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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    So when is she... I mean he... or something... going to go major. Now we all know he deserves some more attention from adolescent girls.
  2. ficsci

    duralumin! wow, surprised anyone remembers them lol Hey, this is uplifting, enough for me to get somewhere close to
  3. ficsci

    Well, mostly VK "jazz" is more like cabaret-sounding stuff. I would classify it in one of VK's "classic stereotypical" sounds. But some others do make it interesting. So my reaction could be anywhere in this scale --------- But I would say that Sugar (or anything SIZNA touches) has experimented with it very well, in a sense that it's not just "oh that sounds jazzy", but they also explores the more prog rock/fusion-sounding stuff, and in the sense that they don't just swing, but use actual jazz chords & chord progression, funk bass, and actual jazz drumming. But I would still say that SIZNA takes some of the jazz elements from the post-hardcore sound (e.g. At the Drive-In), except I think he integrates it with pop/rock sound better.
  4. lol, this Actually I was really excited when I found out that I can see him totally nekkid. Just wished the video was longer and there was more of him than the girl XD I mean, come on, it's barely a homemade porn. And I feel like he could have scored a hotter chick than that, but oh wells, he's getting some, good for him XD
  5. ficsci

  6. ficsci

    ah! he can do himself homosexually then...
  7. ficsci

    Mama Shaq, Mama Shaq, Shaq's your mom, that's a fact. http://tobeobscured.blogspot.com/2011/0 ... r-mom.html seriously, I'm not a spambot, just trying to do this thing for my school Scav team
  8. ficsci

    ^ lol indeed XD aww kannivalism makes me think of cute babies
  9. ficsci

    I give you browniez XD
  10. ficsci

    AND no clown nose at all
  11. ficsci

    Win Thanks, I'm stealing that pic of Kozi XD but nothing beats Sugizo in black, shiny, high heel boots, making orgasm faces while soloing ooh yeah
  12. ficsci

    Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you SIZNA's face This is the first time I see him without sunglasses when he doesn't have make-up on. He should do this more often, methinks he's actually pretty hot ^^
  13. ficsci

    Moran - Apples amazing XA-VAT - Endo is also epicly cool I'm actually happy about 2011 so far, 85% is because of Moran. NoGod's single is disappointing though. Still haven't listened to CPS's mini (will do that now). Also, kannivalism's new single is coming out next week (better be good because I ordered it >__> ). Looking forward to amber gris & Jiminy Cricket's new releases on June, I believe.
  14. ficsci

    damnit, when are they going to make the mini-album available for pre-order?!! D: I want to order all my shit from Brand X now!!!!
  15. ficsci

    Oh hi there Kiwi! It's me, Shit Man. Long time no see.
  16. Preview of 2 songs are up in the top page of their site (the video). Really really excited!!!! *_____*
  17. Hmm...... Why is Detroit Metal City soundtrack "Amai Koibito" playing in my head? Did not expect this, but curious nevertheless O__O
  18. ficsci

    ouch 3
  19. I think it's still nice of them to try to release this, whether or not it will turn out good
  20. WHY HEALTH PROBLEMS??? WHYYYYYY? just... too many news like that lately
  21. ficsci

    haha ily lol I'd buy it if it has good interviews
  22. ficsci

    I read from a really random place that Plastic Tree's Ryuutaro has nude pictures, to the point that you can see his pubes. But that's one unreliable source. Ok, so Vivid No video ups yet? bummer D:
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