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Everything posted by Lestat

  1. Lestat

    Have you scanned these photos and uploaded them anywhere? (WLUCP's VIP section would be nice). Either way, to Fleur de Neige and others who are interested, these items will likely be put up for auction by Kisaki himself on mbok or auctions.yahoo, if not by another person.
  2. Lestat

    The Execute - Escape
  3. Lestat

    That first ZARD track posted sounds like a Police rip-off, though. Also, all ballads I can think of are from 1989 so they won't count, aha. I'll try to find one I enjoy. edit: can't find one. All ballads I know of are from albums released in the 80s.
  4. Lestat

    A mousemat with this image http://tinyurl.com/ntf72ge
  5. Dir en grey Malice Mizer girugamesh Fatima RENTRER EN SOI Jupiter Kisaki Project Buck-Tick Deadman Oblivion Dust RIBBON
  6. Lestat

    There's one subject people keep pressing on that I have hard time with. What would be a man's reason for acting really masculine and tough around women? I don't find it attractive at all when guys try to impress women by being 'manly'; rather it's really repelling, yet a certain class of women seem to be really attracted by it and I just can't grasp onto the idea.
  7. Dir en grey Malice Mizer NoGod Moi dix Mois girugamesh Fatima RENTRER EN SOI Jupiter Kisaki Project Buck-Tick Luzmelt
  8. Lestat

    Art Marju Duchain
  9. Lestat

  10. Lestat

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted into some form of hypergalactic
  11. Lestat

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning vigorously, everything bursted
  12. Lestat

    Once Zess ate beans that tasted like shit, thinking, "what the dick?", so threw them at the cat cause he is such a crazy little bastard. After drycleaning
  13. The weightloss is an illusion, lol. His face is still very full as is his neck as I saw him on the fourth of July, angles and lights work a lot of magic on that man.
  14. Lestat

    KAMIJO - Louis 〜艶血のラヴィアンローズ〜
  15. My ovaries don't get enough time to restore with this man. Fuck.
  16. I feel, as a Kisaki fan, that I'm not being given a positive, personal opinion of my own about the him, or quite frankly anything related to him. I've realized that being fond of him is somewhat of a burden too as other Visual fans usually judge me for it and constantly make me aware of his faults where it isn't necessary (not in this case per sé, as I myself looked into this topic) as I am very much aware of his faults. Every human being is full of faults. No one is flawless and there are some where it shows more evidently because frankly, Kisaki isn't that good at hiding things, and I am very much aware of it, but I don't throw a relentless fit everytime he says or does something stupid, because that's human nature. There have been times where I've been directly accused for things he did (like, what the hell...) or that I've been bullied because I am fond of him. Like inartistic said, Kisaki is hunted, preferably up towards the very cross at which a lot of people desire to see him burn and no one gives him any rest until he ends up breaking down again, for which of course, the 'fans' blame him, and regardless of what anyone thinks, he's very self-aware. As a fan this is very hard to constantly be confronted with wherever I look into topics about him. Whether that is on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter, Livejournal, or forums such as these. No one ever has a good word to spare about him, and quite honestly I'm in deep on an emotional level where I feel conflicted too, whether that makes someone think of me as a rabid, obsessive, mentally challenged fangirl or not. There are a lot of musicians who have been involved in some shady business, but no one bothered with them longer than about two months, after an occurence. Kisaki's problems are following him because people are constantly shoving things back in his face from years ago (like the Kyo/Kisaki incident, or his tax evasion - of which he isn't the only one having done so, but do you hear anyone about Dynamite Tommy? Nope). There are only few who ever view him from his good side; there are tons of musicians he assisted, he's given the entire Kansai scene a foundation, man — his dedication is insane because no matter how terrible he feels, he'll stand on that stage whereas a lot of musicians already stay at home and cancel their lives when they suffer from a cold. He's always done events, brought bands and fans together, releases music on the go, made sure you could listen to your favourite obscure Matina bands and newer UCP bands, and a whole hell of a lot more. But I never read something positive about him other than the words that leave my own mouth or keyboard, and from the close-knitted group of his fans which luckily still exists on Twitter and WeLoveUCP.
  17. Lestat

    Why? It's just 'hilarious' to you anyway.
  18. Lestat

    Bothered by a certain thread on MH. I bet anyone could guess which one that is.
  19. That's fine, you're entitled to your opinion too. But if this had been anyone else no one would've given two shits about it.
  20. Personally I think that obsessively digging this deep into his life is just as sad, if not sadder.
  21. Will check this thread every five minutes now.
  22. Lestat

    Aaah, 300 posts, I am no longer Kisaki's errand boy (girl) T___T
  23. Lestat

  24. Lestat

    Deshabillz - 夢遊の湖
  25. I don't think it's fair to immediately add it to the list again, HIZAKAMI. Therefore it's going down again. MERRY Dir en grey Malice Mizer NoGod Moi dix Mois Grieva girugamesh Fatima RENTRER EN SOI DuelJewel ZI:KILL
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