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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    Wait, that's not always true For example, I actually quite like aicle., even though I think Emiru's voice is pretty bad. Or rather, the badness of Emiru's voice contributes into making aicle. the obnoxious little oshare thing that I actually quite like XD And although I think Frypan is completely unlistenable, I don't really hate him or the Pumpkin Head. "Bad" indie bands are what makes the scene so entertaining and underground. Just saying Exactly!!
  2. ficsci

    ^ omg who made that? that's really good XD Wow, as much of a jackass he may be, that reason totally makes sense. So I was curious and went to their show in Chicago last year, and Kiwamu also made the announcement that people should not be taking videos. Then he said in bad English that if he catches someone taking video, he'd poke their eyes, and made a poking gesture. But that just made everyone lol XD I also ran into Ken TWICE when he's handing out GPKism flyers outside Plastic Tree and kannivalism's concerts. I was like, "hey, I saw you in US," and the second time I saw him he remembered me. Good thing I didn't run into Kiwamu instead, he might be a jackass about my not being able to pronounce their band name correctly or something
  3. ficsci

    Traumerei is still THE album for me, because that's the Plastic Tree era that got me into them ^^ I also really like Utsusemi, because I think it's solid. Also Parade, because there are some really badass, catchy, grungy classics there. Their singles collection (the one that contains all the songs from their singles, including B-sides, up to around 2001 I think) is also some really solid stuff. B-Men Gahou, I also really like, somehow it sounds kind of like an album to me although it's B-sides collection. But Plastic Tree's B-sides are often cooler than their A-sides in my opinion ^^; Aside from that, I think all their other albums, except Chandelier, had been a favorite of mine at some point.
  4. ficsci

    ^ lol, on what occasion was Kiryu repairing saxophones and reassembling flutes?
  5. ficsci

    ^ hahaha aww, he looks so cute with that giant hair clip
  6. ficsci

    Sometimes I feel like they're even almost necessary in the genre XD Although opinions vary And they may be tolerable (and there may be way too many of them) Go list the ones you can think of right now Sally (the Vambie.) Frypan (The Pumpkin Head) Miku (An Cafe) Emiru (Aicle.) - it's not that I really mind, but his voice gets really unbearable to listen to after a while
  7. ficsci

    borderline creepy Arrrgh dirty old man! (no, that is not a girl!!)
  8. ficsci

    Karin from NoGod ... I've always thought that he looks like a guy when he dresses up as a girl, but... I guess he actually kind of looks like a girl...? *gender perception all confused*
  9. ficsci

    Talk about it I feel like I've been running into a significant amount of shoegaze-influenced stuff (even in VK), even if they're not always straightforwardly/consistently "shoegaze" (that I'm even reluctant to mention them) Ones I know that are legit enough to be labeled with it Supercar Coaltar of the Deepers Plastic Tree Fatima obscure AURORA Atmos*Note Toddle DISH any recommendations?
  10. ficsci

    ^ all 3 the same guy? yeah, I wonder how a drummer can play a oneman a few days after the gibs are off .___. I guess he didn't hurt his wrist(?)
  11. Hmm, I guess I just expected that he'd rejoin Dolly after recovery
  12. HUH??!!! I thought he left the band because he was sick D: Or did he mean he isn't well enough to tour and keep up with the pace of the band? But glad to hear this ^^
  13. ficsci

    Editing my post <3 Coaltar of the Deepers is visual kei? Whoops, I forgot the "visual kei" part of the question :S
  14. ficsci

    Tenten when he was little (with his friend Nobu) SIZNA peeking between Soan and Hitomi... or was he photobombing? XD Aaaarrrgh I feel like I'm e-stalking these two bands too much *guilt*
  15. ficsci

    9GOATS BLACK OUT - "Negai" I cried while reading the PV with the subtitles, because there are just too many people who died recently ;__; Hahaha XD Actually the part that makes me want to cry the most is "素晴ラシキ忌々シサ" and the actual track of "I love suG my life", because they sound like this touching, optimistic closing number T__T Plus, the first time I heard the reference to "Dorofune" in "素晴ラシキ忌々シサ" I just wanted to start bawling already ^^;
  16. ficsci

    ^ Dude no, it's not "brutal" it's "br00tal" You have to be tr00 \m/
  17. ficsci

    Talk about interesting ones, favorite ones, hated ones, etc Not limited to just jrock I honestly haven't watched a ton but my favorites are Fatima - To Exit Grand Finale This really turned me into a Fatima fan. Their actual music performance isn't that great (in fact it's quite... messy ^^ but that's exactly what I found appealing. Epic mosh pits, fun & hilarious episodes, and so much energy *___* I think they did everything that can make an "underground" band so lovable. Merry - Live at Shinjuku Loft Holy crap. Putting that many Merry fans and the band itself under that low ceiling is just... awesome!! O__O If I ever get to see Merry, I want to be in that kind of venue. It makes them sound even more punk rock that they already are. the studs - 20090807 LIQUIDROOM I just have to put this out there, because I'm not exactly a fan of the studs, but their energy really impressed me. (And Plastic Tree's Buchi was drumming for them, except he wasn't shown because he only played support, lol ^^. I have to be honest the fun part starts when they started doing the fast songs consecutively in the later half of the DVD. Maybe it's just because I hadn't listened/watched much of Kagerou, but after watching this, I understood why people love Daisuke so much. Plastic Tree - Kuro Tent 2 Plastic Tree has put out a lot of DVDs, and I think they have gotten better at certain things since then, but I think this one is still the best (with Zero coming second). Ryuutaro's voice was flawless. They did so many encores. And this was also taken at my favorite Plastic Tree era.
  18. ficsci

    NARASAKI (Coaltar of the Deepers) because 1 second he has this semi-cutesey high voice and the next second he does the death metal
  19. ficsci

    ^ "daichuki" lol CPS Shiun, Jimi, and their roadie (?) sleeping in the van
  20. ficsci

    Update: All of Joukuu 8000ft http://fic-sci.livejournal.com/tag/上空8??????ft??少年??天国??届??????? "over flow girl's sick" http://fic-sci.livejournal.com/16985.html The rest of Child Forest hopefully coming soon
  21. ^ Lol, I actually think Culture Club and Prince are catchy just for casual listening XD I prefer pop music from those times to the ones from these days (and I'm born in 1990)
  22. ficsci

    Aww Yea, that reminds me of the kannivalism concert I went to. In the end of the show, the recording of "Shiawase no Ehon" was playing in the background, and the audience sang along to it. The band realized we weren't going to stop anytime soon, so they just sat side by side swaying left and right XD It was the cutest thing ever
  23. ficsci

    Moran (Freeze) in Jasmine You's memorial. Because I had really wanted to see them and I miraculously arrived there just before they played. And because of what happened before that, and Hitomi was crying, but still sang until the end. Copeland, because it was the first and last time I went to see the band that I had been a fan of since 2004. I want more happy crying than sad crying in the future ;__;
  24. ficsci

    ^ uta! (^^) *admires* ooh, in all-white and I love Orange amps <3
  25. ficsci

    http://stat.ameba.jp/common_style/img/a ... spacer.gif
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