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Everything posted by ficsci

  1. ficsci

    I think I kind of missed the drama I just realized that Jake is banned O__O
  2. ficsci

    ^ hahaha wait, you know what Herpes looks like in real life O__O I feel like if I'll ever have a dream about Herpes, Paradeis's Mashiro will also be in it. And so will pedobear.
  3. ficsci

    http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/3325 ... zation.jpg
  4. ficsci

    ^ eh? I recognize you though. What makes someone a lurker/not a lurker?
  5. ficsci

    Wait, this Rosalie? Yeah, that's fast. Even their flyer wasn't glossy yet.
  6. ficsci

    ^ maybe because Ryuutaro got sick? Just falling behind schedule? I can't really imagine what the new album would sound like from the previous singles
  7. ficsci

    what the I don't like the audience's reaction
  8. ficsci

    Hey I'd love to see Shin's sex tape. I mean he's hot. Hmm... I can't imagine Golden Bomber guys having real porn, even though they do those pervy stuff But I think Lupo Label guys might XD
  9. ficsci

    KYOKUTOU's Hayashida Rinda and exist trace's Omi
  10. ficsci

    *sigh* *____*
  11. ficsci

    ^ whoa he looks half of his actual age O__O
  12. ficsci

    ^ omg, the first ever post of a real female in this thread. I must applaud you. Wait, that is a real girl right? Just kidding
  13. ficsci

    I didn't know Maria Cross is such a poet I like stuff Temari writes
  14. ficsci

    ^ lol, he plays with other bands? I didn't know that. I feel like playing with equally bad bands at least won't be as embarrassing as shouting on the side of the street all alone.
  15. ficsci

    Thank you the gay porn XD XD XD
  16. ficsci

    No no no If his face is good enough for gay porn, his artist attitude must be bad! Please remember that.... That's a direct quote from Kiwi, my friend
  17. ficsci

    Therefore: If their face is bad, their artist attitude is good! (???) Kiwamu's inferiority complex about his looks ---> angry self defense ; I mean, his opinions make sense. I'm sure there really are people who are there to just look pretty and not really care about the music. I think he might personally knows someone/works with someone who is shamelessly depending on a girl for money, so he's pissed. That's pretty justified. But the bad thing about him is his uncontrollable public anger. Throwing a guitar? Even telling everyone about it on Facebook? I'm sure frustrations like these happen to other musicians & label owners too, they just don't react so violently, or even if they do, they wouldn't go around telling everyone about it. It's not something to be proud of. It's not like he's perfect or superior than everyone else.
  18. ficsci

    awww I like born's slumber party XD it looks so cozy *want's to join*
  19. ficsci

    bass - 5 years I started with guitar (8 years ago), but I only get slightly better after I've learned bass, lol I also started learning double bass, but only for like half-a-year, because I have to borrow it and I don't have time to commit to lessons D: Also sing in university's chorus, alto (I also used to be in chorus in pre-school & elementary school, but those don't count do they, lol). And in karaoke, bwahahaha (^^)b I think I sing pretty well though... like a man... that I'm not
  20. ficsci

    ^ omg, please
  21. ficsci

    ^ Just.............. really sad .___. it's too freak-accident
  22. Pretty interesting, although I do wonder why obscure is over
  23. ficsci

    I hope there will be no more terrible things this year ;___;
  24. Lay! Miss him, good thing he's still around Me too .___. , maybe we should post a request (if no one has yet) And really can't wait for Apples! One of the few things I'm looking forward to these days.
  25. ficsci

    This thread will not die even after the new fanservice thread! That mannequin is really a slut T___T Same hair, lol They probably ran to save the instruments after taking this picture, haha
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