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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. RENTRER EN SOI kagerou Phantasmagoria Moran Nega ENDLESS König D Rin UnsraW Dir en grey David Bowie
  2. ficsci

    ^ likes bishies? @sai, aah I see
  3. ficsci

    ^ no, hope never do :S ever trolled kiwamu's facebook? XD
  4. ficsci

    Is anyone showing their fanart to Kiwi? XD [attachment=0]GPKISM-wrong-spell-shit-man-angry.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1]attached-that-person-by-the-mic-stand-Mexican-loves-this-kind-happening.jpg[/attachment]
  5. ficsci

    bwahahaha Mao XD looks like Kiyoharu tried to seduce his own fanboy, that's so dirty
  6. ficsci

    A really salty cheese O__O
  7. ficsci

    I'll have to go kind of far by bus & train to get my guitar effect back from the repair shop. I don't usually mind, but there are other things I should do and I'm sick and feeling kind of weak .___.;
  8. ficsci

    pfft ^^ [attachment=0]o0480085410325924331.jpg[/attachment]
  9. ficsci

    I've been feeling tired too these last few days, even though I think I got enough rest. Le weird. My internet addiction is so back, why am I still here? D:
  10. ficsci

    ^ wow, that's a drastic increase in absolute unique visitors O___O I find that REALLY interesting, that out of all the other music hosted uploaded here, one live track by Kyokutou Girl Friend is in the top 5 search keywords.
  11. ficsci

    All the time in the world No homework Really good relative pitch and a nice v
  12. ficsci

  13. ficsci

    They didn't. They announce an official break up and a last live. You cry for a week. And then they announce that they're coming back as an oshare band "eMu.giRAffE." (sorry that was more like spoiling it that killing it XD XD XD) I wish LUNA SEA would come to Chicago
  14. ficsci

    Herpes XD mohawk or fauxhawk?
  15. ^ gasp! how could you? RENTRER EN SOI Deathgaze kagerou Phantasmagoria Vidoll GPKISM vistlip Made in Glad XodiacK Arkha Sva Moran
  16. ficsci

    that's my favorite emoticon!! ヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノヽ(゜▽??゜)ノ
  17. ficsci

    is the person who owns THAT blog, omg it's you!!
  18. ficsci

    ^ yes, but depends ever had a real dream about a jrocker?
  19. ficsci

    Unless someone gets sick and you want to make 1000 of it kick men's Pocky?
  20. ficsci

    ^ Oo, thanks for the link Pitchfork............. no comment........... >_>
  21. ficsci

    Wut? That's Kiyoharu o.o Oh shiz. o_o Stupid Screw blog with wrong info. >_> Holy crap, that is the most successful Kiyoharu cosplay/fanboyism I've ever seen Especially the tongue, lol
  22. ficsci

    Alkaline Trio - Goodbye Forever I used to cry to Alkaline Trio ;___;
  23. ficsci

    ^ Both Ryouhei and Takehito went to Keio University Ryouhei actually came from a pretty wealthy family of doctors (his family owns this cough candy brand or something), but he rebelled by taking engineering instead of going to med school. There are long interviews about both of them in Rock and Read. Ryouhei's is vol 7 and Takepi's is 16. I found them both translated online. They're actually really interesting XD
  24. ficsci

    I have cough and been walking around with a surgical mask I am somewhat tempted to make a fashion statement out of it Like this XD [attachment=0]kyokutougf.jpg[/attachment]
  25. ficsci

    ^ lol wut? XD XD XD [email protected] oh no, spam target, he's my econ TA XD XD XD
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