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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. D should just really step off the major label bandwagon and do its own thing with GCR again. I really couldn't be more upset seeing one of my favourite bands having taken such a huge step down into the general rock approach.
  2. Kamijo performed Fuyu Tokyo in Paris, too, right after Moulin Rouge. Personally it wouldn't have been my first choice of a song, but it was still more than just amazing to hear him sing a Lareine track again live.
  3. Lestat

    I wish I could travel somewhere, be it Japan or any other country in the world. But I have no money — I cannot find a job, nor do I have any friends, and due to my several anxities and Asperger's Syndrome it isn't practical for me to travel somewhere on my own without relatives or acquaintances. The only foreign countries I have been to were the ones my parents took me to during camping and such, but I never got much of a say in this seeing as I were younger that time. I could go with my family, still, but their idea of vacation varies a lot from mine. I want to see things, discover places and explore culture and religion. What they want is to plop down on their arse and stare into the sun for two weeks straight.
  4. I wish I could grab some of these tapes, but considering the shipping is about 15× the price of the actual items, I don't think that'll work for me...
  5. Lestat

    If the word 'friendzone' could be applied to these cases, then I've been put into it more than just once (as a girl). By my guy friends I've always been dubbed as undateable because I often came across as 'one of the guys', because I could be their buddy to play videogames with as well as someone they could somewhat open up to emotionally without having to fear it'd damage the relationship. It's bothersome when you realize it does perhaps exist.
  6. Lestat

    I love seeing the variety of people in here, and who attracts who Everything in one picture for me.
  7. Lestat

    For that price... I sincerely hope that's a typo?
  8. Lestat

    Two fake red roses for whatever furi Kamijo has in mind tomorrow.
  9. Lestat

    ^ That video reminds me of
  10. Lestat

    I don't know any other artist besides DEAD END on your list (yes, OutKast, but that doesn't do it for me) — and naturally, Seiren is an awesome track. Damn, I am still so bummed that I didn't know DEAD END were coming to Paris earlier, otherwise I would've extended my weekend other than just going to see Kamijo... amber gris - this cloudy CELL-セル- - 振り返った君 BUCK-TICK - PIXY DEAD END - Devil Sleep LUNA SEA - Hurt Madeth gray'll - 白昼夢の惨劇 Megaromania - Transparent Shine D'elsquel - Entice Ballet 聖飢魔II - 有害ロック Art Cube - Soaring Awakening That's me for absolutely adoring the track of Megaromania everyone hates most. I can't ever get enough of that one.
  11. Lestat

    Phantasmagoria 凛 -the end of corruption world- Versailles/LAREINE (I really can't choose, and both simply have to be included in here) MALICE MIZER D Megaromania amber gris X JAPAN NightingeiL ネガ I don't think any of these need any specific explanation as of why they are my favourites. A lot of names speak for themselves.
  12. Lestat

    KAMIJO - Royal Tercet
  13. Lestat

    12012 - FORTITUDE
  14. Lestat

    Not too comfortable on sharing pictures, but here we go. This is from Jupiter's Euro tour.
  15. Lestat

    I'm upset that I'm not running a good PC to download any games on. So this Steam sale is quite a bother to me. My video card is quite literally almost burned out with how old it is, so no Steam fun for me regardless of how many good games are on sale there. I've just finished playing Watch_Dogs on the XBONE. I'd say the storyline was marvellous and enjoyable, but relatively short. They could've done so much more with the concept and could've thrown some variation into the game. It was promised to be the new generation of innovative gaming, but to me it sort of just felt like a GTA spin-off that they didn't put that much effort into.
  16. I used 'Rocketeer' as a reference in tie of the Fallout games and Team Rocket when I originally started my account on the Serebii forums, however a lot of people think it's related to some sort of song (which came out after I used it) by a group I do not like, which sort of aggravates me, because that group does not define my musical taste at all. It's quite recognizable, or at least that's what I'd think.
  17. Lestat

    たとえばこんなはなし - モノレオン
  18. It'll only be sold in certain Kansai-only physical stores. No mention of it being sold online, thus I suppose we can't expect that to happen. I'll keep a look out for a copy on auctions.
  19. Lestat

    Jin is magical, that's really not hard to see. But most people refuse to.
  20. Lestat

