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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    good orange that was the last one D:
  2. ficsci

    oh yes, I'm definitely suffering from "MY INDIES BAND!" syndrome anyways I FUCKING HATE SCHOOL I feel so dead inside, just doing this to survive
  3. ficsci

    uggghhh D: I thought it was his heart too well, I'm really not convinced about the painkiller+alcohol and the suicide one. They have that same rumors going around for Sabu in 2ch, or I guess for every other person. sigh
  4. ficsci

    at that time, he will turn into his real form and eat us all D: No good, it has a lower jaw D:
  5. ficsci

    http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.p ... ow%20biter hah
  6. ficsci

  7. ficsci

    Chianti, are you Indonesian? (because I am ^^)
  8. ficsci

    ^ I thought you were a straight female actually
  9. ficsci

    One may like girly boys, but only if they're boys straight here (I think I was never really confused about sexual orientation. I was confused about my own gender though. And then I don't care anymore ^^ I'm going to look like whatever I currently feel like looking like) interesting that we have so many "others"
  10. ficsci

    I feel like 85% of guys I'm attracted to are Asians. I'm just too used to growing up like that. My type is rock n roll, (but not pothead dumb hahaha). Otherwise I probably can't relate enough to him, because that's all that really matters in my head. Even if he's perfect in all other aspects, if he's not a rock nerd, I'd still be reluctant to a certain extent >__> Other than that I can find a number of different types of guys sexy. But they're never too masculine, or at least don't appear that way. I tend to be attracted to those who look kind of quiet and/or mysterious, but funny. As for physically, I like guys who are thin but very angular. We all know there are 2 types of megane in this world. Nerd-megane and stylish-megane, although few are both. Which one is your type? (I've had enough of plain nerd-megane. There are too many of them in my school and they're not that sexy .___. )
  11. ficsci

    This, but for me 15-35 I don't know about this stuff yet, but what matters most is we're the same age inside. Or just have a lot in common inside.
  12. ficsci

    I always get really emo/depressed a few days before my period ;
  13. ficsci

    ^ hahahha his real form is kappa? XD XD
  14. ficsci

    ^ hahaha his briefs says "gift" amber gris (and roadies?) cosplaying KYOKUTOU GIRL FRIEND [attachment=0]o0640047810959740296.jpg[/attachment]
  15. ficsci

    Sabu-chan .__. I still wonder what really happened from time to time, but there's really no use is there? I'm sorry but I still can't bring myself to say "rest in peace," he'll never really die as long as someone still remembers him. Huh? I've never heard of this suicide part. Who said that? Why did they say that?
  16. ficsci

    You know how men sometimes just stare at hot women's lips instead of listening to them? I feel like I do that too with hot guys Rui <3 *drools* [attachment=0]rui pumpkin3.jpg[/attachment]
  17. ficsci

    You can just use any picture too Okay, I can't go to sleep without doing this [attachment=2]maoxkiyo2.jpg[/attachment] [attachment=1]maoxkiyo3.jpg[/attachment] And this last one is The Pumpkin Head's fault [attachment=0]haha.jpg[/attachment]
  18. ficsci

    ^ holy crap XD XD XD that's just long term sexual harassment XD XD XD
  19. ficsci

    Thanks for posting this. Now I want to check them out just to see their vocalist's funny face and hip-swaying.
  20. ficsci

    ^ oh gawd I can't watch the whole thing D: v this is epic 90s shampoo commercial hairflip. The girliness is mostly Hyde's fault. sYcWmT0IYmw
  21. ficsci

    and G9F_QcALSM4
  22. ficsci

    This thread needs to come back ^^ 6nQdWLwAQiY Gonna have nightmares about clown brides now (but at least hot Rui will also be in it <3)
  23. ficsci

    ^ maybe Koji, Lareine, Kaya, Juka which era of Plastic Tree?
  24. ficsci

    I have to admit yours is even better XD XD how on earth did Kiyoharu's penis get over there (ahh, it could either be behind or in front of Mao, it's a mystery)
  25. ficsci

    If I were brainwashed I guess I have no choice. I wouldn't be able to think of other possibilities in life no? What would you do if Kamijo attempts to turn you into a vampire?
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