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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    (That's right, join the group people! >D ) ^ is 2 years older than me
  2. ficsci

    ^ ah I see, lol ^^
  3. ficsci

    It's fanfic time \(^^)/ I just had to do the most obvious thing after seeing this picture in the other thread [attachment=0]maoxkiyo.jpg[/attachment]
  4. ficsci

    ^ oh noes, he'll attach you to the mic stand D:
  5. ficsci

    ^ Jeebus Christ they look high Lots of Jrockers look like this methinks v [attachment=0]lipring.jpg[/attachment]
  6. RENTRER EN SOI kagerou ENDLESS König D Rin Dir en grey David Bowie T.Rex NightingeiL The Get Up Kids
  7. ficsci

    ^'s number of posts could be a year in the 20th century
  8. ficsci

    not all day, because I'll get depressed when I wake up [pedobear]are you still a teenager (below 20)?[/pedobear]
  9. ficsci

    ^ I quite like legs, 7/10
  10. ficsci

    awww it's a n00blet ^^
  11. ficsci

    ^ who is he? just curious v SIZNA and a dog (a senpai guitarist's), "Kohada-chan" XD [attachment=0]o0352028810985728090.jpg[/attachment]
  12. ficsci

    SIZNA is such a techie guy I wish I know someone like him to help me out with computers & guitar equipment
  13. ficsci

    ^ that sucks D: you don't have holiday although it's Martin Luther King Day? (or do you not live in US?)
  14. ficsci

    <-- yay, I'm no longer Kisaki's errand boy. Wait, what am I happy about? I don't want to be Wataru's punchbag... or Wataru's strangle-bag, coughyouknowwhatI'mtalkingaboutcoughcough
  15. ficsci

    Wow I'm amazed that you managed to find this person O__O I must applaud your resourcefulness
  16. ficsci

    ^ oh right, of course, lol
  17. ficsci

    Oh sweet! Nero gets to hang out with old guys XD (I hope he's not getting too old himself) Wonders what they're holding, those don't look like drum sticks
  18. ficsci

    Do you mean the guy in the picture or video? Maybe she can ask the person who posted the picture, wherever that came from
  19. ficsci

    awww rock'n'roll ojisan buddies XD
  20. ficsci

    F--- yes! TW invades Kiwi's twitter with angryface meme. (This most definitely tops anons invading Aoi's twitter.) I like that mustache, I really do <3
  21. ficsci

    I think I understand how it feels when people say, "MY indies band!!!"
  22. ficsci

    Although we keep calling this thing "visa", it's actually not the visa that he has a problem with, it's the working permit. He has a working permit and he's staying in Japan, but it won't let him earn more than a certain amount of money outside his primary job. And if he keeps playing in Chemical Pictures, he'll exceed that limit, so he can't play in the band anymore (although the money probably goes back to band fund anyway D:) At least that's how I understand what he wrote in his blog. Yay!!! So many releases from bands I like on March
  23. ficsci

    This makes my day XD XD XD XD I have a sore throat right now and would probably sound like that right if I try to sing
  24. ficsci

    The guy who used to be in Ridiot just gave me peta although I didn't even know he has a blog It's so rare that I got random peta from someone I actually know, lol [attachment=0]ridiotwhy.jpg[/attachment]
  25. ficsci

    I love this meme [attachment=0]305.jpg[/attachment]
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