    CDJapan actually fails to declare your order as a gift. I always have the gift-option on on there, but for some reason they just don't include it on the packaging order. Here in the Netherlands it's supposedly up to 40€ or 45€ when you declare something as a gift, but I've had items that were between 24€ and 40€ and I still got charged custom taxes that were almost always about the same price as the actual items were. Recently I've just started purchasing through them in a manner that is still more expensive than avoiding taxes alltogether (which isn't possible anymore anyway), but at least less expensive than getting charged for taxes all the time. When I order, let's say, four CDs, I just let them pack them in two shipments so it's only about 700¥ or 900¥ shipping costs each time. That's better than getting smacked in the face with +20€. It's also idiotic here in the Netherlands that the post service forces you to pay each and every coin, in impossible charges (like 27,13 or something, we don't even have one or two cents anymore), and they don't have portable ATM-machines (which exist, and they're able to purchase them). The delivery men also always tell you they don't have any change (which they have, they're just lazy fucks who also 'forget' to ring your doorbell and then just say you weren't home), so I usually pay them even a few euros more than is actually necessary because I don't carry small cash on me. They're just always finding for a way to try and rob you off your money, no matter what.
  21. Lestat

    Not as much as I wish I'd have. I came a year too late into VK and therefore missed a lot of great artists whom I would have wanted to see now. last.fm 2011.05.08 - D, de Melkweg, Amsterdam. [NL] 2011.07.02 - X JAPAN, Tivoli Oudegracht, Utrecht. [NL] 2011.08.07 - DIR EN GREY, Tivoli Oudegracht, Utrecht. [NL] 2011.09.20 - ネガ, Tivoli de Helling, Utrecht. [NL] 2012.03.19 - Megaromania, Tivoli de Helling, Utrecht. [NL] 2012.04.12 - BLOOD, P60, Amstelveen. [NL] 2012.05.02 - D, de Melkweg, Amsterdam. [NL] 2012.07.08 - A (エース), Tivoli de Helling, Utrecht. [NL] 2012.11.09 - アンティック-珈琲店-, de Melkweg, Amsterdam. [NL] 2012.12.19 - BLACK LINE, Tivoli de Helling, Utrecht. [NL] 2013.03.16 - OROCHI, 330Live, Den Haag. [NL] 2013.05.19 - Calmando Qual & Plunklock, Tivoli Spiegelbar, Utrecht. [NL] 2013.09.24 - Kaya, NH Koningshof, Veldhoven. [NL] 2014.02.07 - Jupiter, Werkstatt, Cologne. [DE] 2014.07.04 - KAMIJO, Divan du Monde, Paris. [FR]
  22. I am enjoying Kamijo more than ever.
  23. Lestat

    I took a class with a guy who was diagnosed with both Schizophrenia as well as Bipolar disorder. He managed somewhat on medication (which was also why he was allowed to be in a normal school), but his episodes were sometimes very scary to witness when it broke through his medication. I can't fathom what people who have this go through, that their own mind and rationality just works against them and they cannot help it or argue with it. I hope Akane finds some sort of peace in himself, or that at least he'll be taught techniques with which he can control his episodes to a certain degree, because there is no cure.
  24. Lestat

    It's still in doubt whether that article is even genuine though. Either way, they do not state that they are incapable of animating women - there are still enough female NPC's in the game who are undoubtedly going to have an important role. People have probably missed some promotional images too because there is clearly a female on the poster who is even remotely dressed as an assassin, she just won't be a playable character. Personally, I've sat through this entire hateful bombardement toward AC: Unity on Tumblr when the trailers were released, and I suppose people can't get enough of it, but it's really tiring because we as neutral prospecters, aren't allowed an opinion apparently - I tried to come up with my own opinion on Tumblr and I got hated on because I apparently was oppressing women because I couldn't care less whether the protagonist is male or female? I am woman myself, why would I. It's funny though because the blogs who attacked me clearly stated that they were all about feminism. I don't care what a protagonist looks like, whether they are male or female, white or black or asian or hispanic, it's the story that makes a game for me. I am overly happy with Arno; I want to learn his story, I don't want to bother to get myself in an angry twist because I cannot see myself (as a female) being represented in this game. I really don't care at all.
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