    I wish I have a job at SPEED DISK!!!!! D: or something like that
  13. wow *overwhelmed by the trolololness of this thread* ... I need to go back to sleep
  14. ficsci

    If he's a good sport, Kiwi should laugh too about the trolling :S Ah yes, but I have to admit, the mustache is a very elegant addition to his image XD Ooh, by the way, he graduated from Kobe University? What's up with jrockers who went to top universities? Ryouhei doesn't exactly have a very good reputation either XD . But Takehito is pretty cool, even though everything about Ayabie is just becoming more and more wtf.
  15. ficsci

    hmm there's also an Anti-Kiwamu page in Facebook, but nothing much is going on there (more like, why bother even making a page? Kiwamu is just for lolzzz)
  16. ficsci

    wow, that's a lot of guts you have O__O kudos!! XD XD XD
  17. ficsci

    ^ omg do it!!! and tell us how it goes XD XD XD For a moment I actually thought this story would end " If fans have the money to make them presents, they can also just send them money as presents." Why even bother to buy a CD? XD It's your loss if you give them money and don't get the CD though... or maybe it's actually a gain to NOT have their CD bwahahahaha XD XD XD
  18. ficsci

    Wow, I've just found a goldmine source of what amber gris members really look like O__O Kaname Koto's eyes are pretty *__* ... I think I see why he's always "the girl" XD Temari Wayne Rami/Yuuma
  19. ficsci

    Methinks Aoi & Ryouhei's new single CD covers are really ugly D: Just to add to the creepiness of Ayabie bandcest mess, their new look is just... D: (eww, the blue eyelashes) http://avexnet.or.jp/ar/
  20. ficsci

    That's exactly what I'm thinking right now :S
  21. ficsci

    WHAT??!! It felt like yesterday when I tried really hard to find their stuff online and couldn't manage to because they were so new. That was a few years ago. (And then I gave up looking and forgot about them, lol) But really, WHAT??!!!
  22. ficsci

    aww yeah, I feel bad for him after what I read in the other thread
  23. ficsci

    Hmm interesting O__O Yeah, I hadn't been following ART-SCHOOL since 14souls. I'm quite curious about this though.
  24. ficsci

    Hmm... I guess I just have a different idea of what "clean singing" is. Like, I don't really consider Ryo from 9GOATS as a "clean singer" for example. He often really distort his voice (whispers, snarls, gasps, eerie falsetto, etc.), which is what makes his vocals so interesting to me. And I feel like vocalists who sing with a lot of vibrato aren't really "clean singing" either (.___.) but that's just me. Anyways, when I think of good vocalist with non-screaming voice, I usually think of Temari (amber gris, Ruvie) and Mao (SID) ^^ Kusano? YES!!!! x 3857293 (omg, they look so old now O__O; ... well I know they're old, but never really really realized it before)
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