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Posts posted by r...

  1. 5 minutes ago, The Reverend said:

    They were fun live! They sold these light up clear plastic butcher knives that were incorporated into the furi and looked fun. (Y'know, and the nostalgia of seeing half of Doremidan of course)

    I will totally buy that shit if it's available! I almost saw them (or was it THE BEETHOVEN?) last year, but something came up last minute and I couldn't go.

  2. 1 hour ago, chemicalpictures said:


    Really? they mentioned another single and a album already? I'm only aware of this new double A-side they've announced! That's great news!


    I'm not really feeling YOU (I assume this is the ballad you are talking about) that much aswell, but black bane and Sky fits Heaven are GLORIOUS!



    "Before the release of the album, two singles will be released simultaneously."

    And I guess you're right, the name of the new song was YOU, I could be wrong, though!

  3. 19 minutes ago, Yukimoto said:

    @r... I always wonder if vocalists would still go on stage if they had a cold. I feel like when you are a vocalist that usually colds aim for your vocals because of your range. So even for me it takes a long time to recover if I do get a cold.

    yeah... in this case, it was the tour final and they were recording it, so they probably had a contractual obligation to do it.


    if this happened during the middle of the tour, maybe they could've postponed it, but when it comes to something this big, vocalists can't bail out with "just" a cold. it has to be something so damaging that they can't go onstage. and besides, they are pros. they are used to these little problems happening on the road. マオ sounded off in a couple of songs, not all of them. 

  4. Does the ◇ in FANATIC◇CRISIS qualify? I sure think so!

    What about Lυτёη∀, mi'ze:lia, ∀ile≠de〔Σu〕, Loz'a≠Veria, L∞P, Lure+Selene, Λucifer, 【zɔ́:diæ̀k】 , Mëbíus, DAS:VASSER, 【denno:oblaat】 , MARRY+AN+BLOOD, La'miss†fairy?


    I love the story about nuvɔ:gu, they used to be called just Vogue back in the early 90s and played a very standard type of V系 and, for some reason, around 1995 just decided to go "fuck it, we just love Pete Burns way too much, let's be Dead or Alive!"






  5. 1 hour ago, meat said:

    The band argues about playing Gekisei live more often. It seems they all love it but find it too tiring to perform 15mins straight.


    I asked 結生 about why they didn't play it as much as other songs from that album and he basically said that it's too long to fit a "normal" concert and they can play 3 or 4 more songs without 激声. Which is true and you can check that by looking at the recent tour setlists.


    They do seem to love the song, though. ネロ was a bit surprised when I mentioned that it was my favorite MERRY song. 結生 also said that it takes a lot of time to memorize the whole song, too. With limited rehearsal times, it's probably better saving it to a special occasion, I don't know.

  6. early Laputa was the shit:






    mid-era Laputa was the shit:





    such a pretty song! my favorite ballad. the aki + Kouichi tag-team was amazing.



     (JOY! JOY!)


    late Laputa was the shit:







    Favorite albums:



    their most accessible and incredibly solid all the way through. The only stinker is Refrain Limit / Drug Habit.



    the one-two-three punch of ALKALOID, LOWSPIRITED and MONOCHROME is better than whole discogs of lesser bands.



    the ultimate version of 奈落の底 is here. plus, an eternity and Vertigo.


    God, they were good.

  7. I love them. Have almost all their albums, except the post-EMI stuff (still working on that), but this is seriously one of my absolute favorite Laputa songs:



    this song rules.

  8. GAUZE-era Dir en grey is the epithome of the 90s. They basically copied EVERY SINGLE 90s trend, mixed everything up and put it in a beautiful, beautiful package. It's kinda inspiring, actually.


    The transition phase (also known as the ICE AGE, in Japan) however, was very influenced by Dir en grey's later work, such as 鬼葬 and six Ugly. MACABRE is the "transition" to the transition, so to speak. It still has elements from the late 90s, but tried breaking new ground for them with various degrees of success. Sonically and visually. I'd like to expand on that later :tw_grin:.


  9. 1 hour ago, Tokage said:

    Does Yu-Dai just only hang out with dudes who have that exact same hairstyle or is the guy on the left also the same dude from Sex-Android?

    it's the same dude. 


    I do feel it's a bit wierd that they are on 寺子屋, which is a sub-label of ART POP, but, SEX-ADROID's contract with APE ended a while ago. And leader is still working with ART POP ENTERTAINMENT too... 



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